#61 2017-12-03 00:35:27

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Re: abas mad again

bud wrote:

For the longest time i didnt take aimbot cheat seriously, knowing the delay and "bad" netcode in the game, thinking it wouldnt help much anyway. But i have been proven wrong. As long as this game exist, it seems there is idiots out there spending time to improve and find new ways to cheat.

Look at the vid again, this time  with the knowledge of a "snap to target" button and you will see things clearer.


all these kind words from noob players make me feel really good

Last edited by moon' (2017-12-03 00:36:10)


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#62 2017-12-03 16:55:42

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Re: abas mad again


Last edited by moon' (2017-12-03 16:58:11)


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#63 2017-12-04 10:39:17

Undercover Agent
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Re: abas mad again

i would just like to say that i was "jupiter" and my ping was 300+ so ofc he kept killing me and NO he does NOT use any cheats seeing i play with him regularly and there is NO real AIMBOT that LOCKS onto other PLAYERS that EXISTS and i would like too say if he was using aimbot The opponents helmets would be in a simple primary color and you would then see that it  locks exactly onto those textures and that was dubbed "Toad Vision" because allied helmets where a basic green and axis helmets a basic red and this is detected on pure and pb servers so everyone here that is against moon is biased and jumping to conclusion HE DOES NOT CHEAT i have been playing with and against him for a while now with the occasional 1v1 and 2v2 also there is NO HITREG hack and whoever came up with that idea has no brain because you would have to have the games source code to modify the hitregs and give everyone the same hitregs


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#64 2017-12-04 15:24:18

Jochen Peiper
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Re: abas mad again

Poor guy if you must play with this graphic


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#65 2017-12-04 15:42:24

Reputation: -394
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Re: abas mad again

Jochen Peiper wrote:

Poor guy if you must play with this graphic

Higher fps with lower graphics, better for recording and seeing enemies in general

Moss wrote:

i would just like to say that i was "jupiter" and my ping was 300+ so ofc he kept killing me and NO he does NOT use any cheats seeing i play with him regularly and there is NO real AIMBOT that LOCKS onto other PLAYERS that EXISTS and i would like too say if he was using aimbot The opponents helmets would be in a simple primary color and you would then see that it  locks exactly onto those textures and that was dubbed "Toad Vision" because allied helmets where a basic green and axis helmets a basic red and this is detected on pure and pb servers so everyone here that is against moon is biased and jumping to conclusion HE DOES NOT CHEAT i have been playing with and against him for a while now with the occasional 1v1 and 2v2 also there is NO HITREG hack and whoever came up with that idea has no brain because you would have to have the games source code to modify the hitregs and give everyone the same hitregs

No, you weren't jupiter, jupiter has 60 ping and I do not know who it is
The 1v3s are the best and are the best to get better


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#66 2017-12-04 19:36:30

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Re: abas mad again

Moss wrote:

i would just like to say that i was "jupiter" and my ping was 300+ so ofc he kept killing me and NO he does NOT use any cheats seeing i play with him regularly and there is NO real AIMBOT that LOCKS onto other PLAYERS that EXISTS and i would like too say if he was using aimbot The opponents helmets would be in a simple primary color and you would then see that it  locks exactly onto those textures and that was dubbed "Toad Vision" because allied helmets where a basic green and axis helmets a basic red and this is detected on pure and pb servers so everyone here that is against moon is biased and jumping to conclusion HE DOES NOT CHEAT i have been playing with and against him for a while now with the occasional 1v1 and 2v2 also there is NO HITREG hack and whoever came up with that idea has no brain because you would have to have the games source code to modify the hitregs and give everyone the same hitregs

Moss, you're playing against him on a wonky 300 ping, and an Aussie to boot, 
Forgive us if we don't quite get won over the way you have, I really don't think you have any idea what you're talking about, and we do when it comes to cheaters


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#67 2017-12-04 22:28:04

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Re: abas mad again

Moss wrote:

i would just like to say that i was "jupiter" and my ping was 300+ so ofc he kept killing me and NO he does NOT use any cheats seeing i play with him regularly and there is NO real AIMBOT that LOCKS onto other PLAYERS that EXISTS and i would like too say if he was using aimbot The opponents helmets would be in a simple primary color and you would then see that it  locks exactly onto those textures and that was dubbed "Toad Vision" because allied helmets where a basic green and axis helmets a basic red and this is detected on pure and pb servers so everyone here that is against moon is biased and jumping to conclusion HE DOES NOT CHEAT i have been playing with and against him for a while now with the occasional 1v1 and 2v2 also there is NO HITREG hack and whoever came up with that idea has no brain because you would have to have the games source code to modify the hitregs and give everyone the same hitregs

Coming from someone who teaches other players how to glitch in servers please don't be offended if I take no notice of you smile


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#68 2017-12-05 02:59:22

United States
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Re: abas mad again

moon' wrote:


upgrade x 2


ee eee


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#69 2017-12-15 20:29:01

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Re: abas mad again

bud wrote:

For the longest time i didnt take aimbot cheat seriously

..the earth is round too.


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#70 2017-12-15 22:10:25

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Re: abas mad again



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#71 2017-12-17 16:35:13

Reputation: -394
Registered: 2013-08-19
Posts: 1,919
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Re: abas mad again

another aimbot video for the fans

Last edited by moon' (2017-12-17 16:35:18)


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