#1 2017-04-01 00:11:06

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Admin abuses his rights

I was playing on RtR+SW server and got kicked 2 times by admin, it happened 20 mins ago.He just warned me to change my nickname and didnt reveal his name.Why should i change my nickname?Because this admin doesnt like it or what?I play on original Simple server a lot and no admin complains about my nickname.I even signed up here and took exactly the same nickname and still no complains.So i wanna know what the hell is going on?Why this admin abuses his right just because he doesn't like my nickname?


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#2 2017-04-01 00:18:22

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Re: Admin abuses his rights



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#3 2017-04-01 01:13:56

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Re: Admin abuses his rights


I was playing on RtR+SW server and got kicked 2 times by admin, it happened 20 mins ago.He just warned me to change my nickname and didnt reveal his name.Why should i change my nickname?Because this admin doesnt like it or what?I play on original Simple server a lot and no admin complains about my nickname.I even signed up here and took exactly the same nickname and still no complains.So i wanna know what the hell is going on?Why this admin abuses his right just because he doesn't like my nickname?

I don't think any Admin is abusing you. But as I already told you, (in your introduction) I'm not comfort with your name, neither your profile at all. For me your profile is just to upset ppl and/or to just provoke. And don't tell anyone you're "new" to all this.

And who you call "he"?


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#4 2017-04-01 07:00:19

Old goat
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Re: Admin abuses his rights


I was playing on RtR+SW server and got kicked 2 times by admin, it happened 20 mins ago.He just warned me to change my nickname and didnt reveal his name.Why should i change my nickname?Because this admin doesnt like it or what?I play on original Simple server a lot and no admin complains about my nickname.I even signed up here and took exactly the same nickname and still no complains.So i wanna know what the hell is going on?Why this admin abuses his right just because he doesn't like my nickname?

Hey guys!

! agree with Dr Duke on this topic.
I dont think it´s admin abuse kicking you after warning you.
Since you rehistered and presented your self, i have also thougth about that
your name could be considered as offensive.If i where you i would simply change it and move on.
Otherwise you might get warned and kicked from other admins.

Best regards



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#5 2017-04-01 10:17:52

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Re: Admin abuses his rights


I was playing on RtR+SW server and got kicked 2 times by admin, it happened 20 mins ago.He just warned me to change my nickname and didnt reveal his name.Why should i change my nickname?Because this admin doesnt like it or what?I play on original Simple server a lot and no admin complains about my nickname.I even signed up here and took exactly the same nickname and still no complains.So i wanna know what the hell is going on?Why this admin abuses his right just because he doesn't like my nickname?

As I remember, you were warned several times before, by a few admins, me included.
Your nickname is far from being nice, IMO.



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#6 2017-04-01 10:54:23

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

lol the "offended" ones. His nick name is not"i fucked your mom shat in her vagina and admins are cocksuckers".
So man the fuck up and stop banning people from this uncrowded game, till theres someone left to play with.


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#7 2017-04-01 10:57:14

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Ive seen a guy with a nickname "fat slut Anna" is even an admin. So dont tell me no fairytales..


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#8 2017-04-01 11:50:35

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Sonic wrote:

Ive seen a guy with a nickname "fat slut Anna" is even an admin. So dont tell me no fairytales..

And "she" does have an account and player name and plays with capitals?? And "she's" only playing for a couple of minutes each day here and there? First shoot than questioning, huh?

But this seems exactly what ppl like AD wants to. But sry, I will not take part on this...

Last edited by Dr-Duke (2017-04-01 12:08:15)


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#9 2017-04-01 12:04:06

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Dr-Duke wrote:
Sonic wrote:

Ive seen a guy with a nickname "fat slut Anna" is even an admin. So dont tell me no fairytales..

And "she" does have an account and player name and play's with capitals?? And "she's" only playing for a couple of minutes each day here and there? First shoot than questioning, huh?

this is bullshit. why do you ban/kick hin for using that nick? is he offending you personally or smth.? its like he said, he is registried with that nick and he play with that nick on simple classic server and nobody complains but you do whyever.
this is abusing imo!
this game is nearly dead and you keep banning/kicking poeple for such a bullshit.. if you handle that way, you have to ban 'Fette Nutte Anna" also for the name.

lächerlicher gehts kaum...

Last edited by valento (2017-04-01 14:22:51)


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#10 2017-04-01 12:29:46

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Dr-Duke wrote:

I don't think any Admin is abusing you. But as I already told you, (in your introduction) I'm not comfort with your name, neither your profile at all. For me your profile is just to upset ppl and/or to just provoke. And don't tell anyone you're "new" to all this.

And who you call "he"?

It is your opinion and you're wrong. I just like to play the game and have a lil chat sometimes, i dont do some bs like ruining the game for others on purpose or calling names.Also what do you mean by "new" to this?If you think i get banned or kicked in other games for my name you're wrong again. I say "he" because i dont know who kicked me.

DirtyDiana wrote:

Hey guys!

! agree with Dr Duke on this topic.
I dont think it´s admin abuse kicking you after warning you.
Since you rehistered and presented your self, i have also thougth about that
your name could be considered as offensive.If i where you i would simply change it and move on.
Otherwise you might get warned and kicked from other admins.

Best regards


Hi DirtyDiana, i just want to keep my name.I rly don't know how could it be considered as offensive.Also i've seen people with word "ass" in their names and they were playing RtR+SW server just fine, without any warnings.So i think this admin just doesn't like me for some reason and kicks me.


As I remember, you were warned several times before, by a few admins, me included.
Your nickname is far from being nice, IMO.


And as i remember you were playing RtR+SW server with the guy named "TRUMP IS GONNA KICK UR ASS" and you did nothing to him yet his nametag is offensive and contains word "ass" .And my name is not nice it's just funny and besides has a story behind it.

Sonic wrote:

lol the "offended" ones. His nick name is not"i frick your mom shat in her vagina and admins are cocksuckers".
So man the frick up and stop banning people from this uncrowded game, till theres someone left to play with.

Thanks man! This is what i am trying to tell, it's just my name and i don't know how you guys see it as an offensive name.

Last edited by ASSDRILLER (2017-04-01 12:42:54)


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#11 2017-04-01 13:03:48

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

bringers of the western get offended by everything culture are here. frau merkel has done a great job with her multie cultie germans.
real players wont even notice names like these. some are busy playing, others are busy finding or creating drama out of nothing because they cant play.
ASSDRILLER [Colt] Dr duke
ASSDRILLER [Colt] Dr duke
must be a horribly sad day


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#12 2017-04-01 14:52:37

Paul Baumer
SiMPLE | Guardian Angel
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Its not about an abuse of admin rights.
You are free to choose the name you want- unless the others find it offensive or inappropriate.Then you are kindly asked to change it, and thats what happened.
And keep in mind, there can be kids playing this game, another reason why we dont tolerate swearing lang in chat and that kind of nicks.


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#13 2017-04-01 14:57:29

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Dr-Duke wrote:

And who you call "he"?

Did he just assume your gender?
There is no place in this world for nazi bigots like him!

Last edited by moon' (2017-04-01 15:00:13)


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#14 2017-04-01 15:58:20

impeached (twice)
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

The rules say no offensive names. What is offensive to one person may not be to another. It is offensive to someone and it's their call. So just change your name.

I would like to hear the story behind your name though.


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#15 2017-04-01 16:55:48

Semi-corrupt admin
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Please, don't kick or ban people for such nicknames because they aren't offensive at all. It's absurd like if I say that it's a kind of sexual intolerance towards him. He maybe likes to drill arses or be drilled by the others.
This nickname is a crime with no victim: no one is offended.


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#16 2017-04-01 17:48:02

madara uchiha
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Paul Baumer wrote:

Its not about an abuse of admin rights.
You are free to choose the name you want- unless the others find it offensive or inappropriate.Then you are kindly asked to change it, and thats what happened.
And keep in mind, there can be kids playing this game, another reason why we dont tolerate swearing lang in chat and that kind of nicks.

3 things : 1 : its clearly stated that  battlefield 1942 is a teen game , so saying kids isn't correct.

              2 : there are bots called a hooker , its very child friendly (sarcasm) .

              3 : I've seen players with offensive names eg : I saw someone named greek bastards and well nobody has a

Last edited by madara uchiha (2017-04-01 17:49:27)


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#17 2017-04-01 17:59:15

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

nämeless wrote:

Please, don't kick or ban people for such nicknames because they aren't offensive at all. It's absurd like if I say that it's a kind of sexual intolerance towards him. He maybe likes to drill arses or be drilled by the others.
This nickname is a crime with no victim: no one is offended.

Right, it's very welcome to be gay in EU. Even in Estonia, which became a civilized european country,  they are pushed to educate kids to do that. So it's very sad,  but we got a first Russian one who enjoys to pump the shit in someones ass. Report him to Putin and you will not have to ban him for next 25 years.

Last edited by e.S (2017-04-01 18:20:06)


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#18 2017-04-01 17:59:41

Paul Baumer
SiMPLE | Guardian Angel
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

we are kicking/banning that player (Bastard greeks), its just that the admins arent always on.
Still, some players on SW server are around 9 years old(for exemple 23K), its correct call them children I guess.

Last edited by Paul Baumer (2017-04-01 18:02:21)


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#19 2017-04-01 18:09:51

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

I bet AD is sitting in his chair an enjoys the show... big_smile

But lemme say you something AD, I never kicked or banned you wink
As Paul already wrote you are of course free in choice of your name. But I don't think you will get lesser problems keeping it.

Let's move on and keep playing, before emotions boil too much.

Last edited by Dr-Duke (2017-04-01 18:12:21)


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#20 2017-04-01 18:35:27

madara uchiha
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Paul how do you know 23k is 9 yrs old and I agree with doc's 3rd sentence  .

So whats your opinion on 8 year olds playing teen games  and then having problems with its content online eh?

Last edited by madara uchiha (2017-04-01 18:39:37)


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#21 2017-04-01 19:08:51

Semi-corrupt admin
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

e.S wrote:
nämeless wrote:

Please, don't kick or ban people for such nicknames because they aren't offensive at all. It's absurd like if I say that it's a kind of sexual intolerance towards him. He maybe likes to drill arses or be drilled by the others.
This nickname is a crime with no victim: no one is offended.

Right, it's very welcome to be gay in EU. Even in Estonia, which became a civilized european country,  they are pushed to educate kids to do that. So it's very sad,  but we got a first Russian one who enjoys to pump the shit in someones ass. Report him to Putin and you will not have to ban him for next 25 years.

It's very sad. He has nothing to do but to ask Estonia for political asylum before it's not late and Putin is not informed yet. Assdriller, run for your life! I think I know one proud gay couple from Estonia. They also like Battlefield 1942, I think they can help.


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#22 2017-04-01 19:10:18

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

You should also be offended by nameless' nick cause he pretends to have no name, but yet he has a name. I think he is pulling your leg.

Seriously, obviously the problem is the one who feels offended by just a harmless word. Will you soon ban all violent people because they shoot at you?


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#23 2017-04-01 20:00:41

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Paul Baumer wrote:

Its not about an abuse of admin rights.
You are free to choose the name you want- unless the others find it offensive or inappropriate.Then you are kindly asked to change it, and thats what happened.
And keep in mind, there can be kids playing this game, another reason why we dont tolerate swearing lang in chat and that kind of nicks.

So there has to be decision from jedi council(admins) smile whether i can keep it or not. Otherwise it's just like one admin is ok with that and other is not and kicks me.And this game is something like 16+ or 18+ so little kids should not play this game.


I would like to hear the story behind your name though.

Me and my friend were playing unreal tournament with a MOD with new guns.So in this mod your first weapon was a drill and my friend was kinda bad at this game and i could easily sneak up on him many times.After i was tired shooting him in back i started to use drill.And my friend was laughing and yelled at me "STOP DRILLING MY ASS!!" .This is how i came up with that name and  ever since i am ASSDRILLER smile

Dr-Duke wrote:

I bet AD is sitting in his chair an enjoys the show... big_smile

But lemme say you something AD, I never kicked or banned you wink
As Paul already wrote you are of course free in choice of your name. But I don't think you will get lesser problems keeping it.

Let's move on and keep playing, before emotions boil too much.

hehe no beleive me i am not a troll smile i didnt say it was you and this topic is not for show. I just want to keep my name because i used to it.

nämeless wrote:

Please, don't kick or ban people for such nicknames because they aren't offensive at all. It's absurd like if I say that it's a kind of sexual intolerance towards him. He maybe likes to drill arses or be drilled by the others.
This nickname is a crime with no victim: no one is offended.

you Sir have great sense of humor xDDDD but you are correct my nickname is just a joke and wasnt meant to upset people

So overall i just want admins to let me keep my name plzzzz

Last edited by ASSDRILLER (2017-04-01 20:02:05)


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#24 2017-04-01 20:36:06

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Please remove your profile picture. The promotion of behaviors related to anorexia is a downright disgrace.


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#25 2017-04-01 20:45:23

Paul Baumer
SiMPLE | Guardian Angel
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Driller please wait for the answer of the admin who kicked you, talk to him and the case will be solved.


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#26 2017-04-01 20:48:03

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

I am not offended by your nick but I understand that's some are, why is it so hard for you to modify it ?  ex ( Axedriller ) for compromise??

I dont know why you want to keep it If the majority does not agree whit It ?  I like the story about your drill... but not to over rule the majority.

When you are new to a group, your the one that should make the Integration effort not the other way around !


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#27 2017-04-01 20:52:01

Paul Baumer
SiMPLE | Guardian Angel
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Well said Dak! smile


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#28 2017-04-01 20:59:55

North Korea
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Coco wrote:

Please remove your profile picture. The promotion of behaviors related to anorexia is a downright disgrace.



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#29 2017-04-01 23:35:42

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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Screw the 9 year olds!
If their parents allow them to play, why should grown up players please them?
9 year olds...what a hypocricy! Killing people is okay...but assdrilling..OMG GOD FORBID!
Chose your priorities for the players and not little monkeys who were given a PC for 20 minutes so that they can let their parents make another one.

** Sorry, I don't know why I'm so provocative, I just didn't have forum fights for a long time big_smile big_smile ;D


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#30 2017-04-01 23:46:18

Mc Coffee
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Re: Admin abuses his rights

Hello AD,
you got warned 6 times about your name before. You didnt change it or replied - so you got kicked. Your name is not acceptable, also like "Greek Bastards"name and will not be accepted on this server when I see it in use. Please choose something different or go play somewhere else where people dont care about it.
Thank you and have a nice day.
best regards,
Mc Coffee


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