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It seemed like tuia was busy after he made his original patch for BF Vietnam I decided to try and port some of what he did for BF1942 over, since the clients and servers were similar. I couldn't include his widescreen edit though because I ran into an issue where the game asked for a CD if you tried to switch mods, and I think there was a third server exploit fix for BF1942 that he didn't do for Vietnam in the bfmods forum. The old .exes he uploaded with the exploit fixes were down anyway so this or the other patch for Linux by kersurk with the fixes only are useful as replacements. … m-multifix
kersurk's Linux server patched: … ty-patched
I hope that tuia could improve on it since this was all his older work, with a few files ready to edit rather than just the base game done it might be less time-consuming.
The code is very similar between BFVietnam and BF1942. If you fully understand all the changes made to the BF1942 server and client code, it should be fairly easy to port them to Battlefield Vietnam. I can only help you in two weeks time, though.
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