#1 2019-04-28 18:15:09

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Is it maybe possible for members, users of this forum, to be able edit old posts please? Note by law you are suppose to give the users this "freedom".

I try make some posts i made more readable...

and maybe sometimes someone likes to take back a few words.

I can clean-up posts... but that would mean you be in jail and your whole server in a government warehouse. I am sure you will not like to see that.

(i know it sounds like blackmail)

But seriously... i know you have been thinking about this many years ago when you made this forum. Why did you decide to use the NO-EDIT feature?

(damn i feel like i not treat your work and you with respect, sorry man)

Last edited by iCQ (2019-04-28 18:22:38)


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#2 2019-04-28 19:00:49

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#3 2019-04-28 19:44:53

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Re: Tuia

It is hard to stay on topic... it is even more hard to actually post a funny clip... i totally not get it.

Ahmed what is your take on this "right to edit" topic? Or just here for the trolling? lol

And wtf is zone-h? Ur work? Or u just a zone-h lurker?

And just for your information Ahmed... u cant even spell your own city right? It is Aïn Bénian not Ain Benain! (and for locals: عين البنيان)

Last edited by iCQ (2019-04-28 19:56:06)


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#4 2019-04-28 20:13:30

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Re: Tuia

Oh crap, will tuia have BFRM from prison?


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#5 2019-04-28 21:14:52

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Re: Tuia

We wont let him even get close to prison... quite sure the liberal minded Portuguese judge will take it as a civil matter thus only fine and "confiscate goods".

Sorry man, i am being an asshole... (what else.is new)

my point is valid to the extend that i am sure the community/forum will benefit  from it. Maybe it is not "technically" possible for him as he set this up many years ago.

It is a request... i do not care that much, i wont go on a delete spree either. That is often a reason for BB starters NOT to allow users to edit.

Like in facebook... it is a serious matter there, and still the butthole Zuckerburg is not allowing us to really manage ones own data.

Last edited by iCQ (2019-04-28 21:19:05)


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#6 2019-04-28 21:43:44

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Re: Tuia

Maybe some people should think before they type things in here .. just saying

If you haven't got something nice to say don't say it

and my fav saying or belief.. don't text or post while drunk big_smile  speaking from experience on this one lol


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#7 2019-04-28 21:54:06

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Re: Tuia

You are so right Piper! And yes i agree with you that one should think before do.

Please note i as this not because my drunken posting spree... or whatever. But i ask this because today i decided i want to try and see if we can do a joystick topic here:


After posting i realized that it will be a major pain in the butt when later i decide to add the most important matters about this topic to put in the first post.

I am not sure if u know what i mean. Ever been on forums where u can just read the first post to get all the info u are looking for?

(i am sure at some point someone will share their windows joystick tricks and i would want to add them to the first page)

For now i not seen anyone reply yet tho... have u ever tried playing with joystick in bf1942 Piper? And you Tuia? Ever tried it??? It is super fun!!

Last edited by iCQ (2019-04-28 21:55:58)


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#8 2019-04-28 21:55:56

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Re: Tuia

iCQ wrote:

It is hard to stay on topic... it is even more hard to actually post a funny clip... i totally not get it.

Ahmed what is your take on this "right to edit" topic? Or just here for the trolling? lol

And wtf is zone-h? Ur work? Or u just a zone-h lurker?

And just for your information Ahmed... u cant even spell your own city right? It is Aïn Bénian not Ain Benain! (and for locals: عين البنيان)

well icq P0n take care my be u ill find some day ur web site in list Who know's
its ain benain  because we called Gyville in google u ill find it Aïn Bénian .


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#9 2019-04-28 22:01:26

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Re: Tuia

hahaha yeah who knows... actually i made 1000's of sites and servers already in my life. Yeah some been hacked or defaced... but nope... i never had to cry about it on another server! Remember the most easy thing to do with a defaced website is to deface it again to your own liking. lol

But ey Ahmed is that your service/website? (if yes, nice!)


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#10 2019-04-28 22:19:38

Empress of Doom
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Re: Tuia

It's Tuia's site. He pays for it himself. Let him do what he pleases with it.


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#11 2019-04-28 22:22:29

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Re: Tuia

Sunshine wrote:

It's Tuia's site. He pays for it himself. Let him do what he pleases with it.

I know the difference between "mein und dein" Sunshine thanks! lol

"mein und dein" an old german saying for "what is yours and what is mine".

I just request... thats all... i know the man is busy.

And Sunshine... it is his site.. but don't you think you can fool me! Because that there was YOUR post! wink

The whole problem we have in European court rooms about privacy and bla bla is because the Euro governments, legislators and lawyers started to SUE the owner of a site... not the "content creators" whom post.

Same with illegal downloads... the guys (good) from piratebay are messed up... just because... well... i do not need to go into this issue.

The whole point is if you not give the correct freedoms and rights to your users you will cut yourself in the fingers at some point. Lets say tomorrow i upload child porn or something else illegal. After the post cannot be edited anymore the OWNER (Tuia in this case) is responsible for it. That you should not want... unless you of course have no clue on how law actually works.

More important is... if u not let ur users "clay" with the content they share then you will never get a real art piece!

I am not asking or demanding for anything. No need to be able to delete posts... just EDIT until topic is fully closed/finished!

Last edited by iCQ (2019-04-28 22:29:32)


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#12 2019-04-28 22:29:59

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Re: Tuia

I JUST WANT TO EDIT THE JOYSTICK TOPIC hahahaha geeezzz... nah nevermind!!!

Damn u guys make me feel bad for even asking about this! And it is NOT because i want to delete my drunken messages (even tho i am ashamed for it LMAO).

(thanks for the time guys)

Last edited by iCQ (2019-04-28 22:30:57)


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#13 2019-04-28 22:32:21

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Re: Tuia

I LIKE This guy tuia and  I want to thank him for his efforts his name is memes to me that is all thnx agin tuia really i mean that xxx


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#14 2019-04-28 22:35:04

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Re: Tuia

ahmed:) wrote:

I LIKE This guy tuia and  I want to thank him for his efforts his name is memes to me that is all thnx agin tuia really i mean that xxx

Same here Ahmed... i dont care his political views... i dont care where he is from... but what he shares with us is really nice. I already asked him how i could help (donate) but he 100% sails on his own power (very respectable). Just today i came up with something that maybe he wants to reconsider/think about. That's all! (i think he knows this)

May i ask Ahmed what is "We will return as we"??? Is that borg/star-trek? Or Islamic saying? Or a country culture thing?


(off topic, what else is new)

Last edited by iCQ (2019-04-28 22:36:32)


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#15 2019-04-28 22:38:42

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Re: Tuia

iCQ wrote:
ahmed:) wrote:

I LIKE This guy tuia and  I want to thank him for his efforts his name is memes to me that is all thnx agin tuia really i mean that xxx

Same here Ahmed... i dont care his political views... i dont care where he is from... but what he shares with us is really nice. I already asked him how i could help (donate) but he 100% sails on his own power (very respectable). Just today i came up with something that maybe he wants to reconsider/think about. That's all! (i think he knows this)

May i ask Ahmed what is "We will return as we"??? Is that borg/star-trek? Or Islamic saying? Or a country culture thing?


(off topic, what else is new)

Mediterranean Sea.


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#16 2019-04-28 22:41:05

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Re: Tuia

ahmed:) wrote:
iCQ wrote:
ahmed:) wrote:

I LIKE This guy tuia and  I want to thank him for his efforts his name is memes to me that is all thnx agin tuia really i mean that xxx

Same here Ahmed... i dont care his political views... i dont care where he is from... but what he shares with us is really nice. I already asked him how i could help (donate) but he 100% sails on his own power (very respectable). Just today i came up with something that maybe he wants to reconsider/think about. That's all! (i think he knows this)

May i ask Ahmed what is "We will return as we"??? Is that borg/star-trek? Or Islamic saying? Or a country culture thing?


(off topic, what else is new)

Mediterranean Sea.

Ah ok thanks! Nice!


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#17 2019-04-30 15:46:33

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Re: Tuia

my last share on simple
until we maybe get a bit more proper freedom, good luck to you all!

(and do not die from boredom)


Anybody with a little bit of brain and morals buy this product from PURISM! Get one for ur kids, wife and grandparents too!

U can start by check out purism OS:




Last edited by iCQ (2019-04-30 16:01:30)


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#18 2019-04-30 21:19:39

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Re: Tuia

iCQ wrote:

my last share on simple

Until you get drunk again? hehe   tongue

Last edited by PipeR (2019-04-30 21:20:00)


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#19 2019-04-30 22:26:46

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Re: Tuia

hahaha i do not drink normally, thats why i acted to strange (and some other reasons)...

anyway i wanted to add about:

which is a great tool, but i found it only the day before after the edit time passed by.

Now i can either open a new thread or not add any important details to the first post.

With all respect to Tuia i feel it is getting a bit old fashioned to lock posts. Thats so 1960's! (ok i lie, its like 1990's) but is still old.

I might be back only for simple related things or for cool members like you...

ciao ciao (im in the bus on my way home)

Last edited by iCQ (2019-04-30 22:27:17)


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#20 2019-04-30 22:51:59

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Re: Tuia

iCQ wrote:

hahaha i do not drink normally


Yes, that's the problem big_smile



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#21 2019-05-01 01:01:38

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Re: Tuia

Arkos wrote:
iCQ wrote:

hahaha i do not drink normally


Yes, that's the problem big_smile


true true....

something the guys in BF league TS shared:

Pretty amazing!


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#22 2019-05-01 04:13:07

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Re: Tuia

Ok so i get you want to edit your original post .. so say you edit ur OP say 5 times over a week .. does that bump the thread up to the top or does it just change what is in ur OP.

Question for you.. If it doesnt bump up your thread to day that your OP has been changed . how are you going to let ppl know that you have changed your OP?

My suggestion would be to make another post at the bottom of thread simply saying OP updated  which will them bump the thread up with new posts .. but then whats the point of just changing your OP
why not just continue the thread with new information ?

I dunno maybe  im just weird to think like this..


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#23 2019-05-01 05:11:48

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Re: Tuia

iCQ wrote:

my last share on simple

See you tomorrow.


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#24 2019-05-01 07:37:17

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Re: Tuia

Good news, they've added a feature where you can edit your message. Just reply to your message and indicate your corrections. Everyone will then misunderstand what it was that you meant!


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#25 2019-05-01 07:38:50

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Re: Tuia

Russ wrote:

Good news, they've added a feature where you can edit your message. Just reply to your message and indicate your corrections. Everyone will then misunderstand what it was that you meant!

Sorry, I meant everyone will understand what it was you meant! Wow, it's working already!



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