#1 2017-09-02 23:00:18

Lightning Joe
United States
Reputation: 0
Registered: 2017-09-02
Posts: 1
Windows 7 Firefox 55.0

Simple Tanks a Lot

I would like to have my ban removed.  There an issue of ramming between myself and another team member who I felt had started it.  I admit to my part in it, but I was not warned of a ban, nor was I kicked as a warning, I was banned immediately. 

If the ban is lifted I will not repeat the behavior

Thank You,

Lightning Joe


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#2 2017-09-02 23:09:46

Reputation: +1138
Location: Lisbon
Registered: 2012-02-20
Posts: 6,398
Linux Firefox 55.0

Re: Simple Tanks a Lot

All right, your ban was issued about almost a month ago, you could have asked earlier.
What was the name of the other team member who started it, if you can remember?


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