#31 2017-12-21 21:42:28

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

hanyweh wrote:
DirtyDiana wrote:

Well some people i trust and some not.


Guatemalaaaaaaaa?!?! No such map


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#32 2017-12-21 21:50:12

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose


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#33 2017-12-22 13:39:12

Count ComBat
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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Gosh guys, pls stop this now and shake hands, wontyas?! Hanyweh, ive got no clue how it has started that u got a prob with Hydra, but he is one of the nicest players n admins in game, unless anyone is getting on his nerves, like u did with this (more than similar) name-thing, in this matter im to 100% @ Hydras side, pls dont deny it, u just did it to provoke him! And u r still making a lot effort to keep the soup boiling, whyever.. isnt it enuff now dammit?!
In this pixel-shooting-matter i have got no def. opinion, at least i can comprehend ur complaints there, but i dont want to take anyones side there as its too hard to judge for someone who wasnt even in game @ that time.. In that tk-thing yee it happens - no need to make a drama of it huh?!
Basically u r right ofc when u say: same rules for all - but imagine how messy and snafu the gameplay @ any server would be(come) without any admins trying to ensure that there are rules at all.. Its easy to criticize admins for this n that, but dont forget its sometimes a hell of a job, especially @ a full server with many trolls n dis-players in there, so pls some consideration.. And pls dont forget the lousy payment, on this occassion im requesting a pay raise AGAIN hehe.. Thats it, with this im out of this discussion, shake hands pls all involved and enjoy the game, and more it isnt anyway, its just a game, there still is a real world outside - although its totally screwed up by that scourge called mankind, but well, dats another story xP


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#34 2017-12-22 16:30:57

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose


ee eee


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#35 2017-12-22 17:12:13

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

- people crying
- fun to read drama
- reason to visit the forum

great thread 10/10 moonscale

Last edited by moon' (2017-12-22 17:12:57)


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#36 2017-12-22 19:49:26

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

That's one small drama for man, one giant leap for moonkind.

Capt price wrote:

1 week for tk only 1 time.
is their different rules for player and admins.
If we get tk'd many times from same person. he get banned for 15 min.
and if admin get tk'd only 1 time he get banned for 1 week.
At map of invansion of philipines. someone wound uly and uly did an ip ban of him.
that is the reason people prefer ax more than simple



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#37 2017-12-22 23:42:57

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

1. Hydra teamkill on purpose  by hanyweh

2. nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended by hanyweh

3. nameless uly and soh admins refuse to ban glitcher cuz he is a friend by hanyweh

4. Abas ban me for simply shooting him. by hanyweh

5. lop|Gorr admin abuse by hanyweh

6. van halen admin abuse by hanyweh

7. Admins regularly disable/affect map votes on BF1942 servers by hanyweh

I see a patern here and would not comment and add fuel to your flaming and trolling.


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#38 2017-12-23 00:57:59

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

8: Elvis is still alive !!!!  smile


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#39 2017-12-23 01:05:07

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Dakota wrote:

8: Elvis is still alive !!!!  smile

Video or I will unban Elvis!


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#40 2017-12-23 02:16:19

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Hydra{SRB} wrote:

1. Hydra teamkill on purpose  by hanyweh

2. nameless systematically switches maps before round has ended by hanyweh

3. nameless uly and soh admins refuse to ban glitcher cuz he is a friend by hanyweh

4. Abas ban me for simply shooting him. by hanyweh

5. lop|Gorr admin abuse by hanyweh

6. van halen admin abuse by hanyweh

7. Admins regularly disable/affect map votes on BF1942 servers by hanyweh

I see a patern here and would not comment and add fuel to your flaming and trolling.

That's my 2 years of struggle with dealing with those people I've never been proven wrong smile

1. Hydra did kill on purpose , when for accidental kills he bans people for a week.
2. Nameless admitted he switches maps, tho you forum legends said you approve it , many people are not ok with it
3. Abas did ban me for simply shooting him , and at the end he posted proof for that by himself, admitted abuse of rights and unbaned me.
4. Gorr is autistic, it's not appropriate to comment on people with problems like this. He is the reason why I change my nicknames so often.
5.Glitching was a fact with sven. Admins were present and they refused to intervene. The guy quit by himself after I reported him to avoid any sanction.
6. Red scorpion made his own interpretation of the rules, the guy was visible target staying right behind the sandbags of British airfield while I was INSIDE first german bunker at battleaxe, and he kept kicking me for basesniping. If that's basesniping then 99% of the people got it wrong like me. I can't be sure if he is attacking someone down the battlefield or not . He moved to expose himself like that, and that's nowhere near any spawn position.
7. Admins do regularly disable/affect map votes on BF1942 server, and mapvoting is one of the reasons why people like this server. Either remove the vote completely or trigger a vote when you want the next map to be played. Don't use tools that are not available for the normal players. That's simply classic example of rights abuse.


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#41 2017-12-23 02:25:56

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

You convince me !!!  I am on the phone with the FBI and CIA  to clear that out !!!

After i will call DEA to check you out !!!   smile


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#42 2017-12-23 02:31:16

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Transfer this to gutter!


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#43 2017-12-23 02:31:53

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Administrators are PLAYING on the server, and they are driven by the same logic and motives as ordinary players.(competing for score with bfplayer, make fun of him in teamspeak behind his back and when it's clear he is better than you, ban him for pixelshooting) You get thousand complains about misbehave per week. Majority of people that play on Simple are not forum users, those who are are 99% occasional visitors that are forced to register with hope they will get unbaned (that happens less than half of the time) and then gone forever. So most of them won't do any effort to register and deal with your formal procedure of reporting someone, understanding that it would most certainly be  in vain.
Temptation to abuse power is stronger with some people than with others, and everyone of you that claims this never happens is a big fat liar. Pure statistics shows that with so many administrators on this server(please tell me the exact number, i'll continue to ask,but I'm sure the number is close if not above 50) abuse of power and misconduct happens once and awhile. You have no mechanism, motivation or legal obligation to deal with such matter. There is no recorded instance when admin has been reported, his actions has been corrected by another administrator (presumably nameless), and there has been any consequences for that bad admin.
I would certainly respect administrator that stays in spectator mode most of the time to keep the order. Such person deserves monetary compensation as some of you suggested:

Count ComBat wrote:

And pls dont forget the lousy payment, on this occassion im requesting a pay raise AGAIN hehe..

Gorr wrote:

It's not like I get paid for being an admin and even if I did I wouldn't take any orders from a noob that I don't know. And yes he is on my shit list now and for ever. Nothing personal just that I know that he knows the rules and then he will get a kick or ban without a warning from now on. I will also check your key so you need to change that as well in case you feel offended for a few kicks. There is a reason there is on "I got kicked please punich the admin section"

But what you do is play like everybody else, and mostly intervene in cases that concerns you.You are all here voluntarily, no one has dedicated any of his precious time to do any real work around here except nameless. Your admin rank is a privilege and symbol of high status, rather than obligation. If you don't like it you can always resign/quit.

Last edited by hanyweh (2017-12-23 02:51:51)


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#44 2017-12-23 02:35:42

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

I agree, it remind's me of LW !!!  He only wants to make shit in admin team !!!

Gutter time !!!!!  smile


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#45 2017-12-23 09:14:02

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Dakota wrote:

I agree, it remind's me of LW !!!  He only wants to make shit in admin team !!!

Gutter time !!!!!  smile

Spot on move this thread then we can easily choose not to read it smile


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#46 2017-12-23 10:10:51

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Popcoooorn, cheap poooopcooooorn, who wants a bit big_smile


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#47 2017-12-23 12:04:38

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Vojislav wrote:

Popcoooorn, cheap poooopcooooorn, who wants a bit big_smile

Gimme one!


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#48 2017-12-23 12:31:00

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Dakota wrote:

I agree, it remind's me of LW !!!  He only wants to make shit in admin team !!!

heh, was thinking the same, "detective mcclane" *sniff sniff*


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#49 2017-12-23 15:12:48

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

No, no he is more BF1942 Wikileaks ahahahaha


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#50 2017-12-23 15:49:03

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose


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#51 2017-12-25 19:43:39

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

I think hydra likes me smile
Merry christmas! Hope they had some money left for presents after spending 83000 euro for the christmas tree smile

Last edited by hanyweh (2017-12-25 19:44:51)


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#52 2017-12-26 16:25:51

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

hanyweh wrote:

I think hydra likes me smile
Merry christmas! Hope they had some money left for presents after spending 83000 euro for the christmas tree smile

try dealing with it for the past 4 years lmao TOtRWza.jpg
some of these dudes are consistent


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#53 2017-12-26 23:21:39

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Why is this guy after you ?

Last edited by hanyweh (2017-12-26 23:21:56)


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#54 2017-12-26 23:27:40

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

hanyweh wrote:

Why is this guy after you ?

destroyed him and his team on simple rtr sw for over a year and he still is mad about it


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#55 2017-12-26 23:36:22

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

I haven't destroyed hydra, why is he so negative towards me? Or have I ?


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#56 2017-12-31 06:34:35

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

W/e, i'm pretty sure he's tking me under different handles too, pathetic


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#57 2017-12-31 11:21:56

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Zatoichi wrote:

W/e, i'm pretty sure he's tking me under different handles too, pathetic

Like I need people for mentaly unstable person. I may use Hydra nick but I dont need people I just need to say PAY RENT MERLIN and you would spend more time typing then playing. Only thing patetic here is you trying to make allies in this stupid trolls. Only thing I tryed to organise for you are fair condition for 1vs1 on SoH server. But like a girl that dosent like sex you always made some lame (credit to Sunshine) excuse. Too scared! Every time its I like this map, I live in crazy house, first Nameless need to do this. Find some help. Next time you lie abou me gonna ban you!

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2017-12-31 19:31:44)


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#58 2018-01-01 22:16:51

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

!wtstack Hydra


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#59 2018-01-01 22:49:56

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Frank(Ger) wrote:

!wtstack Hydra

-.- kick me
And how is it stacking it was losing team xD axis 340 allies 110 xD

Last edited by Hydra{SRB} (2018-01-01 22:50:51)


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#60 2018-01-01 22:49:57

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Re: Hydra teamkill on purpose

Bwahaha! Dakota and Dink were crying about me in here weeks ago too and I haven't interacted with them for over a year or two!! It's always those two... The FACT is their own vindictive, completely dishonest, self-important egos resulted in their removal as abusive admin on the US server. They will apparently be extra butt-hurt, blaming me, and trashing me for the rest if time for their own shortcomings. It's their cycle of perpetual victim-hood. Outside of their really strange disturbing obsession with me, I've been playing here for YEARS without any major issues. I'm sure these two knucklehead stalkers will continue to stir up unnecessary drama in the meanwhile though. Dink and Dakota, since you're still living in the past, Happy 2012! GGs to the rest of you and Happy New Year. wink

Last edited by lonewolf-mcquade (2018-01-01 23:02:53)


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