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Today i was about to enter the game and i don´t know why the game just doesn´t start/run, the screen goes black and instead of seeing the marvelous intro of the game i hear the appcrash sound and it returns to my desktop without showing any message of the failure, yesterday after the Europe league´s matches i entered to play without any problem, if someone knows how to solve this X file please help me. (no i did not touch any file of the game) thank you.
Which OS?
windows 7 home premium
I have also Win7, updated nVidia Driver 2 days ago to the newest, incl. Shadowplay and GforceExp and what i see, if i join as before a server, just after the game starts, it crashes to Desktop.
I have to wait, until ShadowplayOverlay is loaded, then it works fine.
But in your case, can you look if Blackscreen.exe is running as admin too, as Bf1942.exe?
i founded the problem, i think that it is strange but, if i try to run the game in my TV/monitor with hdmi it doesn´t run, but without it, it works. The reason i plug the hdmi is because i have more resolution in my tv/monitor playing Fallout.
sometimes i have the same problem with you. keep the hdmi but before you run the bf1942 change your screen resolution to "recomended"
ok, i will try it later, thank you.
That's the other possibility.
A wrong, unsupported resolution, (or Refresh Rate), stored in the config file, can also force the crash.
Pages: 1