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I can't make this report according to presented format, because admins are anonymous. But I'm annoyed that they keep disabling (even canceling) map votes, because they don't like one map or another. I think people should have the say which map is played, and admins are there to respect the wish of the majority and to watch out for trouble makers. Not to put whatever map they want, regardless that most people want to play something else. If you don't like people voting, then change your server policy and remove this option altogether. Another foolish occurrence is when admin puts a poll if we want to ENABLE! votes, while this function is previously enabled by default. I'll try to give an example: Few days ago I was playing on BF1942 SW & RTR server. There was people starting votes all the time without the votes being successful. Some annoyed guy (probably regular player , or someone who knows the admin that was there at the time) said something like: "Stop this stupid voting" , admin suddenly starts a poll: "Do you want to ENABLE voting yes/no"... Now , most people don't usually pay attention to what the vote is about so they vote NO just to remove the message from the screen (in general the share of successful votes by my experience is like 20-30 % at best). So in result majority of people voted "no" or ignored it , and voting was disabled. I tried to protest but he put the same poll again and it gave the same result. Then we played 2 maps over and over again because the admin at that moment likes to play those maps. Most people got bored and left so he put Bots in the game and after a while I left too.
last night such thing happened to Guadalcanal map ,a guy with extreme love of mustang was trying to vote for bocage ,market garden,battle of britain, about 5 map vote happened ,and none of them was successful ,and about 17 mins of game was left ,i turned it off ,map vote happens to change the current map if you dont like when 6 or 5 map vote fails ,it means players like the map and vote spamming annoy them ,in my opinion mapvote spamming is like ads on webpages you can stand some of them ,but if they become too many then you need a adblock
The repeated map voting is really annoying in game. To have the vote box keep coming up during gameplay is a distraction that I think we can live without I vote turn it off completely!
Very distracting / should be disabled 24/7
Last edited by seVen (2016-05-08 10:47:49)
I agree with Dink&Vertigo!
At first I was for disabling also. Now, Imho it's fair and democratic.
When no admin online you can change your favourite map.
When admin's online - it can be disabled.
All happy.
Last edited by Serebro (2016-05-08 13:13:19)
Here is a suggestion, call me crazy, or goofy, why not ask for a rotation weekly of the different maps in here an maybe the senior admins will consider it and whenever there is a admin on then he/she will consider any requests for different map at the time. hanyweh, like the others its very annoying while you are trying to fly, tank or ground pound have these dam votes come up during a fight.
how about the text spamming that goes with the map vote!!
vote 7 vote 7 vote 7 vote 7 vote 7
dmt vote 7
oh no it didn't pass whats wrong with you guys? (see note above about democracy)
let's vote again!!!
vote 7 vote 7 vote 7 vote 7 vote 7
dmt vote 7
oh no it didn't pass whats wrong with you guys? (see note above about democracy)
let's vote again!!!
wash, rinse, repeat....
i automatically hit 8 when voting just to get the dmn message off of the screen.
Last edited by ATF_SurrenderMonkey (2016-05-08 16:30:54)
Sonic wrote:When admin's online - it can be disabled.
But it doing that, it's no longer a democracy
I didn't say he must. He can do it on demand of others. It being active, makes them autonomous when he's not around.
Map voting is good to have enabled, but it gets abused. I've said this often, but if the map vote for Stalingrad fails 3-4 times within the same game, it's probably not going to succeed the 5th time. That's when an admin needs to disable it for the current game.
In my opinion map vote should be used in two cases: 1) at the beginning of a round when a map has started that most people don't want to play. Or even if just one person doesn't want to play it; bring up a vote and see what happens. But once it's apparent people are satisfied with the current game, leave it alone; you're just annoying everyone. 2) the game has gone on and on and everyone is getting tired of it, or maybe people have left a large map and not enough people left to play it, etc.
People also need to realize that if a map vote is successful it will immediately end the current game, and a lot of people would like to finish the current game. Wait until the next one starts then vote. There have been many times I've voted no not because I didn't want to play the map being voted on, but because I wanted to finish the current game.
I would say leave things as they are, but people don't need to be complaining when an admin turns off map vote when it starts getting annoying.
Also, upon a successful map vote I think it's a good idea for an admin to !setnext back to the map that would have been next in the rotation had the vote failed. That way a whole bunch of maps don't get skipped because of one map vote.
+1 addie!
Guess which is my "vote yes" key and I'll push it, I'll give you a hint: it's not "7".
Just joking; I already pushed "no".
yup ill vote no or turn it off
... if the map vote for Stalingrad fails 3-4 times within the same game, it's probably not going to succeed the 5th time. That's when an admin needs to disable it for the current game.
... usually the time some admins !setnext stalingrad...
Last edited by Arkos (2016-05-09 08:29:02)
I just finished the new maplist for you guys know..I do that stuff.
Stalingrad CTF
Berlin CTF
Wake CTF
Battleaxe CTF
KSMyas CTF more comments or map votes.
I just finished the new maplist for you guys know..I do that stuff.
Stalingrad CTF
Berlin CTF
Wake CTF
Battleaxe CTF
KSMyas more comments or map votes.
KSMyas is "kiss my ass"???
he said "no more comments" ahaha oops I just did...
I think it best that admins turn off map vote when they are present, and enable it when they are gone.
Being stuck on phillies with 5 people and you can't sink the ship enough times to get to next map even with axis helping you is a desperate experience.
I just finished the new maplist for you guys know..I do that stuff.
Stalingrad CTF
Berlin CTF
Wake CTF
Battleaxe CTF
KSMyas more comments or map votes.
LMAO! WTF, or should I even ask?