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simple bf1942 (fra)
Market Garden
One player arranged provocations, destroyed planes, did not allow to take off, I moved to another team, but he followed me and continued to pursue, I had to kill him and for this I was banned, ask for justice and punish him
I do not remember his nickname exactly ..... starts on Mr.R ...
Last edited by Gwardiya(RUS) (2017-04-24 17:33:47)
Auto ban for minus-score. You are unbanned. Please, read the rules and behave yourself.
Auto ban for High-score. You are unbanned. Please, read the rules and behave yourself.
Shämeless wrote:Auto ban for High-score. You are unbanned. Please, read the rules and behave yourself.
I thought you left
Razor, don't mess with him, he is ok. You will just get distracted. Besides he is just some poor kid from India. My Dad servered in WW2 at DumDum airdrome near Calcutta, India and he told me the Indians are cool people. They where child like in many ways but Indians are reliable, loyal, and good workers.
When I was working as a contractor in the Middle East War effort 2008 and 2009, I had 18 Indians working for me and they are some good people. Hardest working Men I have ever seen, they would put a Mexican to shame.
So what if CPT Price wants to be a dumbass, it is immaturity driven not by animosity like the "Corrupted" bullshit ShiteWiper spreads.
Auto ban for minus-score. You are unbanned. Please, read the rules and behave yourself.
I see that Grin
Shämeless wrote:Auto ban for High-score. You are unbanned. Please, read the rules and behave yourself.
Liberate price!
Quit messing with Price,
He is a punk ass kid and it will take him some time to mature. He will figure it out on his on.
Razor, don't mess with him, he is ok. You will just get distracted. Besides he is just some poor kid from India. My Dad servered in WW2 at DumDum airdrome near Calcutta, India and he told me the Indians are cool people. They where child like in many ways but Indians are reliable, loyal, and good workers.
When I was working as a contractor in the Middle East War effort 2008 and 2009, I had 18 Indians working for me and they are some good people. Hardest working Men I have ever seen, they would put a Mexican to shame.
So what if CPT Price wants to be a dumbass, it is immaturity driven not by animosity like the "Corrupted" bullshit ShiteWiper spreads.
AJHHAHAH is that what determines his personality for you? that he is indian? lool fak yeah, sounds fair
Captn Price, poor indian kid, dont make your ancestor, who were loyal workers of white men, be shame for you, just be a good doggy and bark only when the command is given ok cunt?
janet reno (TX) wrote:Razor, don't mess with him, he is ok. You will just get distracted. Besides he is just some poor kid from India. My Dad servered in WW2 at DumDum airdrome near Calcutta, India and he told me the Indians are cool people. They where child like in many ways but Indians are reliable, loyal, and good workers.
When I was working as a contractor in the Middle East War effort 2008 and 2009, I had 18 Indians working for me and they are some good people. Hardest working Men I have ever seen, they would put a Mexican to shame.
So what if CPT Price wants to be a dumbass, it is immaturity driven not by animosity like the "Corrupted" bullshit ShiteWiper spreads.
AJHHAHAH is that what determines his personality for you? that he is indian? lool fak yeah, sounds fair
Captn Price, poor indian kid, dont make your ancestor, who were loyal workers of white men, be shame for you, just be a good doggy and bark only when the command is given ok cunt?
When we greet one another, we fold our hands in namaste because we believe that God resides in the heart of every human being.
I come from a nation where we allow a lady of Catholic origin to step aside for a Sikh to be sworn in as Prime Minister by a Muslim President to govern a nation of over 80 percent Hindus.
It may also interest you to know that many of the origins of your English words come from Sanskrit. For example, "maatra" becomes "mother", "bhratra" becomes "brother", "giamiti" becomes "geometry", and "trikonniti" becomes "trigonometry".
We have reached the mars and back at a budget of 1 f16 yet you people still feel that we have only reached as far as the Indian rope trick.
we have the 3rd ranked space agency. Who has a recied to launch 104 sattelite in just one launch. even your neighbour russia is not achived half of them.
We are the third largest nation in the world of doctors, engineers, and scientists.
CEO of google Is INDIAN
CEO of Microsoft Is INDIAN
CEO of pepsico Is INDIAN
Email which is very essential for forum registration. invebted by an INDIAN.
First aircraft is made by an indian not wright brother they patent it.
Most of computer even yours has neccesary to had pentium chip. which is also invented by indians.
the most of building conctruction is depend on trignometry. that is invented by indian too.
facebook is an idea of an indian room mate of zukerberg. but he passed away and concept and asset are overtake by zukerberg. commit by fb ceo.
40% of scientist of NASA is indian.
when snapchat ceo said that india is a poor country. their google play rating dropped to 5-1 in one night.
we have the third largest army in the world. And even then, I fold my hands in humility before you because we don't believe that we are above or beneath any individual.
and i belong to a country where 40% of poor lives. but we burnt $600 billion dollar in diwali night.more than ur country GDP maybe
and you people think we can only bark.
dude i think you saw 60yrs old india.
nowdays we are the most fastest developing country in world.
We have the 6 largest nuclears weapon. but we attack none. because we thought with the grt power comes great responsibilty. the first country has free to acces 4g network.
in india Smartphone for poor people cant afford smartphone. the freedom 251. are selling at just $4.
in india. where 4g network is free. because are prime minister want a digtal india.
the 2 highest internet consumer in world.
Last edited by Capt price (2017-04-26 17:48:38)
that wta i talkin, with all greatness of mother India youre such a little prickin stupid mamfakin dicko sucker, shame on you! you disgrace not only fo you parent, but for whole India by mere fact of your existence, youre looking like a shit on the sole against all the achivement of normal indians, i wouldnt even surprise if it will turn out youre half pakistani, you shold donate your body for feedeng tigers purposes, this is most you can do for nature that made misstake in your face, you better become to tiger shit in your next life, go killyourself by drinking from Ganga then sit and wait for ganga bang, you sad motherfakin stupid fak!!1
Pages: 1