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I feel something strange when I dogfighting on this server like it has some irregular technical characteristics of planes: I mean the rate of climb, speed and the deflection for shooting ahead. I am not paranoid and I also know it depends on the ping and speed of a plane that I trying to shoot down but something is still wrong for me and sometimes I can't even hit the plane, I would have easily been able to kill earlier on the other servers. Could somebody explain to me?
same for me on russian servers, coincidence?
i have the same pobs, when you shooting and sure 100% you have to hit but miss
i belive that is illusion, human mind-eyes have change working speed-biological clock and shit...
i have a secret method to avoid this- i try to switch mind to represent for myself all ingame action in 2 dimension, not 3D, its hard to keep this, and you'll never hit taggert ahed in that state, but after, when you switch back to the common for mind "brainfool" mode, you will assess the "distance" and will shoot ahead more accurately,
also i herd there is "bad" ping and its not about bigness, but someth about multiplicity of the some value(кратность к какому-то значению)
anyway you can always use old good "spray and pray" shooting method
i have the same pobs, when you shooting and sure 100% you have to hit but miss
i belive that is illusion, human mind-eyes have change working speed-biological clock and shit...
i have a secret method to avoid this- i try to switch mind to represent for myself all ingame action in 2 dimension, not 3D, its hard to keep this, and you'll never hit taggert ahed in that state, but after, when you switch back to the common for mind "brainfool" mode, you will assess the "distance" and will shoot ahead more accurately,
also i herd there is "bad" ping and its not about bigness, but someth about multiplicity of the some value(кратность к какому-то значению)
anyway you can always use old good "spray and pray" shooting method
joint wrote:i have the same pobs, when you shooting and sure 100% you have to hit but miss
i belive that is illusion, human mind-eyes have change working speed-biological clock and shit...
i have a secret method to avoid this- i try to switch mind to represent for myself all ingame action in 2 dimension, not 3D, its hard to keep this, and you'll never hit taggert ahed in that state, but after, when you switch back to the common for mind "brainfool" mode, you will assess the "distance" and will shoot ahead more accurately,
also i herd there is "bad" ping and its not about bigness, but someth about multiplicity of the some value(кратность к какому-то значению)
anyway you can always use old good "spray and pray" shooting methodWhat?
Really. Напиши по-русски.
Last edited by nämeless (2012-12-01 21:50:16)
будет слишком просто, это же секретный метод манипуляции собственным сознанием и почва для шуток про траву, переведешь-получишь сокральные знания тибецких монахов)))
i have a secret method to avoid this- i try to switch mind to represent for myself all ingame action in 2 dimension, not 3D, its hard to keep this
are those drugs allowing switching mind from 3d to 2d available outside ukraine? ;-)
joint how many dimensions u can go into?
it's also possible that you got packet loss on the server, mostly happens when you got a bad ping on the server..
joint wrote:i have a secret method to avoid this- i try to switch mind to represent for myself all ingame action in 2 dimension, not 3D, its hard to keep this
are those drugs allowing switching mind from 3d to 2d available outside ukraine? ;-)
a drugs available everywhere, available but not free whit it this will not work, no chanse, i tried)
i also have an simple method, this one can be used along with a drugs: you start the stopwatch, dont watch on it and count in mind, for example to 10, and exactly in the moment when "your" 10 is come, you look to the stopwatch and observ if you slow or lag behind, dont matter how you accurate in the counting-you or too fast or too slow, you have to nothing to do after, the realization that you have fix in either way, makes all settin up by auto haha
try it, its actualy working
it's also possible that you got packet loss on the server, mostly happens when you got a bad ping on the server..
My ping is about 60 ms, the connection is quite stable.
a drugs available everywhere, available but not free
whit it this will not work, no chanse, i tried)
i also have an simple method, this one can be used along with a drugs: you start the stopwatch, dont watch on it and count in mind, for example to 10, and exactly in the moment when "your" 10 is come, you look to the stopwatch and observ if you slow or lag behind, dont matter how you accurate in the counting-you or too fast or too slow, you have to nothing to do after, the realization that you have fix in either way, makes all settin up by auto haha
try it, its actualy working
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Last edited by nämeless (2012-12-01 23:48:45)
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
i using the bulbulyator to smoke,.
why? do my advices dislike you?
sunny ku!, no through time, я о суточных циклических колебаниях в субъективной оценке временных отрезков, чтоб как в назад в будущее это походу наверна герыч нада как минимум ..
Could somebody ask Google developers to add Joint as a language?
impressive, but that would be egoistically and selffishing from my side, ask them just save porn in the name of me
you're not talk but its ok
Could somebody ask Google developers to add Joint as a language?
but i'm not sure if the current state of translation algos is up to the task
Last edited by s[sk] (2012-12-02 03:40:05)
I feel something strange when I dogfighting on this server like it has some irregular technical characteristics of planes: I mean the rate of climb, speed and the deflection for shooting ahead. I am not paranoid and I also know it depends on the ping and speed of a plane that I trying to shoot down but something is still wrong for me and sometimes I can't even hit the plane, I would have easily been able to kill earlier on the other servers. Could somebody explain to me?
I have the same problem, i think it started with the stupid routing changes when they started to push out internet television. I asked an "expert" panel once but i only got answer thats it propably loadbalancing from the ISP.
some pictures to illustrate what i mean
stable routing
constantly changing routing
Трассировка маршрута к []
с максимальным числом переходов 30:
0 INFO1 []
1 []
2 []
4 []
5 []
6 []
7 []
Подсчет статистики за: 175 сек. ...
Исходный узел Маршрутный узел
Прыжок RTT Утер./Отпр. % Утер./Отпр. % Адрес
0 INFO1 []
0/ 100 = 0% |
1 1мс 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
2 6мс 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
3 6мс 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0%
0/ 100 = 0% |
4 53мс 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
5 — 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
6 — 100/ 100 =100% 100/ 100 =100% []
0/ 100 = 0% |
7 63мс 0/ 100 = 0% 0/ 100 = 0% []
Трассировка завершена.
Seriously, what can I do to solve this problem? I can't dogfight, can't play infantry maps, can do nothing which bound to shooting with automatic weapons. I can't even shoot an enemy down from the tank machine gun from 20 meters.
Last edited by nämeless (2012-12-04 21:19:54)
its called skill nameless;p
I don't know what can explain the erratic gameplay you experience. You seem to have a stable ping to the server. Maybe some other pilots can share with you if they face the same hit problems in the server, when flying. I really don't know. Battlefield 1942 network code is not something robust, no lag compensation and probably too many sloppy code.
Seriously, what can I do to solve this problem? I can't dogfight, can't play infantry maps, can do nothing which bound to shooting with automatic weapons. I can't even shoot an enemy down from the tank machine gun from 20 meters.
I don't know what can explain the erratic gameplay you experience. You seem to have a stable ping to the server. Maybe some other pilots can share with you if they face the same hit problems in the server, when flying. I really don't know. Battlefield 1942 network code is not something robust, no lag compensation and probably too many sloppy code.
Unfortunately, I either can't explain this "erratical" gameplay. I understand that something affects on my shooting with automatic weapons only and it's like the server counting only 1 hit of 5 shots.
Last edited by nämeless (2012-12-05 07:48:01)
I remember someone saying he would be like this
Do you have xfire running while playing?
Seriously, what can I do to solve this problem?
The advice i got was to change ISP
There is some small tricks i use sometimes, if you can take of with the AichiVal right side of carrier-tower without ending up in the water then it works ok. When the corsair starts to feel like a flying bathtube then its not ok (its the most connection-sensitive plane)
If you empty the mag in your gun and next second or so there is still bullets left, then its not ok.
I think maybe the priority for game packets is very low at the ISP´s side, or there will to fix crappy routers. Some years ago when i had the most problems i found out that VoIP was there highest priority, you can google around about it if you want to learn more.
example … -be-lying/
The ISPs do not have the best interests of the consumers in mind. There is no transparency, and the vast majority of customers who are affected do not know that their data is being manipulated or re-prioritized.
Do you have win7 nämeless?
I know one who had similar laggs... the solution was this one: go to task manager -> process -> right click on BF42 -> allocate CPU (something like this) -> hook on both CPU
But you have to do this before every map.
maybe there is a sense try another network card? the check parity of card may cause some delays maybe, or try to reduce MTU to make network flow smoother xz
also i would in your place delete win 8 and instal 7