#1 2024-01-02 10:48:58

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Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Hey everyone,

I'm sure some of you all are aware of the new hit registration patch that was created recently, but I wanted to share it here as well.

There is server-side patch that drastically improves the hit registration while targeting infantry. On the stock version of the game, you are required to lead your target based on your ping. The higher the ping, then the further you would need to lead your target. For infantry especially, a ping above 80-90 usually meant that you were going to have a tough time hitting your shots since the hit registration gets increasingly worse the higher your ping.

Now players can aim directly at their target without having to worry about leading to compensate for ping. I've tested this extensively on pings as low as 8 to as high as 220. Even at 220 ping, the hit registration was better than having 30 ping normally. Watch the video below for an in-game demonstration before/after. The video was recorded on the Desert Combat mod, but this patches vanilla and other mods as well.

And to make things even more convenient, this patch is able to be applied server-side, which means that the regular players will not have to download or install anything as long as the server they're joining is running the patch.



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#2 2024-01-02 11:04:57

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Hi. Looks good.

What about sidenotes/disadvantages? Have you found out something? What about being killed around the corner? etc. Have you tested it?

Last edited by Serebro (2024-01-02 11:05:17)


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#3 2024-01-02 19:06:32

Black Mamba
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

tragic wrote:

Hey everyone,

I'm sure some of you all are aware of the new hit registration patch that was created recently, but I wanted to share it here as well.

There is server-side patch that drastically improves the hit registration while targeting infantry. On the stock version of the game, you are required to lead your target based on your ping. The higher the ping, then the further you would need to lead your target. For infantry especially, a ping above 80-90 usually meant that you were going to have a tough time hitting your shots since the hit registration gets increasingly worse the higher your ping.

Now players can aim directly at their target without having to worry about leading to compensate for ping. I've tested this extensively on pings as low as 8 to as high as 220. Even at 220 ping, the hit registration was better than having 30 ping normally. Watch the video below for an in-game demonstration before/after. The video was recorded on the Desert Combat mod, but this patches vanilla and other mods as well.

And to make things even more convenient, this patch is able to be applied server-side, which means that the regular players will not have to download or install anything as long as the server they're joining is running the patch.


Great, thanks for the demonstration. I think the difference is pretty obvious in the video.

The patch should be extensively tested in infantry maps to see how significant the difference is.

I would advise sharing this video on as many platforms as possible (Discords, forums).

Ultimately, one could host a NA vs EU competition without people bitching about regs.

Last edited by Black Mamba (2024-01-02 19:08:22)


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#4 2024-01-02 19:13:29

Black Mamba
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Serebro wrote:

Hi. Looks good.

What about sidenotes/disadvantages? Have you found out something? What about being killed around the corner? etc. Have you tested it?

Yes Serebro, he tested it and it’s him in the video…

I don’t really see any disadvantages here. Seems the effect of this patch is more pronounced the greater the ping difference between players.

Last edited by Black Mamba (2024-01-02 19:14:20)


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#5 2024-01-02 20:09:00

Russian MadMax
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Urgently call tuia who is in touch with him so that he can run this on the server


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#6 2024-01-02 20:27:31

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Serebro wrote:

Hi. Looks good.

What about sidenotes/disadvantages? Have you found out something? What about being killed around the corner? etc. Have you tested it?

That feeling of being killed around the corner can happen from time to time, especially if the shooter has a higher ping. Even with that, it only means that you were on their screen and they hit you. It's still an improvement over shots not registering at all.

I haven't found any disadvantages so far. It's not perfect, but it's pretty nice and a huge bump in quality even at lower pings.


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#7 2024-01-02 20:49:14

Republic of the Congo
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

About time someone proposed an idea because infantry is heavily broken in this game. And I believe it's not just the ping that matters, game is subject to bug abuses and there's few guys that have a PhD on reg research and therefore have a huge advantage compared to others. Basically regs over merit.

If this is implemented hopefully it'll make things more even for the infs (as it should be).


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#8 2024-01-03 03:27:46

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

I hope it works out, it would prove that there's more to it than just hit detection.


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#9 2024-01-03 06:37:58

Russian MadMax
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Black Mamba wrote:
Serebro wrote:

Hi. Looks good.

What about sidenotes/disadvantages? Have you found out something? What about being killed around the corner? etc. Have you tested it?

Yes Serebro, he tested it and it’s him in the video…

I don’t really see any disadvantages here. Seems the effect of this patch is more pronounced the greater the ping difference between players.

I totally agree with you, I noticed it playing the day before yesterday with my ping 70-80 vs 30


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#10 2024-01-16 17:34:07

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

It works really well, thanks to the guys who worked on this.

I was feeling that I got several infs with the plane gun which was almost impossible before.


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#11 2024-01-16 18:16:04

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Darcano wrote:

It works really well, thanks to the guys who worked on this.

I was feeling that I got several infs with the plane gun which was almost impossible before.

The patch affects only infantry, not vehicles smile

Grettings hacbard


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#12 2024-01-16 18:36:27

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Yes it works on infantry players from planes and tanks aswell. Every parachuter can be shot now or someone who was blown into the air


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#13 2024-01-16 21:02:35

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

haha better regs now but more laggy game for me now.  :zzz


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#14 2024-01-17 00:24:21

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Worse for me, my hit detection seems the same...unreliable at best. However I am now being killed far easier.

it is likely down to my spiky internet though

Last edited by Liquorice (2024-01-17 01:10:25)


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#15 2024-01-17 14:54:51

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Liquorice wrote:

Worse for me, my hit detection seems the same...unreliable at best. However I am now being killed far easier.

it is likely down to my spiky internet though

It's like going from special olympics to the regular one, most players were handicapped before.


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#16 2024-01-18 08:07:59

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Seems to be working very well for me and my 150 ping. Outside of the typical delay, shots are registering far more often and without the need to lead due to ping.

However, I have tried this patch on 7 or 8 different servers with pings from 30 - 220 and SiMPLE seems to be by far the most inconsistent. It really feels like other changes have been made to the server or game for it to behave differently. This experience is unique only to this server. Several SiMPLE regulars have also mentioned that Moongamers now feels better to play on post-patch. The difference in game performance and consistency is noticeable between the two servers. It'd be great if leadership could look into this and revert or correct whatever may be causing this drop in quality.

Last edited by tragic (2024-01-18 08:08:11)


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#17 2024-01-18 13:05:47

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

who knew regging on high pings would be normalized in 42. as I've said before it is no magic formula that helps the bobs but I enjoy it quite a bit :-) here's some gameplay



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#18 2024-01-18 13:15:23

Russian MadMax
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

tragic wrote:

Кажется, работает очень хорошо для меня и моего 150 пинга. Помимо типичной задержки, снимки регистрируются гораздо чаще и без необходимости вести из-за пинга.  Тем не менее, я попробовал этот патч на 7 или 8 различных серверах с пингами от 30 до 220, и SiMPLE кажется самым непоследовательным. На самом деле кажется, что на сервере или в игре были внесены другие изменения, чтобы он вел себя по-другому. Этот опыт уникален только для этого сервера. Несколько постоянных клиентов SiMPLE также упомянули, что Moongamers теперь чувствуют себя лучше, чтобы играть на пост-патче. Разница в производительности и согласованности игры заметна между двумя серверами. Было бы здорово, если бы руководство могло разобраться в этом и вернуть или исправить все, что может привести к этому падению качества.

hoтя I think it's also about the server base (os base) moon have windows , simple is Linux


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#19 2024-01-18 13:17:24

Russian MadMax
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

simon wrote:

who knew regging on high pings would be normalized in 42. as I've said before it is no magic formula that helps the bobs but I enjoy it quite a bit :-) here's some gameplay


Is it worth watching? Should I spend 11 minutes of my life doing this? Just answer, without any left-wing thoughts my question was asked

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2024-01-18 13:18:09)


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#20 2024-01-18 13:39:52

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

for a mongol who spends hours on tanks a lot ramming me, no. go watch tiktok


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#21 2024-01-18 14:04:00

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Russian MadMax wrote:

Is it worth watching? Should I spend 11 minutes of my life doing this?

I suggest you watch it. It's going to be a nice memory.


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#22 2024-01-18 14:23:19

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

tragic wrote:

Hey everyone,

I'm sure some of you all are aware of the new hit registration patch that was created recently, but I wanted to share it here as well.

There is server-side patch that drastically improves the hit registration while targeting infantry. On the stock version of the game, you are required to lead your target based on your ping. The higher the ping, then the further you would need to lead your target. For infantry especially, a ping above 80-90 usually meant that you were going to have a tough time hitting your shots since the hit registration gets increasingly worse the higher your ping.

Now players can aim directly at their target without having to worry about leading to compensate for ping. I've tested this extensively on pings as low as 8 to as high as 220. Even at 220 ping, the hit registration was better than having 30 ping normally. Watch the video below for an in-game demonstration before/after. The video was recorded on the Desert Combat mod, but this patches vanilla and other mods as well.

And to make things even more convenient, this patch is able to be applied server-side, which means that the regular players will not have to download or install anything as long as the server they're joining is running the patch.


I haven't been very active in the last two months, but I can share my perspective on the matter. First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for achieving such a meaningful change in the game; it truly makes a difference, especially for those on the other side of the ocean. The bullet ballistics work very well (though not perfect), providing the sensation that if I aim at a target and shoot, I'll actually hit it — something that was impossible before.

However, the ability to see the target 'before' still makes a difference. The delay I personally experience with a ping of 300 continues to play a significant role compared to those with pings in the double digits.

As a result, the disadvantage persists. Even now, if I spot the target (who has a two-digit ping) before they spot me, the likelihood of eliminating them improves significantly. Nevertheless, it doesn't completely level the playing field because they still maintain the advantage of time over me.

Last edited by S.E.L.F (2024-01-18 14:25:05)


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#23 2024-01-18 15:12:21

Russian MadMax
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

simon wrote:

for a mongol who spends hours on tanks a lot ramming me, no. go watch tiktok

you dolbaeb? when i did it?


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#24 2024-01-18 15:16:59

Russian MadMax
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

simon wrote:

for a mongol who spends hours on tanks a lot ramming me, no. go watch tiktok

and about dis playing, tell yourself and your brother not to be timmers, don’t let your brother steal my tanks every time I out for repairing, and don’t cling to my tank trying to steal it when I play against your brother and don’t need to heal his tank when he is on the enemy team. And this is the first time I’ve heard about your nonsense with  ram

Last edited by Russian MadMax (2024-01-18 15:24:41)


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#25 2024-01-18 15:27:10

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Hey Simon can you tell your brother that I said hello. That was all.


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#26 2024-01-18 15:42:49

Russian MadMax
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

deekmort He Who Must Not Be Named/You Know Who


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#27 2024-01-18 16:28:29

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

Russian MadMax wrote:

deekmort He Who Must Not Be Named/You Know Who

I have no issue using his name. Though I think this thread was about "hit registration patch" I will tell you, I have one of the first and prime edition of Deekos autograph - I mean if you would like to buy?


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#28 2024-01-18 16:46:22

Russian MadMax
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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)



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#29 2024-01-18 21:41:27

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

S.E.L.F wrote:

However, the ability to see the target 'before' still makes a difference. The delay I personally experience with a ping of 300 continues to play a significant role compared to those with pings in the double digits.

As a result, the disadvantage persists. Even now, if I spot the target (who has a two-digit ping) before they spot me, the likelihood of eliminating them improves significantly. Nevertheless, it doesn't completely level the playing field because they still maintain the advantage of time over me.

Just half a year ago nobody in their wildest dreams imagined that 300 ping infantry side regs could be possible on bf42. I mean yeah, it's over a quarter of a second delay what do you really expect? Even in newer games that kind of delay becomes problematic. Now it's playable.
I have a 300+ ping qvideo without the mod and even then if you understand delays and have a bit of skill you can get kills and even win golds. It's no picnic I admit



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#30 2024-01-18 23:49:25

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Re: Hit Registration Patch (Server Side)

These 90s beats lol



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