#1 2018-06-04 21:31:08

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Hoeraa 72 players !

Yesterday I joined SImple when there was 71 ppl playing Wake. So I was player 72, full server horaa !
Nextmap...sigh Coral Sea. I was blue but I think there as 1 or 2 disruptors in red team.
But anyway, I enjoyed playin Coral, but many ppl don t like the map.
Coral was over soon,... nextmap...Philippines...30 players in server.
That is half hour after server was full.
Not a great map rotation, knowing many ppl hate Coral, beginners etc.
And after Coral another map hated by many.
I love to play with many ppl.
Next time try to keep server full pls with more interesting maps.
Even a Wake rematch would have been awe!


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#2 2018-06-04 22:04:28

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Re: Hoeraa 72 players !

It's depening on the hour,  alot quit for eating ect... what time was it?  And yes some maps rotation and time of it can make a big diference .


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#3 2018-06-04 22:52:28

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Re: Hoeraa 72 players !

It was evening not sure what time. Coral lasted like 20 minutes or less, so around 25 minutes, after server had 72 player, server was more than half empty. Sad.


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#4 2018-06-05 00:29:34

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Re: Hoeraa 72 players !

Simple is the best BF1942 server because it always has a new map rotation, if you want a boring rotation feel free to join MoonGamers (Market Garden 24/7) or ax (same rotation for several years, and does not even play all the maps).


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#5 2018-06-05 02:33:52

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Re: Hoeraa 72 players !

Yeah, the best? It s not doing great. And like I said, I go where there is most people. If there s not enough ppl it becomes very unbalanced.
for example Wake, Midway, ...under populated... no 1 on AA, so 1 or 2 pilots can just whore away for 40 minutes.
The maps were made for 64 ppl. And with 70 ppl or so it s even more awesome.
Coral Sea was a very bad choice.
Wake was on, and the server filled, but only for a moment really. Not great !

Imo, the best thing to do was Wake rematch and keep server full, for fun!
Why not?

Last edited by mussels (2018-06-05 02:38:27)


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#6 2018-06-05 04:49:51

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Re: Hoeraa 72 players !

second most populated server..

not doing great..


Btw, please, with your powerful all seeing testicles, tell me why the people would have stayed for a second round of Wake Island when they didnt stay for a new round of Coral Sea?

I have been admin on over 10+ servers throughout the years and at the peak I had 7 populated servers that were full every single day. Never once did I see a benefit in playing a different map just because someone complains that "Kursk", or whatever map they are complaining about loses the players. Sometimes Kursk lost lots of players, sometimes Wake Island lost lots of players, etc.. it happened to every map. The only difference is when it is a map you personally enjoy, you don't necessarily notice or care about the drop in players.


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#7 2018-06-05 12:39:41

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Re: Hoeraa 72 players !

I was just lookin to join a server and saw Wake on and I saw the population growing to 71, when I joined.
I am an old timer, used to play Wake Demo, is it 16  17 years ago. And Wake must be 1 of the most popular maps.
When I joined there was only like 10 minutes left.
Btw I am not trying to say bad stuff about Simple. There is pppl behind the scene, working hard, trying to keep this game alive.
I want all servers to do well.
The aim is to try entertain ppl.
So server filled up pretty fast on Wake.
Nothing could have gonne wrong giving every one a rematch, and I know for sure the server would have stayed full !



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#8 2018-06-05 13:58:20

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Re: Hoeraa 72 players !

Yo Phantom, I like to know , who you are ? How come I don t know/ recognize you ? Tell  me more about the 7 populated servers, you claim you had.
You been admin for 10 year + ? Really like to know , who are you?
And , what happened to the 7 populated servers ?
And indeed, Coral , Philippines have a lot of fans, but are also hated by many !
You also get a bit rude, talking about my all seeing testicles. Obvious, you ve never been a great entertainer.

Last edited by mussels (2018-06-05 14:06:44)


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#9 2018-06-05 22:36:22

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Re: Hoeraa 72 players !

I could tell you my real name (but I won't), it's the only name since 2002 that hasn't changed, lol..

{Phantom} comes from the old {Phantom} clan, of which there are a few admins on simple that were also in that clan. That is one of the 10+ servers I helped admin. lol.

No disrespect meant. I just prefer variety, even I have some maps that I don't look forward too (Santo Croce, Kursk, Gothic Line, etc..) but if I just sit my ass and play they are always enjoyable. I think we can both agree if we had to play a map 24/7 Wake Island would be high up on that list, where as others will get almost no one to want to play 24/7.


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