#1 2022-10-22 22:37:50

Reputation: +353
Registered: 2018-04-22
Posts: 506
Windows 10 Chrome 106.0

Discord server for mixed funwars

Hey everyone

We made a Discord server to serve as a platform for mixed funwars or mixed teams vs. other clans.

The purpose behind it is that if a team is missing an opponent and no team is available due to the few active teams, then the mixed-team can serve as a substitute, and everyone  on the Discorc channel (clan or no clan) can sign-up and join the funwar through the "signup-for-mixwar" textchannel.

The ones who are intersted can become "captains" and be able to use the "raid-helper"-bot which manage signups and thereby help coordinate and serve as a contact to the opponents team war-arranger.

There is no commitment or anything. The only thing you have to do if you want to be part of some closed and organised wars from time to time is to join the Discord server.

Hope to see everyone interested. Cheers.

Link: https://discord.gg/ZPMqHa9Y


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#2 2022-10-31 23:04:27

Reputation: +54
Registered: 2021-05-17
Posts: 119
Windows 10 Opera 91.0

Re: Discord server for mixed funwars

Hi soldiers,

the next mixed war is on Wed 02.11.2022 8:30 pm CET


Feel free to join!


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#3 2022-11-01 00:50:00

Black Mamba
Reputation: +1456
Registered: 2012-12-01
Posts: 4,272
iOS Safari 16.0

Re: Discord server for mixed funwars

NuBian wrote:

Hi soldiers,

the next mixed war is on Wed 02.11.2022 8:30 pm CET


Feel free to join!

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