#391 2014-07-31 20:06:25

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Re: Jews & Arab news

s[sk] wrote:

that's why i originally asked what would you do
i don't know many countries that would tolerate being shot at and i don't think you'd want to live in one
should israel disable their defense system so they can argument with number of casualties? that'd be stupid

I can't say for certain what I would do, first off I would probably look at this in more detail since it would be my job to do so. I am pretty sure I wouldn't invade Gaza though since I don't expect it will make things better.

I think it is worth pointing out that these Palestinian missiles are very crude. The Israeli missile defence system has only been active since 2011 yet Palestinian missiles have only killed 28 people since 2001.

It is also not like Israel has been tolerating these attack all this time and is suddenly fighting back. In every year since 2001 there have been more Palestinian deaths than Israeli death from this ongoing conflict.

I condemn attacks carried out by both sides and I wish they could live in peace, I am just trying to get my point across that this invasion of Gaza is not the answer to the problem and it is not justifiable.

Last edited by Tuesday (2014-07-31 20:39:17)


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#392 2014-07-31 22:44:18

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Re: Jews & Arab news

George S. Patton wrote:

Yes, sadly there are a lot of innocent victims in Gaza.

And what kind of volunteers are that?

http://translate.google.co.uk/translate … 6bih%3D799


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#393 2014-07-31 23:01:30

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Re: Jews & Arab news

Firstly: who is UN to approve the establishment of a state in another??? its like you are homeless and another person tells me that it is right to stay in my house?how could u?? its not even ur house!..if u guys have so much of synpathy why dont u give all that unused land in USA to Israel?? then u can live in peace right?? why force the Palestinians to give away their land???

Secondly: There's enough proof of the Israeli soldiers deliberately "SNIPING" out kids and those volunteers like doctors and other normal citizens without any reason so your argunment that israeli soldiers dont deliberately kill innocent citizens, any sane person can easily make out it was purposely and ntenyionally done and not ac accident...i will post the videos n pics soon.

Thirdly: ISIS is also one of ur MOSAD's product smile..if they were muslims why would they attack other muslims?? why do they threat other muslim countries why dont they threat the terrosits state of Israel??

Fourthly: There's no evidence of hamas killing those 3 teens..if they did have why didnt they present in the media??? they clearly dont have any proof..

Fifthly: What proof are u talking about for the weapons stored in the school?? If u do have then present it here!


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#394 2014-07-31 23:12:01

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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT wrote:

if they were muslims why would they attack other muslims??

given there are numerous documented clashes between sunni and shia, which of those groups are not muslims?


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#395 2014-07-31 23:16:39

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Re: Jews & Arab news

U quoted that with bad intense, answer is just behind...


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#396 2014-07-31 23:22:17

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Re: Jews & Arab news

ISIS is not about sunni or shia..they are blindly killing anyone and everyone, killing innocent civilians destroying mosques and bombing shrines of prophets!..seriously?? u bomb the shrine of a highly respected Prophet in Islam??!! u must be out of ur mind...Israelis have a history of illegally killing all those prophets sent down to them to guide them to the right path..a muslim can never do this act of insanity...u say they are from a specific sect right? did they ever state what sect they are from? no... u dont have any proof..please talk with proof, dont argue on the basis of ur assumptions (that they might belong to sunni or shia sect and they are killing the other sect....u dont prove anything)

Last edited by YT (2014-07-31 23:23:16)


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#397 2014-07-31 23:29:54

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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT wrote:

ISIS is not about sunni or shia..they are blindly killing anyone and everyone, killing innocent civilians destroying mosques and bombing shrines of prophets!..seriously?? u bomb the shrine of a highly respected Prophet in Islam??!! u must be out of ur mind...Israelis have a history of illegally killing all those prophets sent down to them to guide them to the right path..a muslim can never do this act of insanity...u say they are from a specific sect right? did they ever state what sect they are from? no... u dont have any proof..please talk with proof, dont argue on the basis of ur assumptions (that they might belong to sunni or shia sect and they are killing the other sect....u dont prove anything)

maybe i have understood you wrong (saying that muslims do not kill muslims generally), that's why i ask about sunni and shia and their relations

ok, if ISIS are not muslims, what are they? (in terms of religion)


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#398 2014-07-31 23:32:28

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Re: Jews & Arab news

IDF soldier takes a picture of a bomb before launching it to Gaza and sends picture to “0404” Israeli Facebook page.

Saying: "עוד מתנה מאיתנו לחמאסניקים ברצועת עזה."
Another gift from us to Gaza Strip.

https://www.facebook.com/#!/mzeyara/pho … =1&theater


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#399 2014-07-31 23:34:52

George S. Patton
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Re: Jews & Arab news

Syndrum² wrote:
George S. Patton wrote:

Yes, sadly there are a lot of innocent victims in Gaza.

And what kind of volunteers are that?

http://translate.google.co.uk/translate … 6bih%3D799

Ik spreek net zo goed nederlands bijna dan engels. Dus ik begrijp.


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#400 2014-07-31 23:35:51

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Re: Jews & Arab news

George S. Patton wrote:
Syndrum² wrote:
George S. Patton wrote:

Yes, sadly there are a lot of innocent victims in Gaza.

And what kind of volunteers are that?

http://translate.google.co.uk/translate … 6bih%3D799

Ik spreek net zo goed nederlands bijna dan engels. Dus ik begrijp.

hahaha where are you from? tongue


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#401 2014-07-31 23:38:02

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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT wrote:

Saying: "עוד מתנה מאיתנו לחמאסניקים ברצועת עזה."
Another gift from us to Gaza Strip.

https://www.facebook.com/#!/mzeyara/pho … =1&theater

is that a 1:1 translation?

because google translate tries to put hamas there in a not very clear way

"Another gift from us Hamasniks Gaza Strip."


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#402 2014-07-31 23:46:21

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Re: Jews & Arab news

look brother...as per Islamic law..anyone who kills a single innocent human being may it be a christian, jew, hindu or whatever, the sin is as if he has killed the whole of humanity..they dont have any relation to Islam in anyway...each n every single life is precious and collateral damage is out of question, u simply cant kill any innocent...


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#403 2014-07-31 23:47:11

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Re: Jews & Arab news

https://www.facebook.com/#!/mzeyara/pho … =1&theater

Israel claims: the bombings are targeted at homes used by Hamas’s military to “store” rockets. Let’s think for a second. Does Hamas have rockets which need 7000 houses to store?

Israel also claims: that they ONLY operate “pinpointed” airstrikes to kill “Hamas” militants firing rockets. This way they can “minimize” civilian casualties. Please look at the attached picture and tell me, does this look like a pinpoint airstrike? Does this look like it's targeting a bunch of Hamas militants launching rockets? Or does it look like an airstrike wiping out an entire area?


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#404 2014-07-31 23:48:16

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Re: Jews & Arab news

to hamas but who are they killing?? majority are innocent children and women!


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#405 2014-07-31 23:49:19

George S. Patton
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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT wrote:

Firstly: who is UN to approve the establishment of a state in another??? its like you are homeless and another person tells me that it is right to stay in my house?how could u?? its not even ur house!..if u guys have so much of synpathy why dont u give all that unused land in USA to Israel?? then u can live in peace right?? why force the Palestinians to give away their land???

Secondly: There's enough proof of the Israeli soldiers deliberately "SNIPING" out kids and those volunteers like doctors and other normal citizens without any reason so your argunment that israeli soldiers dont deliberately kill innocent citizens, any sane person can easily make out it was purposely and ntenyionally done and not ac accident...i will post the videos n pics soon.

Thirdly: ISIS is also one of ur MOSAD's product smile..if they were muslims why would they attack other muslims?? why do they threat other muslim countries why dont they threat the terrosits state of Israel??

Fourthly: There's no evidence of hamas killing those 3 teens..if they did have why didnt they present in the media??? they clearly dont have any proof..

Fifthly: What proof are u talking about for the weapons stored in the school?? If u do have then present it here!

1. The land the Palistinians claime to be their land has never been their land. Take a history lesson. If you really look into it you would find out I'm telling the truth. The hasn't been any muslim or arab state in the region where now is Isreal.

2. I really want to see your proof. In my opinion you're talking nonsense. The IDF mostly uses artillery. And it has been proven that Hamas fighters use civilians as a human shield.

3. Do you even know which demonstration I'm refering to. I'm refering to this: http://www.wiesenthal.com/site/apps/nln … t=14096585 . If neccessary I could translate the Dutch for you.

4. There is no evidence yet. But Hamas claimed the killings of those teenagers.

5. Here's your proof: http://www.worldtribune.com/2014/07/23/ … s-rockets/


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#406 2014-07-31 23:49:40

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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT wrote:

look brother...as per Islamic law..anyone who kills a single innocent human being may it be a christian, jew, hindu or whatever, the sin is as if he has killed the whole of humanity..they dont have any relation to Islam in anyway...each n every single life is precious and collateral damage is out of question, u simply cant kill any innocent...

are all israelis considered guilty then?


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#407 2014-07-31 23:50:44

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#408 2014-07-31 23:53:16

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Re: Jews & Arab news

and u say u they do every effort to avoid children being killed right? smile

https://www.facebook.com/#!/mzeyara/pho … =1&theater


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#409 2014-07-31 23:58:53

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Re: Jews & Arab news

bombs were hidden in ambulances as well right Israel??



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#410 2014-08-01 00:00:51

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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT wrote:

and u say u they do every effort to avoid children being killed right? smile

https://www.facebook.com/#!/mzeyara/pho … =1&theater

i'm sorry but this screams "fake" for too many reasons


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#411 2014-08-01 00:00:58

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Re: Jews & Arab news

s[sk] wrote:
YT wrote:

look brother...as per Islamic law..anyone who kills a single innocent human being may it be a christian, jew, hindu or whatever, the sin is as if he has killed the whole of humanity..they dont have any relation to Islam in anyway...each n every single life is precious and collateral damage is out of question, u simply cant kill any innocent...

are all israelis considered guilty then?

No not israelis, only those who are directly involved in the attacks n those supporting the attacks


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#412 2014-08-01 00:06:27

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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT wrote:
s[sk] wrote:

are all israelis considered guilty then?

No not israelis, only those who are directly involved in the attacks n those supporting the attacks

so why is hamas trying to kill any israeli with those rockets?


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#413 2014-08-01 00:15:09

George S. Patton
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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT, those are all some lousy facebook posts.
Give me some real evidence.


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#414 2014-08-01 00:20:47

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Re: Jews & Arab news

George S. Patton wrote:
YT wrote:

Firstly: who is UN to approve the establishment of a state in another??? its like you are homeless and another person tells me that it is right to stay in my house?how could u?? its not even ur house!..if u guys have so much of synpathy why dont u give all that unused land in USA to Israel?? then u can live in peace right?? why force the Palestinians to give away their land???

Secondly: There's enough proof of the Israeli soldiers deliberately "SNIPING" out kids and those volunteers like doctors and other normal citizens without any reason so your argunment that israeli soldiers dont deliberately kill innocent citizens, any sane person can easily make out it was purposely and ntenyionally done and not ac accident...i will post the videos n pics soon.

Thirdly: ISIS is also one of ur MOSAD's product smile..if they were muslims why would they attack other muslims?? why do they threat other muslim countries why dont they threat the terrosits state of Israel??

Fourthly: There's no evidence of hamas killing those 3 teens..if they did have why didnt they present in the media??? they clearly dont have any proof..

Fifthly: What proof are u talking about for the weapons stored in the school?? If u do have then present it here!

1. The land the Palistinians claime to be their land has never been their land. Take a history lesson. If you really look into it you would find out I'm telling the truth. The hasn't been any muslim or arab state in the region where now is Isreal.

2. I really want to see your proof. In my opinion you're talking nonsense. The IDF mostly uses artillery. And it has been proven that Hamas fighters use civilians as a human shield.

3. Do you even know which demonstration I'm refering to. I'm refering to this: http://www.wiesenthal.com/site/apps/nln … t=14096585 . If neccessary I could translate the Dutch for you.

4. There is no evidence yet. But Hamas claimed the killings of those teenagers.

5. Here's your proof: http://www.worldtribune.com/2014/07/23/ … s-rockets/

I need history lesson? ok u give me one, m very interested in what u r being taught
and for ur information if u r a jew, ur own Holy Book "Torah" prohibits jews to occupy Palestine smile

Btw its clearly mentioned in the news "VACANT SCHOOL" not the one which was attacked where there were several children n women who were bombed with phosporous bombs n burnt alive!!
Here's a video

ISIS has nothing to do with Islam, just another stain on the name of Islam...killing of innocents is not allowed....even if a muslim kills a non muslim he will be given the same death penalty unless the close relatives forgive the killers...this is so, what if that terrorist kills another person tomorrow?? n if he cant respect an innocent's right to live then he as well does not have any right to stay alive..

Where's the proof of hammas accepting the attack?? give me a legitimate proof ... the truth is they dont have any proof these are just lies...


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#415 2014-08-01 01:24:25

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Re: Jews & Arab news

as i know, Koran has new and old parts, and the old part is like more for faithful soul and inner world, when the new one was writen a few centurys later and it more like a laws that tell about subordination in society and stuff, there are things like 70 virgins and exceptions which describe when you can break testaments from the old part. am i correct?
by a opinion this new part caused stop of science development- being the center of humanity knowlege in times of middleages, Muslim world lost this leadership very rapidly, because some sultan made a addition to have more powers, just same story as with others religions, also there are many diffrent branches of it teaching appeared..
so im curious, do you, muslim guys here, support the Koran entirely, or maybe a part from it have more authority for you ?


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#416 2014-08-01 01:52:30

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Re: Jews & Arab news


The Koran doesn't have two parts, it's one book. What you probably mean is called "Hadith". The difference is the Koran is considered God's word while Hadith are certain reports about the Prophet Muhammed, what he said or did. They were transmitted from beginning generation to all later generations (like the Koran). Both have the same value for Islamic law and Islamic life, one cannot seperate the one from the other.


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#417 2014-08-01 02:26:29

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Re: Jews & Arab news

joint wrote:

by a opinion this new part caused stop of science development- being the center of humanity knowlege in times of middleages, Muslim world lost this leadership very rapidly, because some sultan made a addition to have more powers, just same story as with others religions, also there are many diffrent branches of it teaching appeared..

that's an interesting question why that happened


http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publicati … om-science


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#418 2014-08-01 03:17:42

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Re: Jews & Arab news

this is also an interesting opinion, basically saying that science in muslim world is dead because they're "too ethical" - in other words islam prohibits gaining profit from knowledge and not to share it for free (and therefore there's no incentive for research) and the fix should be finding some jurist(?) that'd tweak the rules a bit



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#419 2014-08-01 03:41:33

Kebab killer
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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT wrote:
s[sk] wrote:
YT wrote:

look brother...as per Islamic law..anyone who kills a single innocent human being may it be a christian, jew, hindu or whatever, the sin is as if he has killed the whole of humanity..they dont have any relation to Islam in anyway...each n every single life is precious and collateral damage is out of question, u simply cant kill any innocent...

are all israelis considered guilty then?

No not israelis, only those who are directly involved in the attacks n those supporting the attacks



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#420 2014-08-01 10:41:39

George S. Patton
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Re: Jews & Arab news

YT wrote:
George S. Patton wrote:
YT wrote:

Firstly: who is UN to approve the establishment of a state in another??? its like you are homeless and another person tells me that it is right to stay in my house?how could u?? its not even ur house!..if u guys have so much of synpathy why dont u give all that unused land in USA to Israel?? then u can live in peace right?? why force the Palestinians to give away their land???

Secondly: There's enough proof of the Israeli soldiers deliberately "SNIPING" out kids and those volunteers like doctors and other normal citizens without any reason so your argunment that israeli soldiers dont deliberately kill innocent citizens, any sane person can easily make out it was purposely and ntenyionally done and not ac accident...i will post the videos n pics soon.

Thirdly: ISIS is also one of ur MOSAD's product smile..if they were muslims why would they attack other muslims?? why do they threat other muslim countries why dont they threat the terrosits state of Israel??

Fourthly: There's no evidence of hamas killing those 3 teens..if they did have why didnt they present in the media??? they clearly dont have any proof..

Fifthly: What proof are u talking about for the weapons stored in the school?? If u do have then present it here!

1. The land the Palistinians claime to be their land has never been their land. Take a history lesson. If you really look into it you would find out I'm telling the truth. The hasn't been any muslim or arab state in the region where now is Isreal.

2. I really want to see your proof. In my opinion you're talking nonsense. The IDF mostly uses artillery. And it has been proven that Hamas fighters use civilians as a human shield.

3. Do you even know which demonstration I'm refering to. I'm refering to this: http://www.wiesenthal.com/site/apps/nln … t=14096585 . If neccessary I could translate the Dutch for you.

4. There is no evidence yet. But Hamas claimed the killings of those teenagers.

5. Here's your proof: http://www.worldtribune.com/2014/07/23/ … s-rockets/

I need history lesson? ok u give me one, m very interested in what u r being taught
and for ur information if u r a jew, ur own Holy Book "Torah" prohibits jews to occupy Palestine smile

Btw its clearly mentioned in the news "VACANT SCHOOL" not the one which was attacked where there were several children n women who were bombed with phosporous bombs n burnt alive!!
Here's a video

ISIS has nothing to do with Islam, just another stain on the name of Islam...killing of innocents is not allowed....even if a muslim kills a non muslim he will be given the same death penalty unless the close relatives forgive the killers...this is so, what if that terrorist kills another person tomorrow?? n if he cant respect an innocent's right to live then he as well does not have any right to stay alive..

Where's the proof of hammas accepting the attack?? give me a legitimate proof ... the truth is they dont have any proof these are just lies...

First of all I'm not a jew.

And you really want to compare those old residents with the modern day Palestinians?
Get real! In the period of time all nations and tribes were moving from land to land to occupy some other land. There were no borders or whatever.
So this argument is bullshit!

And its a goddamn warzone over there. You really see those interviews as proof?
Lets wait for a proper and independent investigation before you make more accusations.

You look at this whole thing wearing winkers.


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