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Mnogo je zamrlo ovo mesto, sta se desava gde su svi. Denny kobra snicla G ... Djeste svi ((((((((((((( Kakvo je stanje (sranje) kod vas, kod nas standardno sve gore od goreg...
Zao mi je ,ali portugalac se zajebo ,primivsi mnoge kromanjonce u tim ,pa da ti budem iskren,mnogi od nas ne zele vise imati posla sa imbecilima.
Pogledaj samo kako admin admina bana itd....
Same picke,brate
Da, cesto je da se zapitas sta je s tim covekom, iskreno mi ga je zao jer je tolerantan oprasta svakome ko Isus ,ali to je vec odavno otislo u krajnost, ispada samo budala na kraju . Jel istina ovo sto kenjaju za slovaka da je otiso zauvek, nije mi nikad bio drag ali bas bi mi bilo zao , sta je sve uradio za ovaj bf treba mu spomenik dici. Kako je kod vas u europi jel se mrda nesto na bolje ili tuga bozija ?
Cuo sam od huka par puta i od jos nekih posto ga nema dugo a kao ni na njegovom serveru se ne pojavljuje mesecima, ko zna sta je. fama volas , glasine kruze i sire se gluposti najverovatnije...
Gde sta braco!
Pozz nisam te vidjao pre na serveru
Pa gle, igram BF42 jako dugo, od kada je izasao. Naravno, uz prekide. Nekad je ta pauza par meseci, nekad dve godine. hahaha Svrljao sam po svim mogucim serverima, pa sam verovatno nekad bio i na ovom.
Krenuo pre par nedelja da igram World of Tanks, i bio iz fazona - Jebo ovo, idem da igram Battlefield1942, nadam se da neko igra jos uvek. Kad ono, ne da igra, nego nas ima vise nego poslednji put kad sam igrao online. Rekoh aj da se prikljucim zajednici i na nekom forumu, pa eto me ovde.
Last edited by Mystikal (2016-04-28 10:24:28)
jesi ovaj nik koristio ? Mozd sam te i video al ko zna. Gledamo se na serveru
Aha, ovaj i varijacije tipa Mystikal[SRB] ili tako nesto
Brze zeleznice srbije....
Hahahha nisam ni znao da i mi imamo temu xD
Da bilo je pre dobro mesto za sprdanje balkanjerosa , al otisli svi ebiga
Neki se vrate povremeno...
Last edited by DICE DA MAN (2017-03-12 20:47:56)
De ste Croatoserbosancerosi?
Svim rimokatolicima srecan Bozic.Ako vas ima koji razumete
Aaaa vidi dobre teme
Svim rimokatolicima srecan Bozic.Ako vas ima koji razumete
Last edited by arijevac (2017-12-28 00:29:00)
Što nam je zamrlo ovo mjesto?
Ima sve više Balkanaca na serveru s sve manje na forumu
Braco Jugosloveni, cini mi se da nas ovaj retardirani amer proziva.
It seems you really are retarded Dion, you are related to Ari?
Also to let you know my morning erections are doing great -I couldn't keep my eyes shut 2 mornings in a row {not enough skin left} And just so you don't have to worry -I'm never alone. Yes Dion it was harder than woodpecker lips-or Chinese arithmetic-Abacus detected :} Queer Boi wants to know about my sex life :}
Bosnian - detected
Did you mean: Braćo Jugosloveni, čini mi se da naš ovaj retardirani amer proziva.-translated
Brother Yugoslav, it seems to me that this retarded American is calling us.
Also this below has been brought to my attn: and you will be receiving a ban for the following as soon as I see you on the server.
Now you might have to explain to your friend {Gio} that it was just like the last time you were banned since he didn't understand why I banned you when you came in the server and said nothing-this will be a 3 day ban.
Then if you continue to use this sort of language towards others in the future =PERMANENT BAN!
Hilly wtf is wrong with you? You know that both Jazzy and I were online and you think we need your help?
For what?
Insult (YES there was only ONE insult from what you posted) was against Jazzy and he was aware of that but did nothing because he enjoyed making Dio angry more than kicking him for language
You think we need you to come and save us???
Seriously chill out
Also wtf is this behavior going to other languages parts of forum and posting "The immigrant song"???
Why dont you be a badass and go post it in Russian section? Or Portugese?
We need someone from forum moderators to take action
Last edited by gio (2019-09-09 21:42:23)
I don't really get why the Immigrant Song could be offensive. Anyway, if you feel it's not enough, you can always bring some hatred to the Russian section, we got already used to it. Not sure about Portuguese.
P.S. Hilly, what's wrong? Do you really think you need debate with people from another hemisphere, from the country you couldn't even point on the map with a finger? What did they do?
Shut up Gio you both have the I.Q. of a donut.
This Idiot will learn to watch his language on the server.
I did not see your name in-game while he was typing this.
And if you was, then you know Tuia doesn't want this kind of language on the server.
You should be ashamed since you can read what he wrote and did nothing!
Don't you worry I will.
Also since all that come to these forums cant speak English - makes it foreign to them as well
And the immigrant song is funny
Can we settle down a bit?
Stop trying to insult Billy (not smart enough for it), you felt my IQ pretty well when I made you cry on TS because you couldn't match either my I.Q. nor my knowledge and education.
Remember that rage you felt?
How did it feel being so humiliated?
Please share..
Your only response was to start calling me gypsy the next day like this was supposed to mean something.
Now stop abusing the rights that were given to you by going after your little personal vendetas and behave
P.S. You knew it was me because earlier you asked me about Jazzy so dont lie also