#1 2018-10-18 07:15:16

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CTF El Alamein modded


does anyone have the modded df map that runs on the bmc and SoH servers?
I asked sharp and he has been supposing some guy in this forum has it.

Would be nice if you can upload / send it.
I need it for a LAN action with some guys.



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#2 2018-10-18 11:17:28

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded


Yes, here > you can find here all maps > https://www.bf-league.eu/index.php?opti … Itemid=307

Those you are searching are in the Dogfight Area (those mapNames begins with "DF", as example "DF Bfvsmustang"

But the map El-Alalamein Ctf is not available in this List, but i asked FearofthedarkHU to write here a Link.

Wait for his answer.


Keep in mind. El Alamein Ctf Map must be installed on the server only, but not on the client. It means, I think so, you can not start Coop Game with it, but you have to try it yourself.

If not, you need a PC as server. Bf1942 server doesnt need grafics, so it would run on any PC/Laptop


Last edited by Arkos (2018-10-18 11:20:43)


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#3 2018-10-18 11:30:50

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#4 2018-10-18 17:49:21

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded

wow thank you. works like a charm.
and thanks Arkos for info on the dedicated server.

all the best


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#5 2018-10-18 19:54:52

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded


Ok, ... then i can send the bill smile



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#6 2018-10-19 04:18:53

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded

After taking a peek at that mod, I'm impressed with that "ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate" trick.
Didn't know about that smile My DF mod is dependent on modified carrier files along with the ctf stuff.
Might convert it to this method.

Last edited by seVen (2018-10-19 04:19:55)


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#7 2018-10-20 02:29:39

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded

count the first template as 0

its easiest to start remove the last template first

ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 14
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 13
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 12
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 11
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 10
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 9
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 8
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 7

but in this case this would also work

ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 7
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 7
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 7
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 7
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 7
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 7
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 7
ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate 7


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#8 2018-10-20 03:24:56

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded

bud wrote:

count the first template as 0

The 0 would be the first template loaded sequentially in the complex?
Or is each template pre-assigned a value?

If sequentially, the 7 would be the first "Enterprise_AirCraftSoldierSpawn",
completely skipping over the three "Enterprise_DriverSoldierSpawn".

rem *** EnterpriseComplex ***
ObjectTemplate.create Bundle EnterpriseComplex
rem ObjectTemplate.setNetworkableInfo EnterpriseBodyInfo
ObjectTemplate.geometry Enterprise_hull_M1
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasResponsePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 1
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 14.21/3.82/-121.7
ObjectTemplate.setRotation -80.499/0/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -13.01/3.82/-121.7
ObjectTemplate.setRotation 80.5/0/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 11.42/3.8/106.584
ObjectTemplate.setRotation -93.5/0/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -10.2/3.8/106.584
ObjectTemplate.setRotation 93.5/0/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_DriverSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 11/26/35
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_DriverSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 10/26/35
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_DriverSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 9/26/35
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_AirCraftSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -1.5/20.4/-113.5
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_AirCraftSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 3.9/20.4/-100.5
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_LcvpSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -13.949/12.4/-67.999
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_LcvpSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 13.95/12.4/-67.999
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_corsairSpawner
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -4.999/19.63/-110.999
ObjectTemplate.setRotation -3/-13/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_sbdSpawner
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 7.2/20.04/-94.999
ObjectTemplate.setRotation -15/-12.7/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_lcvpSpawner
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -17.35/8.75/-69.748
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_lcvpSpawner
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 18.47/8.75/-69.748
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_Engine
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/-3.999/-89.999
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_Rudder1
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/-6/-110
ObjectTemplate.setRotation 0/0/-90
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_HullWing
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0/-6/110
ObjectTemplate.setRotation 0/0/-90
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_rod
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 0.649/-5.017/-126.06
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_Bridge
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 10/28.1/33.5


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#9 2018-10-20 23:41:24

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded

rem *** EnterpriseComplex ***
ObjectTemplate.create Bundle EnterpriseComplex
rem ObjectTemplate.setNetworkableInfo EnterpriseBodyInfo
ObjectTemplate.geometry Enterprise_hull_M1
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasResponsePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 1
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m         <--------- first addtemplate = 0
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 14.21/3.82/-121.7
ObjectTemplate.setRotation -80.499/0/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m         <---- 1
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -13.01/3.82/-121.7
ObjectTemplate.setRotation 80.5/0/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m         <---- 2

or if you remove #1 nr 2 will be the new #1 thats why you can remove the same nr again and again

its supposed to work on name basis to, but it never worked when i tried it (eg "ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate ClimbingNet_6m)


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#10 2018-10-20 23:58:53

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded

Made by TL, specifically tl Tuesday.
One of the most used maps in the league ever since next to tank arena.

Last edited by -=TL=-FearofthedarkHU (2018-10-20 23:59:23)


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#11 2018-10-21 16:02:40

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded

bud wrote:
rem *** EnterpriseComplex ***
ObjectTemplate.create Bundle EnterpriseComplex
rem ObjectTemplate.setNetworkableInfo EnterpriseBodyInfo
ObjectTemplate.geometry Enterprise_hull_M1
ObjectTemplate.hasCollisionPhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasResponsePhysics 1
ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 1
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m         <--------- first addtemplate = 0
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 14.21/3.82/-121.7
ObjectTemplate.setRotation -80.499/0/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m         <---- 1
ObjectTemplate.setPosition -13.01/3.82/-121.7
ObjectTemplate.setRotation 80.5/0/0
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate ClimbingNet_6m         <---- 2

or if you remove #1 nr 2 will be the new #1 thats why you can remove the same nr again and again

its supposed to work on name basis to, but it never worked when i tried it (eg "ObjectTemplate.removeTemplate ClimbingNet_6m)

Yeah, I tried to remove Ammobox by name; no-go.

Do you see what I mentioned regarding the "Enterprise_DriverSoldierSpawn"?
They are in fact removed from the carrier, but how?  (those would be 4, 5, 6)

-=TL=-FearofthedarkHU wrote:

Made by TL, specifically tl Tuesday.
One of the most used maps in the league ever since next to tank arena.

stellar creativity!


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#12 2018-10-22 03:07:31

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded

Vertigo wrote:

Do you see what I mentioned regarding the "Enterprise_DriverSoldierSpawn"?
They are in fact removed from the carrier, but how?  (those would be 4, 5, 6)

Ah yes, no i get what you mean, its because of the forced entry in "ObjectTemplate.setEnterOnSpawn 1" 

The DriverSoldierSpawns is placed to far away from the "bridge entry" so they simple cannot enter, so it looks like the spawner doesnt work at all.

If you want to use that spawn, just set it to 0 (false) or move the spawn placement closer to the bridge. (you could try a bigger EntryRadius to, but thats a quirky solution)

"rem *** Enterprise_DriverSoldierSpawn ***
ObjectTemplate.create SpawnPoint Enterprise_DriverSoldierSpawn
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnRotation 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnPositionOffset 0/0/0
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnPreventionDelay 0
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnId 0
ObjectTemplate.setGroup 72
ObjectTemplate.setEnterOnSpawn 1   <---------------- set to 0
ObjectTemplate.setAIEnterOnSpawn 1 
ObjectTemplate.setSpawnAsParaTroper 0" 

rem *** Enterprise_Bridge ***
ObjectTemplate.create Bundle Enterprise_Bridge
rem -------------------------------------
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_Entry  <------------------
ObjectTemplate.setPosition 1.4/-1.499/-3.499  <------------------- Or place Enterprise_DriverSoldierSpawn close to this position
ObjectTemplate.addTemplate Enterprise_Camera
rem -------------------------------------

rem *** Enterprise_Entry ***
ObjectTemplate.create EntryPoint Enterprise_Entry   
ObjectTemplate.setEntryRadius 9  <----------- 

Last edited by bud (2018-10-22 03:08:09)


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#13 2018-10-22 16:06:51

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Re: CTF El Alamein modded

Thx Bud..  These is another small weirdness going on that I'll look into further at some point.


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