#1 2018-09-27 05:48:07

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Registered: 2018-09-27
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Gamekick after try to conect server aX (CD and Origin

Hi hope anyone can help me.
If try to conect aX  (CD and Origin ) Server i get kick max. after 30 sec.
I dont know whats wrong on this Server with my Installation.
At Moongamers and other Server works fine no  Problem, mabye i need for this Server any special patch?
My Version is v1.61

Please let me know


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#2 2018-09-27 11:40:43

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Re: Gamekick after try to conect server aX (CD and Origin

hi Vindex and welcome to SiMPLE server ..



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#3 2018-09-27 13:52:08

disciple of Jeff
Pahlavi Iran
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Re: Gamekick after try to conect server aX (CD and Origin

Its because the aX server recognize your IP as a evader/proxy so it auto kicks you  ( it has anti vpn settings) , the only solution is changing your IP


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#4 2018-09-27 23:32:46

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Re: Gamekick after try to conect server aX (CD and Origin

But i dont use VPN it cant be the reason for the kick i use normal conection VDSL

Can no any one Help???

I see too  the Server has v1.612   i have v1.61 is there any different ??? im now  confuse....


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#5 2018-09-27 23:51:30

disciple of Jeff
Pahlavi Iran
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Re: Gamekick after try to conect server aX (CD and Origin

Its not about versions , its the bug of that anti vpn system , i had also normal connection but servrer was kicking me all time until i changed my isp


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#6 2018-09-28 02:23:12

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Re: Gamekick after try to conect server aX (CD and Origin

I have try now Change IP still same.


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#7 2018-09-28 09:46:35

disciple of Jeff
Pahlavi Iran
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Re: Gamekick after try to conect server aX (CD and Origin

Did you changed range of your ip?


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#8 2018-09-29 04:24:39

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Windows 7 Internet Explorer 11.0

Re: Gamekick after try to conect server aX (CD and Origin

Yes try some diffrend IP

I think this server dont want hold Players for this old game,  if the have a Server like this !!
I read at aX Server Forum many have this Problem with the autokick and the dont fix this stupid bug or however it is...
Np i give it up no one can´t help.´Only the Admin of aX Server know the reason but the dont want help....
Later the will wonder if not enugh Players to kepp Server....


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#9 2018-10-05 15:25:59

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Re: Gamekick after try to conect server aX (CD and Origin

Hey Vindex! smile


1 make sure u run the correct version and patches
Try different game install!

2 use the correct hosts gamespy redirect

3 have your own unique cd-key
Where did you get your cd-key from? Tried to change it already? Beware if u evade a ban you create trouble for yourself and others. Dont go that route!

4 not have a too high ping (duh)
I have played fine with several different types of VPN's from different parts of the world, no problem at all for me. But i not use public VPN's... i use my own servers setups etc. So dont ask me with NordVPN will work or anything like that.
But as ABAS correctly points out: the aX server has some IP ranges that have been blocked. I didnt know there were also some VPN providers in that list but i am not surprised.
Actually several parts of the world been completely banned (due to players having a dynamic IP range and kept come back after misbehave/being banned).

5 try joining in from different IP (for example try the IP of your mobile phone DATA provider by using your phones hotspot)

6 make sure you are in "good standing" with the server admins/rules
if ur cd key been published online it might been used by a cheater or such

I hope you guys can play... it makes me sad to see so many people get kicks... but this is about all i can say


Last edited by iCQ (2018-10-05 15:42:52)


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