#1 2019-01-12 14:49:04

Reputation: +941
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problems when logging in

hello people ..

I have a question .. so .. a friend of mine or an experienced clan player has recently the following problem when starting the game ...

Step one: multiplayer
Step two: internet
Step three: stand still

does any of you have a helpful and enjoyable tip?

thank you in advance smile


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#2 2019-01-12 15:34:26

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Re: problems when logging in

RaketenHorst wrote:

Step one: multiplayer
Step two: internet
Step three: stand still

This does sound like the point in time at which BF1942 would hang when the master server isn't accessible.  i.e. What used to be master.gamespy.com out of the box, and what people now set to master.bf1942.sk now by one of various methods.

So the most likely answer is maybe they just don't have tuia's updated BF1942.EXE applied (which includes switching over to master.bf1942.sk, among other things).  Have them run through applying  http://team-simple.org/download/battlef … _v1.61.exe again.

The other possibility is that they do already have the fix (or one of the other workarounds, like changing their HOSTS file instead of applying a fixed BF1942.EXE), but the symptom is happening because not even master.bf1942.sk is accessible to them right now for some reason.  The hang symptom is going to occur "whenever the master server is inaccessible", which isn't limited to "because they're still trying to talk to the default master.gamespy.com server that shut down years ago."


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#3 2019-01-12 16:44:26

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Re: problems when logging in

.. thx sir smile

we will try that


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#4 2019-01-12 19:36:57

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Re: problems when logging in


Yes, you need the last Gamespypatch from Oktober 2014. (Depends which version he has, Retail or Origin).




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#5 2019-01-12 20:02:48

Reputation: +941
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Re: problems when logging in

.. der Macker hat das Spiel auf CD ... also von CD .. das hakt ... nix geht .. die Patches interessieren igendwie auch nicht hmm ... ging jahrelang .. nu nich mehr


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#6 2019-01-12 20:03:34

Reputation: +941
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Re: problems when logging in

.. ist einer von DGJ ... der fast täglich auch bei uns spielt .. komisch


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#7 2019-01-13 07:54:53

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Re: problems when logging in

Arkos wrote:

Yes, you need the last Gamespypatch from Oktober 2014. (Depends which version he has, Retail or Origin).

Possibly.  But at least according to tuia, that's why I was pointing to the .EXE patcher instead of the individual .ZIP files.  Because the .EXE patcher contains both the logic and the needed files to detect and patch either a retail (CD) installation or an Origin installation.  The caveat being if you have both installed, it's only going to patch retail (CD) and not the Origin install.


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#8 2019-01-13 14:29:20

Reputation: +941
Registered: 2016-01-05
Posts: 998
Android Chrome 71.0

Re: problems when logging in

.. thx for your time Trench ... we will try that smile


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