#1 2017-10-21 22:43:56

Reputation: +6
Registered: 2012-08-09
Posts: 40
Windows 7 Chrome 61.0

Ban for what?

Tonight around 10:15PM at Aberdeen map, i was banned for 15 minutes by admin Nameless.When i back l8er and asked for reason,he didn't respond.Now i ask why i was banned?


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#2 2017-10-22 15:03:27

Reputation: -7
Registered: 2016-04-14
Posts: 219
Windows XP SeaMonkey 2.40

Re: Ban for what?

If you are not banned this is wrong section. Use the report section if you think it was abuse of administrator rights, but I would guess the reason for your 15 minute ban was teamkilling or playing disruptively. It's aslo possible nameless banned you by accident, but he's not the kind of person that will admit mistake or apologize to anyone, if that's what you expect.


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#3 2017-10-22 18:06:43

Reputation: +6
Registered: 2012-08-09
Posts: 40
Windows 7 Chrome 61.0

Re: Ban for what?

hanyweh wrote:

If you are not banned this is wrong section. Use the report section if you think it was abuse of administrator rights, but I would guess the reason for your 15 minute ban was teamkilling or playing disruptively. It's aslo possible nameless banned you by accident, but he's not the kind of person that will admit mistake or apologize to anyone, if that's what you expect.

I don't expect apologize,just simple answer."You banned for that and that","ok,Nameless",game over.


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