#1 2016-04-08 20:50:01

United States
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Linux Dedicated Server No CD Key Check?

I have played a bit on your servers and have a few questions.

I would like to start up a DC server with some server side mods again. I have been able to get a linux server running and I have remote manager up, and I can connect with my origin client without issue. Thanks for the master server fixes an guides around here an the net.

I have noticed though, that Origin is no longer offering the game at all. If I wanted to bring in friends, they can't join my server because of the cd key issue with a downloaded client.

The simple servers seem to ignore this or have a way around it. I was wondering whom I can talk to or if there is a resource available that explains how to not do cd key checks on a linux dedicated server?

Please understand that the only reason I am trying to do this, is so we can get more people into the community. At this time to play your only options are having a legit cd key, or if you ALREADY added the game to your origin account. People can no longer add the game in Origin and it's an entire other slew of issues trying to locate a CD/KEY.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and to all whom have helped keep it going.


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#2 2016-04-08 22:28:31

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Re: Linux Dedicated Server No CD Key Check?

heya where will your server be located .. out of curiosity ?  smile


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#3 2016-04-08 23:23:00

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Re: Linux Dedicated Server No CD Key Check?


On Windows i know how, but Linux??? (I used a service for that).

I guess with a Stateless Packet Filter...


Last edited by Arkos (2016-04-08 23:28:38)


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#4 2016-04-08 23:39:01

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Re: Linux Dedicated Server No CD Key Check?


Nope... No Packet Filters on Linux. It's working with IPtables. You have to Block Port 29910 UDP i think. But this is only a suggestion. Somebody who know it could confirm it.


At Gamespy times it were something like that. = Gamespy

iptables "-I OUTPUT 1 -d -p udp --dport 29910 -j" DROP   (or is it reject)

But perhaps it's working also if you block udp 29910 with your Nat/Firewall from Router.


Tuia or s[sk] can tell you how it has to be done.


Last edited by Arkos (2016-04-08 23:56:04)


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#5 2016-04-09 01:21:04

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Re: Linux Dedicated Server No CD Key Check?

Incorrect. Keyhash verification isn't working anymore. (s[sk]'s ax master doesn't provide anything like this)

So that iptables rule is not necessary.

It is something else, probably at your friends' side. (origin + keyhash + registry area).

They should get the complete retail version. I wouldn't recommend keeping the origin version.


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#6 2016-04-10 10:50:41

United States
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Re: Linux Dedicated Server No CD Key Check?

Thanks for the responses. I will look into it and see if there is an issue on his client side.

As far as the location. Currently it is running from my home network in Phoenix, AZ which has about 20 Mbps upload. If I have any success with it, it will most likely remain somewhere on the west coast of the USA.


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#7 2016-04-10 15:12:47

Reputation: +873
Registered: 2015-06-25
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Re: Linux Dedicated Server No CD Key Check?

ahh ok nice .. ill prob stick with my aussie one then smile good luck with it all


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