#1 Re: BF1942 Discussion » GameSpy shutdown cancelled? » 2014-07-01 09:59:11

tuia wrote:

It's a bit too soon to jump to that conclusion, nevertheless it's past June 30th in California USA, where master.gamespy.com server is hosted. I would be surprised if they didn't shutdown GameSpy today, after all the buzz around it.

I thought GameSpy master servers were transferred from 'master.gamespy.com', to 'sake.gamespy.com' a few years ago.
Something about their 'new' network..

#2 Re: BF1942 Discussion » GameSpy shutdown cancelled? » 2014-07-01 09:54:59

I personally wouldn't put it past EA to start paying for the upkeep of the GameSpy servers, since they received a major backlash over it, and irreversibly damaged PC gaming.
They need to keep the PC gaming industry up, so they can continue making a profit from their PC games.

I come from Crysis Wars, and this morning I noticed that I could still ping the Crysis Wars GameSpy master server (crysiswars.sake.gamespy.com), and I've confirmed from someone that the server list does in fact still work.
If the master servers do stay online, I'll be severely p*ssed off with EA, since the GameSpy shutdown has ruined many communities in Crysis Wars, and most probably other games.

Let's hope for the best...

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