#61 2014-08-16 22:20:17

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

OMG IT WORKS THE GAMETRACKER WORKS smile smile smile smile Tuia please add all the SIMPLE servers on gametracker!!!


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#62 2014-08-16 22:57:36

ghost of ...
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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Sorry, to interrupt your joy Marco, but Gametracker works, and has always worked.

You mean for Simple servers right?

As far as I know, tuia chose not to use GT anymore about 5 months ago because more than 64 slots results in the fake/idle tag. Maybe he set up a firewall rule or similar to prevent getting added to GT around that point, but removed it later and that's why it works again. He said 10 hours ago that he still isn't interested.


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#63 2014-08-16 22:59:53

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

you might be right, cause when i try to add the server on gametracker i get this error message. I mean for USA simple server. Rest of Simple servers can be added on gametracker.

"Gametracker could not scan the server.
One of the following suggestions may help you:

    Your server is currently offline.
    GameTracker needs your server to be online before you can add it to our database. Please restart your server and make sure it's up before hitting ADD SERVER again.
    You entered the wrong query port.
    Please update your query port and hit scan again
    Your server is firewalled.
    Please turn off any firewall you have that may block scanning or whitelist the gametracker scanning IP addresses:"

Last edited by -=TL=-FearofthedarkHU (2014-08-16 23:01:51)


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#64 2014-08-17 10:15:00

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Hey Ghost, no worries man! I finally had time to sit down and try and use the gametracker thing and it worked! I dont understand why my admin powers dont work on the Simple FRA server. Can you fix that tuia? And now how can i join the Simple USA server without it showing up on gametracker?


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#65 2014-08-19 00:09:30

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

They all now show up on GameTracker.


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#66 2014-08-20 18:50:48

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Thanks Tuia!


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#67 2014-09-10 00:23:30

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Updated BF1942 Windows and Linux server binaries replacing master.gamespy.com string to master.bf1942.sk. Check http://team-simple.org/download page.
Also updated BF1942 GameSpy patch to create a CD-key registry value, if it was missing or empty in BF1942 installation.


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#68 2014-09-13 20:11:37

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Hi tuia,
I installed it, today. Since then it takes approx. 1 - 1 1/2 min until a map is loaded after end of a round. Can I deinstall it without re-installing the whole game?


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#69 2014-09-14 12:10:09

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

That's strange. Only cause I can think of, is compatibility mode. BF1942 GameSpy patch sets automatically BF1942.exe compatibility mode to Windows XP SP3 and to Run as Administrator. If changing compatibility mode doesn't help with map loading times, I guess you have to reinstall game again.


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#70 2014-09-14 12:11:32

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

I'm lucky that i used the BF1942 exe from forum.bf1942.sk.


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#71 2014-09-14 12:20:21

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

It's basically the same executable as hosted here. BF1942 GameSpy patch automates this BF1942 executable replacement process for you with just 3 or 4 clicks in Next button.


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#72 2014-09-14 12:21:58

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

@tuia Awesome.


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#73 2014-09-16 21:04:14

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Ah sad. Ok, nevermind. Then I will reinstall just the game because it is annoying to wait always approx. 90 secs ^^


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#74 2015-08-09 19:37:27

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Hey im new in the game.....is this site still alive??


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#75 2015-08-09 19:45:12

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Forum is dead. Forum members also. They died of oldness. This is a digital copy of the forum , programmed to make it look like someone is still playing.


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#76 2015-08-09 20:48:07

Empress of Doom
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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Welcome to the matrix.


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#77 2015-08-10 05:31:37

Winston Smith
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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

There are a few heartbeats here and there smile


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#78 2015-08-10 06:55:46

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

i think  he came from reddit  website


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#79 2015-08-10 08:59:35

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Fresh fish! Fresh fish!


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#80 2017-03-29 20:47:55

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

tuia wrote:
Trench wrote:
tuia wrote:

Added Battlefield 1942 GameSpy patch installer which will automatically replace all necessary files in your Battlefield 1942 directory to redirect to new master server and create compatibility flags for BF1942 (WINXP SP3 and Run as Admin), if you have Windows Vista or newer. In case you install to your Origin Games\Battlefield 1942 folder, original BF1942.exe will be first copied to backup subdirectory. Download: Battlefield 1942 GameSpy patch v1.61

Having an installer sounds great for those who are unfamiliar with .ZIP files, where their game directory is, etc., for getting the patch installed correctly.  Can you clarify more regarding /which/ patch(es) are being installed, and/or why the .EXE is named "1.61".  For example, which specific files currently listed on http://team-simple.org/download/ would be installed by this .EXE?  If both the CD-based Battlefield 1942 and Origin-based Battlefield 1942 are present on the machine, does it install both?

Battlefield 1942 GameSpy patch automatically copies BF1942.exe v1.61 plus the rest of necessary files for a BF1942 Retail install and BF1942.exe v1.612 for Origin BF1942. It creates a backup of BF1942.exe, named BF1942.exe.bak, if it copies to an Origin BF1942 install. Installer checks if it is a BF1942 Origin or BF1942 Retail install comparing the directory chosen with the BF1942 registry values. It also creates WINXPSP3 and RUNASADMIN flags in Windows registry for BF1942.exe.
So, if you have both a CD-based and Origin-based Battlefield 1942, it will decide what files to copy when you choose the BF1942 directory to patch. It defaults to Retail BF1942 directory.
Named it v1.61 because they are practically the same, trying to clean the BF1942 versions mess that EA created.

And for some reason I /still/ hadn't put together until now that this can leave your game installation with differing Battlefield 1942 server compatibility, based on whether you have a retail (CD-based) game install or an Origin-based game install.

I was still in the mode of thinking "battlefield_1942_gamespy_patch_v1.61.exe is the only update anyone will need to run", but in reality you still have to contend with the question of "what version of server am I wanting to play on."  If you had a retail (CD-based) game and "battlefield_1942_gamespy_patch_v1.61.exe" applied the 1.61 update, you're still only compatible with 1.61 servers.  Any 1.612 servers will appear "grayed out" in your server list, and unable to connect.

So there is still cause to download "Battlefield 1942 v1.612 Retail executable patched (bf1942-v1.612-retail-patched.zip)" and apply that too, even though you already ran battlefield_1942_gamespy_patch_v1.61.exe.

Note I'm NOT saying that you shouldn't run battlefield_1942_gamespy_patch_v1.61.exe in this case.  Running the battlefield_1942_gamespy_patch_v1.61.exe installer is still helping you by backing up your original BF1942.EXE and marking the "Run as Administrator" and "Windows XP SP3 compatibility" options for you.  For best results run battlefield_1942_gamespy_patch_v1.61.exe /and/ then download and apply bf1942-v1.612-retail-patched.zip afterwards, if your desire is to play against 1.612 servers.

Again, this may have already been obvious to some, but I wanted to spell it out for the benefit of anyone else like me who was still missing part of the plot.



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#81 2017-03-29 22:04:00

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942


Arghh... when i want to read you post, the only thing i see, is "battlefield_1942_gamespy_patch_v1.61.exe,  bf1942-v1.612-retail-patched.zip, Battlefield 1942 v1.612 Retail executable patched (bf1942-v1.612-retail-patched.zip), battlefield_1942_gamespy_patch_v1.61.exe" big_smile

I'm getting to old for this... smiley_coffee.gif



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#82 2017-03-30 02:17:30

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Removing the version check was one of the first things that was done with the server files

I think simple is still on CD only, but other then that you can play with whatthefuk version you like, on whatthefuk server you want.


Last edited by bud (2017-03-30 02:18:18)


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#83 2017-04-26 06:31:41

janet reno (TX)
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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Just let it go. Summit to the pussified bitches.


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#84 2017-04-27 01:10:12

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942


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#85 2017-05-02 14:44:30

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

I am glad to see that this thread has some activity. Makes things a lot easier.

First, some introduction.
Some time before GameSpy shut down in 2014, I developed my own masterserver for Unreal Tournament and Unreal. In the time that followed, I expanded the masterserver with support for a variety of games such as deusex, rune, postal2 and more. With 333networks, a group that runs a number of synchronized masterservers, we try to create support for as many affected games as we can.

One of the affected games, as pointed out by this thread, is Battlefield 1942. It makes me happy to see that you managed to run a masterserver on your own with success as well, and a forum that is still active.

Our masterserver has been running with success for the past 5 years and provides support for a number of abandoned games. A list of supported games can be found here: master.333networks.com/g/all

Until now, I have only limited success with querying bf1942 servers and providing support. I'm hoping to find one or two people who want to put some effort in helping with the development to get this working too.

Basically, I would like somebody to
  1) point his/her bf1942 to "master.333networks.com" (or ip: to test if you can acquire the game list;
  2) tell me whether it works or not;
  3) and if not, help me capture network data in order to make it work.

And a server administrator to
  1) point his/her bf1942 server to "master.333networks.com" (or ip: to test if 333networks recognizes it as valid server;
  2) work with me to verify that I received the server directly, instead of via the synchronization protocol of other masterservers;
  3) if it does not work, help me capture network data in order to make it work.

On my website, I documented the whole process of supporting Unreal Tournament and Unreal on dev.333networks.com/masterserver, so you have an idea about the steps.

I realize that I can not walk into this forum and immediately expect that you will all jump in and help. The 333networks masterserver is put together by people who have this as a hobby and volunteer for this. We think that support for Battlefield 1942 would greatly contribute to reliability for the community. If any of you could help us, it would be of great help to this community and ours.

Hopefully this helps, I'm looking forward to any response.

** As a new user, I am not able to post links (yet?). Sorry about that. I am sure you know how to access a website from plaintext either way.


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#86 2017-05-03 01:06:59

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

doci wrote:

And a server administrator to
  1) point his/her bf1942 server to "master.333networks.com" (or ip: to test if 333networks recognizes it as valid server;

Done. Im not gonna put down a lot of time in this project, but this much i can do.


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#87 2017-05-03 13:29:27

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

bud wrote:

Done. Im not gonna put down a lot of time in this project, but this much i can do.

Thanks a lot, that worked great.

Server is recognized and advertised properly.
Result: master.333networks.com/s38605


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#88 2017-05-04 00:13:34

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

Client refuse to pull any info tho.


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#89 2017-05-06 00:45:37

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Re: GameSpy shutdown and Battlefield 1942

bud wrote:

Client refuse to pull any info tho.

Yeah, that is the hard part. Thanks for trying. I'll put some work into that in the next few weeks.


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