#1 2020-02-19 13:21:47

Lightning Strike
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Looking for an unban...Simple France

I like to play on Simple France because I enjoy the maps of Road to Rome and Secret Weapons. Nobody else has them so it is the only place to go.  I will not sit here and tell you I have not done some things to get banned and take responsibility for it however I have been playing with a vpn and not causing any trouble.  Tonight wonderful Paul decided to ban me for using a VPN.  Ok was not aware you couldn't use a VPN on battlefield but really it is a game....I never called anyone out or said anything for that matter that is derogatory towards others.  Just attacked a home base a few times and I don't teamkill.  Anyway I just wondering if admin can lighten up and allow me to play again from my ip address.   I think we should entertain the idea that this is a game not real life.


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#2 2020-02-19 14:34:32

Paul Baumer
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Hello Lightning Strike,
I banned you for using VPN because it is forbidden on SiMPLE servers(unless special cases when admins allow you to do that).
Before considering your unban request we need to verify some things.Please wait.

Last edited by Paul Baumer (2020-02-19 14:34:54)


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#3 2020-02-20 10:24:06

average dödelcopter pilot
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Hello, you are no more banned. Follow the rules and good luck on bf.


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#4 2020-02-20 22:17:14

Lightning Strike
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Thank you Flettnerman for trying however my IP address is still blocked (failure to connect) Paul is working on it I am sure it is from a ban in the past.  I will wait it out until it can be squared away...thanks again


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#5 2020-03-06 11:33:27

Lightning Strike
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

I need some help....I have been blocked from simple france because of disruptive gameplay and evading...I made an appeal (as you can see from this thread).  I have been in contact with Paul Baumer (Paulo) I guess who had PM me on Feb 21 saying that I was banned for two weeks and if I didn't come back during that time and I didn't try to evade my IP would be re-established.  I complied with his request, I have not been to simple france nor have I tried to gain entry during that time.  It would almost be impossible since my ip is blocked and my VPN has been as well.  I PM'ed Paul to find out when I could re-enter game play and he stated "you are not unbanned you made your choice".  This is simple not true.  I played at other server but not in simple france nor anything associated with that server.  I have neither evaded or tried to mask my identity during that time.  For heavens sakes I just would like to play not asking for much what is deal here and can I get some help sorting this out from someone else if Paulo or Paul doesnt want to work with me


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#6 2020-03-06 11:39:53

Paul Baumer
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

It result's you evaded your ban at least twice, as I told you via pm.After this you can't be unbanned after 2 weeks as the deal was, sorry but it's your own fault.


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#7 2020-03-06 11:51:49

Lightning Strike
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

I have not and didn't evade your ban after February 21...lets go over this again one last time
1.  I was in conversation with you about my ban...you said wait until I heard otherwise
2.  Flatterman come on and lifted my VPN ban on Feb.20.
3.  I was unsure of my status so I went to play on Feb.21
4.  You came on during gameplay and stated that it had been decided that I was to be banned for two weeks.  I was taken out the game and we PM'ed each other that you understood and see me in two weeks (I have the conversation and you should too.)
5.  I have not either been nor tried to access simple france since that time through my ip address nor through VPN...I am blocked could not do it even if I wanted too
6.  Sent a PM to Paul today about when I could come back and was told you evaded through Nick Danger (have no idea who or what that is) and used a VPN....well if my VPN is blocked and my IP address is blocked what gives.  I feel like I have to give my life testimony to come back and still cant do it I want proof from Paul that it was me accessing the site....I don't get it why ....why would I care about this if I just wanted to hack and cause chaos


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#8 2020-03-06 12:01:28

Lightning Strike
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Here is the conversation we had so we can be clear:

Hello, here is the final decision.
After checking all our information the ban on you will stay for two weeks from today.It's two weeks period due to multiple evading and VPN use.After you serve the ban your ip's will be unbanned and you will be able to play.But you will have no second chance and no evading will be tolerated.Also when you come back you'll have to play by rules only.
If you evade again there will be no return.

The idiots have taken over


Block Quote
#112020-02-21 02:43:31
Lightning Strike
Registered: 2020-02-19
Posts: 4
Ok no problem I was just playing because I had not heard from anyone so yes 2 weeks and I will come back to play...


#122020-02-21 02:45:08
Paul Baumer
Get well soon Paulo
Registered: 2016-06-19
Posts: 934
Understood.See ya in 2 weeks!

Not sure what more I can do then this...can anyone else help me with this there are more admin then Paul...I want to work with him but he is simply not understanding or just wants to keep me away...trust me if other server had the maps I would have been long gone nothing is worth all of this especially after I was completely honest in my dealings and explained in great detail why I was asking for an unban...of course I have the whole dialog and he said he appreciated my honesty in the matter,,,


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#9 2020-03-06 20:32:31

Paul Baumer
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

I have evidence of you evading  and I provided it to other admins.Are you surprised the deal is over?
You evaded multiple times in past, we make a deal but you, you didn't serve a single day of ban evading twice.

Paul Baumer wrote:

Hello, here is the final decision.
After checking all our information the ban on you will stay for two weeks from today.It's two weeks period due to multiple evading and VPN use.After you serve the ban your ip's will be unbanned and you will be able to play.But you will have no second chance and no evading will be tolerated.Also when you come back you'll have to play by rules only.
If you evade again there will be no return.

You made your choice.

Last edited by Paul Baumer (2020-03-06 20:33:36)


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#10 2020-03-06 20:48:24

Lightning Strike
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Well Paulo don't know what to say to you....I find it interesting you show no proof of my evading.  I guess you really just don't want to me to play at Simple France why I really don't know.  I have never done anything to you nor have ever called you out, been derogatory towards you in a forum or during gameplay, or to other players.  I HAVE NEVER USED THE NAME NICK DANGER NOR USED OTHER VPN.  I took my medicine and stayed off for two weeks.  Do you really feel I would be that stupid after giving you all that info just to come back the next day to see If  I could beat the system.  Why have I not returned to do more damage?  All I was asking for is other chance.  At least be honest if you never what me to play here (for what ever reason) then say that or if this is a permanent ban say that.  Don't think this is fair to leave me hanging out there.  I have been trying to be civilized, reason with you, and asking humbly for other chance and you throw it back at me.

Last edited by Lightning Strike (2020-03-06 20:52:26)


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#11 2020-03-06 22:27:41

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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France


You were evading again and again.

And after we decided to unban you, you were trolling again and evaded your next (short) ban, ... again. (As far as i heard).

What else you need?



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#12 2020-03-06 22:31:33

Paul Baumer
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

There is still a little chance that the person evading was not you but a known troll.
I lift the ban, but I ask you to play by rules only.
Enjoy the game and remember to be fair.


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#13 2020-03-06 22:36:06

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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France


As i said... sometimes it needs a second "second chance" smile



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#14 2020-03-06 23:02:13

Lightning Strike
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Well "thank you" Paul for listening to my reasoning ....trust me I have spent way too much time talking and typing with you for me to just be a troll and cause havoc.  Not sure how to protect myself from trolls but I will not use a VPN and play only with this name and from my IP address.  I had also sent a PM to tunia about my situation but I will write him back and tell him it has been resolved.  I hope to not have any more problems in the future and once again appreciate you looking at the facts


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#15 2020-03-06 23:04:49

Lightning Strike
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Looks like all is well as I just went on to see if I could connect...I can and once again appreciate this being sorted out....see you on the battlefield!


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#16 2020-03-06 23:14:02

Lightning Strike
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Also one last thing....please if you feel that I am violation of the rules (I think I know them pretty well) or you feel like something is not right please PM me so we can straighten it out.  I am afraid if I teamkill by accident or other small violation I will be kicked.  I will stay far away from main bases to avoid conflict.  All I ask for is a fair shot


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#17 2020-03-06 23:14:08

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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France


Ok then, have Fun!

Btw. Here the rules > http://team-simple.org/rules/

But you can attack any active target in the mainbase.

(If someone is shooting from withing his MainBase, you are allowed to take him out.)


Last edited by Arkos (2020-03-06 23:15:32)


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#18 2020-03-06 23:37:46

Paul Baumer
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Lightning Strike wrote:

Also one last thing....please if you feel that I am violation of the rules (I think I know them pretty well) or you feel like something is not right please PM me so we can straighten it out.  I am afraid if I teamkill by accident or other small violation I will be kicked.  I will stay far away from main bases to avoid conflict.  All I ask for is a fair shot

Sure thing, fair treatment is guaranteed.
Also please take my apologies, because I was wrong about you.Nick Danger was not you but a troll known for baseattack and disruptive gameplay.
Have fun with us!

Last edited by Paul Baumer (2020-03-06 23:46:03)


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#19 2020-03-07 00:10:04

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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Rational communication, works wonders! High 5 ya Lightning for the coolness and avenue you took to correct the situation. Nice job.
And Paul, as USUAL, hard working and not afraid to apologize for a mistake. THIS is how it should work. Lead by example.
BAR is open Paul!! I got your first round and Lightning, one for you too.


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#20 2020-03-07 02:41:08

Lightning Strike
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Thanks Pleiades for the good thoughts...I will always try to resolve my conflicts with efficient and clear conversations and keep trying until there is success. I am glad to be part of the community and look forward to a good time without looking over my shoulder every night about being banned.


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#21 2020-03-08 18:08:08

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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

You are most welcome Lightning. Everyone learns the "character" of players here and your reputation comes from your character and actions. Here you WILL be respected and welcomed, just for enjoying the game, playing your best, being honest and working for the team when appropriate.
Many of us see this server as the most fun with some of the best players out there. HOPE you find a home here!


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#22 2020-03-08 18:27:49

Paul Baumer
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Re: Looking for an unban...Simple France

Well said Pleiades!!!


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