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Pages: 1
he was a full disturber
when a player took a plane and he want it he sfv
anyway he also tked me until i'm dead
he team wound
he was really acting like a noob
nathan, what did we say about forum spamming?
i was doing like other people do like lucky and others...
just delete this topic this can get annoying again
-_- ولك اااااااخ يا nathan
!Bspam1year nathan
i was doing like other people do liek lucky and others...
just delete this topic this can gets annoying again
this is admin section
i warned this dude, then i had to kick him twice. after that i gave him 15min ban. he is a troll, so nathan has a point.
move to report abuse now~!
like a truck moving
what? a truck is moving faster than
a pedicab moving and even a duck..
These posts are more like a train wreck than a truck speeding...
Pages: 1