#1 Re: Off-Topic » Lets hear your Holiday vacation Plans/Stories » Today 00:18:25

Black Mamba wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:

Most of people here dont have opportunity or any plans to Travel unfortunatly...

Going from your bed to the kitchen doesn’t count as a vacation

Sorry for you then maybe next year...

#2 Re: Off-Topic » Lets hear your Holiday vacation Plans/Stories » 2024-07-21 12:29:33

Most of people here dont have opportunity or any plans to Travel unfortunatly...

#3 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-06-22 18:36:23

Volturi wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:
Volturi wrote:

Turkey wins the cup

You say that every Time And Every Time you fail...

Maybe just because i jinx it big_smile


#5 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-06-21 20:54:43

Volturi wrote:

Turkey wins the cup

You say that every Time And Every Time you fail...

#6 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-06-21 12:48:24

Ferd Grapperhaus wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:

what about tomorow Ferd any prono ?

Holland - France 1-2

Mbappe dont play you still have a chance...?

#7 Re: Off-Topic » European Championship Football » 2024-06-20 13:54:35

what about tomorow Ferd any prono ?

#9 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned Since 3 Months :( » 2024-03-05 18:00:27

just a remind of what you are and capable to say to others...

#10 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned Since 3 Months :( » 2024-03-05 05:40:55

hey Madmax!
"2023-12-15 15:39:53 : # [Global] kamasutra: well, you <snipped> is lucky <snipped>"
"2023-12-15 15:40:00 : # [Global] kamasutra: <snipped> your mother <snipped>"

#11 Re: Report Abuse » Player "Alvarez Latino" » 2024-02-28 00:07:15

Black Mamba wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:

alfred do you have any proof about my insults or mocking about ur country or about ur ping bcs i dont remember when i could say that ....?
you have nothing i guess and also i dont teamwound or damage vehicule only the canon defense on aberd (habit from long time)
anyway you try rly hard to make me ban but you need more evidence for that i dont insult anyone here even my fan club who dream to ban me and keep going here on the forum...
see you on the field alfred dont rage if i kill you and it make me laugh this is just a game...

If you don’t insult anyone, why is your reputation -194?

Test01 and Nameless had fun on every reply or post that i made ...it took them months to achieve that.

#12 Re: Report Abuse » Player "Alvarez Latino" » 2024-02-26 15:38:28

alfred do you have any proof about my insults or mocking about ur country or about ur ping bcs i dont remember when i could say that ....?
you have nothing i guess and also i dont teamwound or damage vehicule only the canon defense on aberd (habit from long time)
anyway you try rly hard to make me ban but you need more evidence for that i dont insult anyone here even my fan club who dream to ban me and keep going here on the forum...
see you on the field alfred dont rage if i kill you and it make me laugh this is just a game...

#14 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Couldnt join Simple » 2024-01-17 14:29:53

you are too good tanker Ruff so sometime the server dont accept you for balance ...

#15 Re: Server Ban Appeals » ban » 2024-01-09 04:06:04

Any tip for crypto invest ?

#16 Re: Report Abuse » Random kick » 2023-12-22 14:53:37

lol billy and merry christmas.

#17 Re: BF1942 Events » Infantry tournament 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1 no prone mod by butcher » 2023-12-20 01:13:18

2023-12-15 15:39:53 : # [Global] kamasutra: well, you fagot is a lucky bit**
2023-12-15 15:40:00 : # [Global] kamasutra: f**ked your mother in the a**

this kind of behavior make me change indeed ...
im not mad btw this game relax me every evening.

#18 Re: BF1942 Events » Infantry tournament 2 vs 2 or 1 vs 1 no prone mod by butcher » 2023-12-19 18:44:00

i didnt say i want to join but nvm u dont get it... have fun alone.

#22 Re: Videos and Screenshots » === 000 === » 2023-11-07 02:40:02

After the soldier and the model tv reality show now the gangsta ?
you are full of imagination 000 !

#27 Re: Report Abuse » BFSoldier » 2023-08-19 13:14:44

Just ban this nick from the server and its resolve ...
Why keep this nick allowed...

#28 Re: Videos and Screenshots » Random BF1942 Montage » 2023-08-15 20:46:38

Will answer to you but not here it isnt apropriate...

#30 Re: Videos and Screenshots » === 000 === » 2023-08-05 03:58:02

This is how you spend ur summer...?
Why writing in french btw ?

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