#1 2017-04-27 14:09:53

Reputation: +51
Registered: 2015-10-23
Posts: 54
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Banned for ... ?

Hi all,

i got banned from Simple SW/RtR server right now (Raid on Agheila).
Since the server was almost empty (~8 Players), I had no enemy contact for several minutes and I started to shoot randomly over the map, hitting the hills around allied and axis base. After ~10 shells, i got banned without a warning. I'm 100% sure, that I didn't hit or hurt any enemy or friendly player, vehicle or anything else.

So please explain what I should have done wrong.

Thanks in advance!


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#2 2017-04-27 14:55:24

Mc Coffee
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Re: Banned for ... ?

Hi Bobbycar,
you shot into allied main base; only 1 there was me and I wasnt shooting out, just standing there. Then I switched side to check who it is; as it was someone who is beware of the rules you got no warning. Think I dont have to explain you that this is not allowed - even when you are bored. But you surprised me a bit to be honest - by what you did as well as how you described it...
You are banned 1 day.
Mc Coffee


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#3 2017-04-27 16:01:45

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Re: Banned for ... ?

Mc Coffee wrote:

just standing there.

Great afternoon


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#4 2017-04-27 17:56:11

Reputation: +51
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Re: Banned for ... ?

Mc Coffee wrote:

only 1 there was me and I wasnt shooting out, just standing there.

... and waiting for reasons to ban the last players from an almost empty server?

From my position, I couldn't even see your base because it was behind the hills. If you changed teams to watch me, you should have seen that i was randomly shooting at these hills.

But thanks for your answer. Next time i'll quit the server before getting banned from a bored admin. smile


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#5 2017-04-27 18:47:31

Reputation: +51
Registered: 2015-10-23
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Re: Banned for ... ?

btw: if you skip the warning step, should be there a kick before the ban?


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#6 2017-04-27 19:39:24

Mc Coffee
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Re: Banned for ... ?

Hi Bobbcar,
I heard that question already several times in the past - in my opinion, no. Not for regular players like you; you know exactly that you are not allowed to shoot into base; but you didnt care. You shot into base; some meters beside me. Thats why I changed team to check. And now you are you really complaining?  About what? Getting a small punishment? Please think about who did something not ok...
Mc Coffee


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#7 2017-04-27 20:27:44

Reputation: +51
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Posts: 54
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Re: Banned for ... ?

I just checked the map once more. The longest possible shot from my position hits the hill behind the airfield. I'm sure that there is no spawnpoint, but you might be right if you say, that you were "some meters beside", meaning that you could hear and see the explosions. Next time, i'll be wiser: Shooting over an enemy base is forbidden.

Just to avoid the next misunderstanding: Is it against your understanding of the rules, if I
1) fly over the enemies base
2) shot down a plane over base in a dog fight
3) destroy vehicles if nobody is there to use them (e.g. to figure out the hit zones)

Thanks for your answers and have fun with standing in your base and fighting for law and order!

Last edited by Bobbycar (2017-04-27 20:31:39)


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#8 2017-04-27 20:34:05

Mc Coffee
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Re: Banned for ... ?

Hi Bobbycar,
you can shot a plane wherever you want - except on ground on runway (you can shoot it also there if he was flying back and landed). And, of course, you can fly wherever you want. But no shooting into base on targets not shooting out. And I was next to flag on Raid; where I just spawned after I died in battle. So please leave your strange comments! I treat you with respect and a nice tone and demand the same by others. Thank you.
Mc Coffee

Last edited by Mc Coffee (2017-04-27 21:01:59)


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#9 2017-04-28 17:49:45

Reputation: +293
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Re: Banned for ... ?

Pls don´t destroy empty vehicles in base, players may want to use them in near future and may spawn there before your bombs, rockets or bullets reach the targets.


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#10 2017-05-01 19:43:20

Reputation: +698
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Re: Banned for ... ?

MC Coffee, ban the other 7 too then you are the king of the server. big_smile


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