#1 2017-04-11 18:44:56

Ted Danger (UK)
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Registered: 2016-11-07
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Opened today first time find my self banned

Hello Admin,
I opened the game today and found myself banned, can you pls tell me why?
Yesterday I played and all was fine ...
Ted Danger


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#2 2017-04-11 18:55:05

Paul Baumer
SiMPLE | Guardian Angel
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Re: Opened today first time find my self banned

Hello Ted!
You are banned for teamstacking for 1 day by Mc Coffee.Your ban expires tomorrow.


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#3 2017-04-11 19:01:00

Ted Danger (UK)
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Registered: 2016-11-07
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Re: Opened today first time find my self banned

The game hadn't started I thought it was OK  to choose sides - now I know that it applies right from the start ! Thanks Edward

Last edited by Ted Danger (UK) (2017-04-11 19:01:51)


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#4 2017-04-11 19:17:31

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Re: Opened today first time find my self banned

But... Its OK to choose a side before the map started, isnt it?
And even if a map started, and you just conected to server - you also have a right to choose a side. Its not a team stacking...


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#5 2017-04-11 19:18:54

Mc Coffee
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Re: Opened today first time find my self banned

Hello Ted,
making fair teams is part of a good gameplay. You joined a bigger team with more flags and much more tickets right when you joined.
Its always nice to play to play with you and you follow all rules and behave good all time - except teamstacking. You got that warning already several times - PLEASE CHECK TEAMSIZE BEFORE YOU SWITCH TEAM! It is also annoying for others who already fought a time for a team and are interested in winning - and then suddenly they get switched to other team because autobalance kicks in...
Your ban is already removed; have fun playing!
Thanks in advance for looking for fair teams next time!
best regards + cya on the battlefield,
Mc Coffee

Last edited by Mc Coffee (2017-04-11 19:20:16)


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#6 2017-04-11 19:30:33

impeached (twice)
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Re: Opened today first time find my self banned

I kicked messerjockel 2 weeks ago for teamstacking & thought he might complain so I took a pic. This is why it is not ok to switch teams at the beginning of the game.


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#7 2017-04-11 21:05:48

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Re: Opened today first time find my self banned

-=Privet=- wrote:

But... Its OK to choose a side before the map started, isnt it?
And even if a map started, and you just conected to server - you also have a right to choose a side. Its not a team stacking...

no, if your choice made another team smaller. if you go to smaler team, it ok and fair. play fair and respect all players, you must remember that rule.
BUT sometimes, i think, it ok to go to bigger team, if bigger team full of noobs and afk players. so, in this time i ask admin for let me change. usualy admin say ok, cos its fair.

Last edited by pavleg (2017-04-11 21:11:05)


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#8 2017-04-11 22:41:09

Reputation: +394
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Re: Opened today first time find my self banned


Last edited by deeko (2017-04-11 22:42:49)


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#9 2017-04-14 16:54:59

Ted Danger (UK)
Reputation: +9
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Registered: 2016-11-07
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Re: Opened today first time find my self banned

Mc Coffee wrote:

Hello Ted,
making fair teams is part of a good gameplay. You joined a bigger team with more flags and much more tickets right when you joined.
Its always nice to play to play with you and you follow all rules and behave good all time - except teamstacking. You got that warning already several times - PLEASE CHECK TEAMSIZE BEFORE YOU SWITCH TEAM! It is also annoying for others who already fought a time for a team and are interested in winning - and then suddenly they get switched to other team because autobalance kicks in...
Your ban is already removed; have fun playing!
Thanks in advance for looking for fair teams next time!
best regards + cya on the battlefield,
Mc Coffee

You're correct I didn't check. Will keep it in mind next time.
Good gaming !


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