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Yeah, ... dam flakkers
Arkos, depends, last clip of fake's kill with b17 low gun is like 2-3 days ago, some others are several weeks old for sure, I only rec when I feel something fun or crappy may happen, have tons of similar clips lying around. (Un)fortunately for everyone, the best is often not recorded..
Sry Arw, this savage move just fitted too well between two big explosions
Abas, result of our training longtime ago ^^ On this 1rst clip you can see a tank shell running to me while the clip fade out, plane burned to death - was on foot like nooo crap crap crap... still very much a wip !
Cool video with b17 gunning and respect for nirvana on background.
Exactly! I would put an extra + for that if I could
Rly nice videos!