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It is actually not any kind of help, but i couldnt find a better topic for this so, Im going to post these small tools i made for bf-league eu. You can use them if you want to.
RTR cd Key changer: … 1IxZGxHNzg
SWII cd key changer: … 1Jad1p5c0k
Language changer tool: … U9lSTBobEE
(they all edit the registry)
only small thing is that .net Framework v4.5 might be needed.. … 29sT2Z6bVk
The SWII changer has a small thing which i couldnt solve that you can add: ä !!!!! , any kind of characters, but i hope someone would read the text..
RTR key changer only accepts numbers. The language tool doesn't detect bf1942 folder so you are bound to change that manually.
might not be needed for simple. just a notice.
Last edited by -=TL=-FearofthedarkHU (2016-08-31 17:33:19)
If I have a Russian patch for language, but I can't read German umlauts, will this help me to read all the letters or I have to sacrifice something?
Yaya ... bad german umlauts
Russian is something i couldnt add, cause by default only those in the list are supported (that lexicon file). I guess the russian patch could be used then.
Last edited by -=TL=-FearofthedarkHU (2016-08-31 22:41:31)