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The guy with default BF1942 name "BFSoldier, usually had around 25/27 ping,fragging a lot as infantry,so u know what player i'm talking about.Today at some 10:15AM at the end of Berlin he switched to tk me at last seconds of map.Well, ok, but at a beginning of next Liberation of Caen map, he take sherman and start to tk everyone at mainbase than autokicked by server.Now it will be expected to ban or warn this man.10x
he usually does that after he gets his ass handed to him.
Yesterday he diconnect twice before the rounds ends because he was not on first place. but that fits to his play style LAME
Last edited by Knaso (2017-10-14 19:58:04)
Yesterday he diconnect twice before the rounds ends because he was not on first place. but that fits to his play style LAME
him girls style...
You're not one to talk Dicko
Kicked him today after playing ~20 minutes playing Berlin and told him why when he came back.
He was not very amused about...
Kicked him today after playing ~20 minutes playing Berlin and told him why when he came back.
He was not very amused about...
Yes, he sometimes act like a bot.Does any1 know who is this guy?
Frank(Ger) wrote:Of course not and i´m not talking about about medium skilled players. I´m talking about someone who allways gets gold with distance. Its clear that he uses this name on purpose to not provide an identity.
That bfsoldier with ping 20 is xp fanatic
Last edited by Frank(Ger) (2017-10-16 20:31:54)
He is an interesting player. Always wants to be on top of the list for the gold. Gets good score in difficult conditions.
He is an interesting player. Always wants to be on top of the list for the gold. Gets good score in difficult conditions.
I think he is clear of cheats if u point on that, but as good infantry player he cannot grant licence to made TK's for fun,Only what i ask is to warn him.10x in advance.
Why can't we put in place a rule to autokick anyone with the name "BFSoldier"? It takes two seconds to change your name, there is no excuse for this.
Why can't we put in place a rule to autokick anyone with the name "BFSoldier"? It takes two seconds to change your name, there is no excuse for this.
Very good idea.
Black Mamba wrote:Why can't we put in place a rule to autokick anyone with the name "BFSoldier"? It takes two seconds to change your name, there is no excuse for this.
Very good idea.
BFsoldier, Player and any other default name.
most of them are russians and some of them dont know how to change nick...
I think he's hacker.. and has aimbot .. he knows from where you come even he know your back of him..
how it can be possible ??????
because u suck Kin and ur ego cant accept it
anyway we should ban this player
I thing admins should warn alvarez .. who insult to other players or clans ..
if admins don't do somthing its injustice.
i never insult u or anyone here and im not fan of soh just they are a good clan in public and maybe the best!
This is a very very interesting topic to me! I read some good insights and opinions here (god i love this simple forum, so many active bf1942 players with a brain here, also some braindead but whatever).
And yes i seen this guy plenty of times. I say "guy" but it could be something (sorry SOMEONE) else as well of course.
I am in favor of anonymous play in general. I do not see WHY one would want that but OK.
For me though: the moment we have like 5 BFsoldiers in a server and they all talk in the chat is for me the moment to kick them all out if i be an admin.
If you want to be anonymous fine... but dont expect me to notice you, talk to you or even play with you (if i have a choice). Dont expect me to recognize you and say hi to you when you operate as an BFsoldier.
When very skilled players rule a server but do not show face i start to feel very weird. Its smells fishy to me dont ask me why BUT... i would NOT ban them. I would again and again talk to them ask them polite to PLEASE get a nickname PLEASE show some sort of ID... PLLLEAASSEE.
Now dont do as i do... your life will become ODD.... (not boring, just ODD lol).
Plenty of servers ban you or kick you right away. Just a minute ago i was kicked from TGE because i have a few spaces in my nick. I have talked to several admins there about this in the last few years and some accept me. Others just follow their rules and kick me... fair enough. I just forgot to change to a nick without double spaces.
Since i do not care about stats i can change nick any time i want. 99% of the time i have the word ICQ in my nick as that is my nick for more than 16 years now. I not came up with this nick but the owner of the =LORD= bf1942 dc clan "gave" it to me together with my members from my RENEGADE clan who also all called me iCQ all the time.
Back on-topic... have anyone tried to push this player to get a nick? Has this player told anyone why he wear a NEWBIE nick whilst he clearly is a LEET player? Does any admin know his IP or i mean what country/part of world he is from? What is going on here... very very strange. I wonder now who this "guy" is...
my 50 cents
(sorry i talk a lot, just ignore me please)
Last edited by iCQ (2017-10-28 06:41:19)
i never insult u or anyone here and im not fan of soh just they are a good clan in public and maybe the best!
everyone know you insult and troll ...
Alvarez-Latino wrote:i never insult u or anyone here and im not fan of soh just they are a good clan in public and maybe the best!
everyone know you insult and troll ...
show me once any log or screenshot if i insult anyone here and this isnt the topic kin next time stop to send me pm or asking to join lop ...
and about this bfsoldier his nick his xp_fanatic but he dont want to change his nick and so proud to be a bfsoldier and flame...
hahahahahahahha this guy is just one big loser troll, its always fun to kill him and get gold
he goes out 1 minutes later and he gets no gold because of me pure bfsoilder
No gold - rage quit.
What about me?
No gold - rage quit.
What about me?
nämeless wrote:No gold - rage quit.
What about you?
Pages: 1