#1 2017-04-22 16:50:45

SiMPLE Admin at RtR/SW server
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Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

Hello guys,
I dont know if the suggestion Im gonna make was made again but regardless its really good. I absolutelly love the RtR/SW Server and I spend most of my time to it so I would like to see OBJECTIVE and any other gamemode, not only conquest. I believe it will give a fresh and awesome feel to the server and we can have much more fun there. Let me know if this is possible and I would like to hear your thoughts about this. Im an admin there and I will ask the players too if they would like something like that. Thanks for your time.


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#2 2017-04-23 06:52:50

madara uchiha
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

There was already a thread for this in the  feedback section. Just check Phantom's thread

Last edited by madara uchiha (2017-04-23 06:57:13)


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#3 2017-04-23 10:25:46

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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

Good idea, it could be fun sometimes (events ?)


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#4 2017-04-23 10:27:34

SiMPLE Admin at RtR/SW server
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

Satinca wrote:

Good idea, it could be fun sometimes (events ?)

Yeah ! I would really love to see that !


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#5 2017-04-23 12:40:08

madara uchiha
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

Here is the link http://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=5468

It's the same topic of your thread and I know you told that you didn't know about any similar thread.

Anyway it would be nice to add ctf and objective mode in rotation

Last edited by madara uchiha (2017-04-23 12:43:54)


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#6 2017-04-23 21:08:56

SiMPLE Admin at RtR/SW server
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

madara uchiha wrote:

Here is the link http://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=5468

It's the same topic of your thread and I know you told that you didn't know about any similar thread.

Anyway it would be nice to add ctf and objective mode in rotation

Yeah I saw this post, thanks. But did anything change ? Will Objective or any other mode be added at least in the vote section ? Because I saw that admins cant change the gamemode. Correct me if I am wrong.


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#7 2017-04-24 06:54:23

Mc Coffee
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

Hi Waffen,
No admin has map access on RtR-SW as it was just missused for personal interests by some in the past. Also, its not needed.
And I am no fan of the idea changing something - but if there are more guys interested we could try it out as an event and see what happens. But not putting it into normal map vote. I can make the needed settings on server side if more people want it and someone somehow arranges something (more people and a certain date) - even if Im not interested - and I know from others as well who are not... ((
Mc Coffee


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#8 2017-04-24 08:26:37

Anna Nym
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server


i am with coffee.
Lets give it a try and make an event, ... an Sunday for example.
Not permanent.



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#9 2017-04-24 09:56:29

Paul Baumer
SiMPLE | Guardian Angel
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

Hi guys,
Im interested in try something new on SW like other gamemods, an event would be cool.Then if the participation will be good we could dedicate some days for it.


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#10 2017-04-24 17:07:54

SiMPLE Admin at RtR/SW server
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

Mc Coffee wrote:

Hi Waffen,
No admin has map access on RtR-SW as it was just missused for personal interests by some in the past. Also, its not needed.
And I am no fan of the idea changing something - but if there are more guys interested we could try it out as an event and see what happens. But not putting it into normal map vote. I can make the needed settings on server side if more people want it and someone somehow arranges something (more people and a certain date) - even if Im not interested - and I know from others as well who are not... ((
Mc Coffee

Hello Mc Coffee,
  I tottaly understand the reason why map access was removed for admins. But I am tottaly willing to organise the event and I would apreciate your help. I have talked with some guys in the server about playing objective mode and they have agreed, Anna and Paul are in too. I can contact more guys if we can plan this for maybe the other weekend or something. I have tested objective mode in a LAN server with friends and it was very interesting and fun. I honestly believe it will be awesome, so we can test this if we gather a respectable amount of players. If it turns out good we can discuss further about other plans.
  Believe me, with the right guys the event will be a great success and something really different. It would be awesome if you can participate too.Thanks for the suport !


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#11 2017-04-24 17:12:02

SiMPLE Admin at RtR/SW server
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

Anna and Paul, you are welcome to join and have fun with us. Lets hope everything to go as we want and organise this event. Check out the forum for progress and more info ! Hope to see you in the event smile


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#12 2017-04-24 19:29:47

madara uchiha
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

Der waffen is it on Rtr and SW because I would like to join . What time will it be? If it works well will be like every Sunday or something?


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#13 2017-04-24 19:53:10

SiMPLE Admin at RtR/SW server
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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

madara uchiha wrote:

Der waffen is it on Rtr and SW because I would like to join . What time will it be? If it works well will be like every Sunday or something?

It will probably be this Sunday at afternoon-evening and you are welcome to join. It is not decided yet. I will make a new "official" post in the forums maybe tommorow so check that out for more info about exact time if you want to join.


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#14 2017-04-25 07:27:49

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Re: Suggestion for the RtR/SW Server

German gang still having the power there...


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