#1 2023-08-05 00:42:45

Reputation: +3
Registered: 2022-05-03
Posts: 9
Windows 10 Chrome 115.0


So just got banned why?
Insta ban?

Jumped in to a tank, boom. Banned.

- Gos£.
- Around 2023-08-05: Time 00:45.
- Server name: SIMPLE | BF1942

Last edited by Gos£ (2023-08-05 00:57:28)


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#2 2023-08-05 00:46:37

Reputation: +3
Registered: 2022-05-03
Posts: 9
Windows 10 Chrome 115.0

Re: Banned

Meanwhile reading some other ban appeals it looks like you have a scetchy, power mad admin running around.

I got banned with no information or anything. Spawned, jumped in to a tank and got banned.

Last edited by Gos£ (2023-08-05 01:02:12)


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#3 2023-08-05 01:59:02

Reputation: +941
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Re: Banned

Hello Gos£

You have already been informed in the game what it is about.
2023-08-05 00:38:53 :     # [Global] sanDy: gose??
2023-08-05 00:39:02 :     # [Global] sanDy: you are banned now for your dirty moves

Your game mechanics and its movements are not allowed.
Please let that be.

Here you have our rules that you should read through in the meantime to avoid further and longer bans.

You can take part in ongoing game operations again from Sunday.

See you in 1942


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#4 2023-08-05 03:44:55

Reputation: +3
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Posts: 9
Windows 10 Chrome 115.0

Re: Banned

Ohm. I have huge respect for sunny, played alot with him and golaz before. But i don't understand. I did nothing strange? I played sniper as i've allways been doing. is there something new?

Dirty moves? never had any problems with my moves. They are the same as allways? I have no clue what you mean
And i dont know what you are trying to tell me with the video. Im just curious.

The only thing i do is shoot -> hide -> shoot -> hide.
This is how snipers are played in every game, and have allways played. Seriously explain my dirt moves please. i have really no clue. i've been on a break for some years.

And the video wot? im not gonna argue more, but i have played with sundae 1000 times, i dont do strange stuff and also that video shows no strange things.

And i mean did you really give me 9 seconds to respond. I dont read chat when in combat for example.
If you'd really wanna prove warnings post the server console log.

Last edited by Gos£ (2023-08-05 04:04:50)


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#5 2023-08-05 12:52:26

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Re: Banned

I can see NOTHING wrong in this video Raketen.......mind explaining why he got booted,coz I can't see it.
You better worry about that Patienca Zero in that game though,his old name is Yellow Claw and he got caught in the past by me cheating.....

A brazilian guy if I remember correctly.....



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#6 2023-08-05 13:20:30

Reputation: +1110
Registered: 2014-03-28
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Re: Banned

I literally see nothing in this video. If you post it, at least mark the details where to look.
A sniper retreating back to base?


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#7 2023-08-05 23:37:57

Russian MadMax
Mad cuz bad
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Re: Banned

Dr.ZoidbergCLAW wrote:

I can see NOTHING wrong in this video Raketen.......mind explaining why he got booted,coz I can't see it.
You better worry about that Patienca Zero in that game though,his old name is Yellow Claw and he got caught in the past by me cheating.....

A brazilian guy if I remember correctly.....


What's suspicious about him? I killed him, I'm sure you did, honestly, I don't understand the claims.


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