#1 2018-01-25 00:21:00

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Admin purge

Let's do some housecleaning! wink

Which admin would you ban and why?

  1. ABAS
  2. Anna Nym
  3. Arkos
  4. co0nic
  5. ComBat
  6. e.S
  7. Flettnerman
  8. gio
  9. Gorr
  10. Hydra
  11. Jazzy
  12. Jochen Peiper
  13. KarlsoN
  14. Knaso
  15. Kobra
  16. nämeless
  17. Paul Baumer
  18. Pedro
  19. pioet
  20. Qlimax
  21. Red Scorpion
  22. Red_Army
  23. Serebro2064
  24. Sunshine
  25. uly
  26. Viitapiru
  27. Vojislav
Total votes: 72

Poll is closed


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#61 2018-01-28 15:54:43

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Re: Admin purge

Voting won't slove any problems, It will only cause more confrontation between different admin factions and idividuals. Adopting rules that are better defined, making sure that admins understand their duties and obligations is the way to go. Make sure every admin understand that he is not above the law and he is accountable for his actions. Admins should strictly comply with the rules of the server like every other player do. I'm sure that everybody appreciates what admins do in one way or another but this title is not a job, it's a privilege so everyone who suggests he should be paid for it, is free to go.

Hidden text
Count ComBat wrote:

And pls dont forget the lousy payment, on this occassion im requesting a pay raise AGAIN hehe..

Gorr wrote:

It's not like I get paid for being an admin and even if I did I wouldn't take any orders from a noob that I don't know. And yes he is on my shit list now and for ever. Nothing personal just that I know that he knows the rules and then he will get a kick or ban without a warning from now on. I will also check your key so you need to change that as well in case you feel offended for a few kicks. There is a reason there is on "I got kicked please punich the admin section"

Frank(Ger) wrote:

Yes, admins do something about it. However we are on the server in our free time and not paid so we usualy don´t stay in base and wait for someone to break the rules, we are on the server to play and administer additionally.

Frank(Ger) wrote:

There are a lot of thinkable valid reasons to call an admin incompetent, the facts that he can´t see everything and hopefully doesn´t believe everything do not belong to them. Btw. we are not paid for this.

Oscar Goldman wrote:

Again, FotS, and all of our admins, don't get paid for this. Do we hold votes by the public to see who is fit for admin? Do we instate a rule 'three public complaints and you are out'? Get rid of all admins and rules?

Sunshine wrote:

Fine him and only unban when each member on forum is paid!


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#62 2018-01-28 17:46:56

impeached (twice)
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Re: Admin purge

Am I too late?

I voted for uly because of his video history.

But I think gio & E.S should have their rights revoked because of the complaints about their duties and their unjustified replies to said "complaints".


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#63 2018-01-28 17:49:07

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Re: Admin purge

By the way, people worried about offensive names in game shouldn't worry. I've seen Hitler playing plenty of times over the years, and he always gets slaughtered. Sometimes Hitler even plays as Allied, and I've seen Axis players declare him a traitor who must be killed.


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#64 2018-01-28 17:57:20

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Re: Admin purge

Sepp wrote:

By the way, people worried about offensive names in game shouldn't worry. I've seen Hitler playing plenty of times over the years, and he always gets slaughtered. Sometimes Hitler even plays as Allied, and I've seen Axis players declare him a traitor who must be killed.

Yea its WWII game so its allowed. Hitler, Stalin, Musolini, SS, Nazi...


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#65 2018-01-28 21:22:20

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Re: Admin purge

Hydra{SRB} wrote:
Sepp wrote:

By the way, people worried about offensive names in game shouldn't worry. I've seen Hitler playing plenty of times over the years, and he always gets slaughtered. Sometimes Hitler even plays as Allied, and I've seen Axis players declare him a traitor who must be killed.

Yea its WWII game so its allowed. Hitler, Stalin, Musolini, SS, Nazi...

and its a nazi server also ^^


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#66 2018-01-28 21:44:23

Empress of Doom
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Re: Admin purge

I didn't vote for anyone.... but someone voted for me -.-


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#67 2018-01-30 13:37:42

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Re: Admin purge

So, when is the "ceremony" of rights revokement? How many souls will be wiped out from the list of elites?


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#68 2018-01-30 19:48:11

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Re: Admin purge

Sunshine wrote:

I didn't vote for anyone.... but someone voted for me -.-

I didn't vote because I can't choose between the 3 Admins I have acrimony with. But, judging by the vote results, the Admins with the most votes are part of the 3 I would like seen brought down to earth. Only Coonic is escaping the wrath, but he's agreed (at some point) to 1vs1 me so there will be judgement and resolution. This however is a private grudge that will be settled. I like to think the "winners" of the vote should have to fight 1vs1 live stream recorded to keep their Admin rights. Maybe not against me, if I lose I'm getting punished and I know it so I might not be around to even get the chance.


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#69 2018-01-30 20:44:47

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Admin purge

I want to change my vote to Gio. He is an out of control power tripping ego maniac.

Last edited by janet reno (TX) (2018-01-30 20:45:10)


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#70 2018-01-30 20:52:40

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Re: Admin purge

I think you would vote for all of them if you could !!!  smile


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#71 2018-01-30 20:57:05

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Re: Admin purge

Lol this Janet reno have a new fixation on his life.


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#72 2018-01-31 01:44:55

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Re: Admin purge

Do you need any pictures of me Janet?


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#73 2018-01-31 05:38:05

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Admin purge


I don't need your picture thank you. By your lackluster comportment I'm sure their is a village near you needing an idiot as qualified as yourself.


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#74 2018-01-31 17:35:50

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Re: Admin purge

janet reno (TX) wrote:

their is a village near you .

As for the first part of your so called sentence I wont even try  to understand
How hard can it be to learn your own language?


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#75 2018-01-31 23:12:07

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Admin purge


That village has been calling for you. They need their idiot back.


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#76 2018-02-01 01:03:53

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Re: Admin purge

Approximately 30 different posters with approximately 50 votes cast means a significant portion of the vote has not been justified by an explanation for the vote decision of those "invisible" voters. Only 3 of the Admins on the vote list are meaningful to me because I play only one map and that's the one they sometimes show up on. So I get action taken against me, for whatever reason, justified or not, my vote is likely to be biased, the same as every other voter. Tuia, you said this vote was about "house cleaning". The question, quantative or qualitative is loaded, and unless the answers (remember those 20 invisible voters) collaborate against the most voted for Admin in any meaningful way, then who is to say that the law may be harsh but fair. Much as I might detest an Admin if the penalty is not too bad then I don't kick up a fuss and accept it. All I can say is, laying down the law and policing a game this old seemed to be less hassle when EA supported it. And since they stopped supporting it, it's gone downhill in every aspect from cheats of all types to ban dodgers and rogue Admins. I mostly get in trouble for trolling, as that counts for game disruption. Which is okay, (the getting in trouble for it not the act itself). But I don't go on team killing rampages that get me permabanned which I then overturn in 60 seconds like a ban dodger. I don't know what the answer is. Maybe Admin rotation rights across the board so everyone gets to be an Admin for an equal aggregated period of time. You got 2 weeks of Admin rights and you don't show up to play or exercise them? No one is going to complain about you. That bastard you hate and the one that hates you has Admin rights? Don't play for 2 weeks and you are fine.


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#77 2018-02-01 11:38:10

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Re: Admin purge

No problem - I can loose my rights. But as far as I have them you will not sit afk and spam the chat with bullish comments and insult the playing mates. We all know what you are, Sepp.


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#78 2018-02-01 20:00:29

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Re: Admin purge

e.S wrote:

No problem - I can loose my rights. But as far as I have them you will not sit afk and spam the chat with bullish comments and insult the playing mates. We all know what you are, Sepp.

Yes e.S, I am probably the games most feared troll. If I get action against me for that then fine. I am not disagreeing with the Admin's rights to do a job, I am pointing out that a reasonable sanction for a certain type of behaviour is accepted by most players, whereas permanent bans for extreme behaviour can be overturned in 1 minute by some players with "3rd party" knowledge and assistance. Banning someone for a week who isn't able to evade the ban is a lot less frustrating than banning someone permanently then seeing them pop back up on the server immediately. But back to my point about this vote and it's consequences. I don't see it solving anything unless the ground is levelled and every member of the forum has Admin rights issued on a rotational basis whether they want it or not. This way any rogue Admins will have to watch their back if they're dishing out punishments on a whim. It could be them on the receiving end next time one of their victims gets their turn. And no, I am not angling to get Admin rights for myself. They seem to be more of a burden than anything, but if it's my turn to carry it, I accept knowing it's for a limited period of time before it's someone else's turn.

Last edited by Anonymouse (2018-02-01 20:08:10)


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#79 2018-02-02 05:57:37

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Admin purge

Hey e.s. you are a real MAN here. Thanks for volunteering to give up you admin. Everyone needs to look. Here is someone that cares?


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#80 2018-02-02 05:58:43

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Admin purge

Sepp, your post is magnificent


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#81 2018-02-02 14:52:10

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Re: Admin purge

janet reno (TX) wrote:

Hey e.s. you are a real MAN here. Thanks for volunteering to give up you admin. Everyone needs to look. Here is someone that cares?

Very special occasion - native american can't understand english. Well, probably not native ...


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#82 2018-02-02 15:36:10

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Re: Admin purge

e.S wrote:
janet reno (TX) wrote:

Hey e.s. you are a real MAN here. Thanks for volunteering to give up you admin. Everyone needs to look. Here is someone that cares?

Very special occasion - native american can't understand english. Well, probably not native ...

He dosent understand e.S leave him xD

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2018-02-02 15:36:40)


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#83 2018-02-04 00:25:23

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Admin purge


You getting scared? You don't understand English very well either.


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#84 2018-02-04 00:30:29

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Re: Admin purge

Stop doing your low life troll Janet, I think he understand more then you do !!  May be you cant read ??  smile

Last edited by Dakota (2018-02-04 00:32:42)


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#85 2018-02-04 00:59:46

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Re: Admin purge

janet reno (TX) wrote:


You getting scared? You don't understand English very well either.

Actually no I am genuinely disappointed sad only 3 votes out of 53. Its seems your incapable of getting people to support your witch hunt. Nothing going to change even if I lose my rights. Nobody takes serious anything you or Hanyweh say. You have reputation of community clown. And you delegating votes its just sad.


Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2018-02-04 01:23:47)


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#86 2018-02-04 01:59:01

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Admin purge

You are delusional. I never asked anyone to vote against you. Maybe they are at Gio's house getting their laundry done.


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#87 2018-02-04 02:02:03

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Re: Admin purge

janet reno (TX) wrote:

You are delusional. I never asked anyone to vote against you. Maybe they are at Gio's house getting their laundry done.

Sureeee smile Gio is half hour away from me. Much love! <3

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2018-02-04 02:06:04)


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#88 2018-02-04 03:09:57

janet reno (TX)
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Re: Admin purge

So is Gio's Mom doing your laundry too?


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#89 2018-02-04 11:44:03

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Re: Admin purge

janet reno (TX) wrote:

So is Gio's Mom doing your laundry too?

Yes. One big happy family. smile


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#90 2018-02-04 14:17:26

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Re: Admin purge

Sepp wrote:

Approximately 30 different posters with approximately 50 votes cast means a significant portion of the vote has not been justified by an explanation for the vote decision of those "invisible" voters.

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

Actually no I am genuinely disappointed sad only 3 votes out of 53. Its seems your incapable of getting people to support your witch hunt. Nothing going to change even if I lose my rights. Nobody takes serious anything you or Hanyweh say. You have reputation of community clown. And you delegating votes its just sad.

I thought it's unnecessary to explain who I'm voting for and why. At least 1 of the votes that Hydra got (if you don't count mine) is related to his tendency to apply double standards. There could have been many more if common players (and not just admins) were actually aware of this poll. Nevertheless I don't support It (even tho i voted but now i think that was mistake) and i don't think it's going to achieve the goals it has set.


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