#1 Re: Feedback » Server population » 2013-12-29 20:38:59

in my opinion it is only on the rotation. why play the standard server at once the expension packs. for this is the other server. it has absolutely nothing to do with the age, as someone has already written here. Finally, the game despite its already thirteen years old still online. most of the play but are anyway the older in the player community. So it cant like this.

get easy times a reasonable rotation every now and then it will with the neighbor;)

why are the others server constantly crowded. schindler, ax, pixel, moon. they dont constantly change their settings.

#4 Re: Feedback » Road to Rome and Secret Weapons event day » 2013-11-28 22:02:39

This time I agree to Satinca.

TDM is totally terrible. It sucks, is boring and makes absolutely no fun. If I wanted to play TDM I might as well go to another server. But that's why I go to SiMPLE since the maps are changed properly and everything is on Conquest.

Just interviewed the players / members.

#5 Re: Feedback » Map rotation » 2013-11-28 20:51:20

It´s boring with TDM ...

Please Change it.

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » [Arvernes] Laxateur banned » 2013-11-25 17:36:10

You are absolutely right, Timmos.
Arvernes know exactly what they do. They know the rules. At least one would assume so. Therefore Flettnerman was 100% right. And to build such a crap as an admin, in my opinion it is ok to be banned 7 days.

Arvernes completely destroy the fun of the game.
It has become extremely annoying.

#7 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-08-01 09:09:22

Where is the problem? I play with my friend. Suppose we both were in a clan, what would it cheating?

In a clan is not played differently, or do you mean that the clansmen not tell each other where someone stands.

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-07-31 22:12:07

No, not at every moment. I did it that time already suggested, if you do not believe me we can gladly arrange a test match.

I have already explained, "flo" help me and tell me where someone is, certainly not all, but many victories. I can only assure you once again. I do not cheat!

What will you have ever seen on your video? I'm from the fog and kill someone? If you had really compelling points that I'm cheating, I would not upset me so much about it. Only it happens now for the second time within a month that I will accuse the deceit. See evidence but different. And again I have to justify myself because I can deal very well with the aircraft.

If I were really cheating, I would not only make it on the plane. But also as an infantryman and tank commander.

#9 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-07-31 20:35:53

i have it declare ... i Play with my friend "Flo". He told me where are infantry.

#10 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-27 14:48:17

First of all thanks! Thank you!

I understand the situation. How should I behave myself in future to the "Simple Servers"? How can I avoid this unpleasant situation?

#11 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-26 20:22:07

Then it should but someone tell how I can prove it that I have not cheated on me. With good words, yes apparently do nothing. It is anyway not believe me.

A test match or something .... A proposal ....

#12 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-26 20:07:31

Nur das Unfaire an der ganzen Sache ist, das mir was unterstellt wird was so nicht wahr ist (Und vor allem anscheinend auch nicht bewiesen werden kann). Auch wenn ich mich jetzt unbeliebt mache nur ich bin der Meinung das man dies einfach nur skill nennt (auch wenn ich kein Pro-Gamer bin). Übung macht nun mal den Meister. Mal ganz Lapidar ausgedrückt. Andererseits wenn ich wirklich irgendwas an hätte würde ich doch nicht ständig abloosen und im "Mittelfeld" mitspielen.

#13 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-26 19:58:05

Dann kann ich aber nicht verstehen wozu dieses Punkbuster an ist. Ich denke das ist dazu da um es zu verhindern das gecheatet werden kann. Ich kann´s nur nochmal beteuern das mir mein Kumpel angesagt hat wo wer steht und das ich nichts verbotenes gemacht habe. Das haben wir bisher immer so gemacht.

#15 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-26 19:49:10

Vielen Dank. Es geht jetzt im Grunde genommen noch darum das ich bei Korallenmeer zwar welche aus meinem Team abgeschossen habe, ich dort aber nur gekickt wurde. Deshalb bin ich dann im Anschluss mit meinem Freund auf den RTR Server. Dort wurde ich dann gebannt weil, so glaube ich, jemand vermutet hat, dass ich dort gecheatet habe. Das ist aber nicht wahr. Ich hab es am Anfang schon versucht aufzuklären. Ich habe mit meinem Kumpel gezockt und er hat mir als Bodentruppe angesagt wo ich hinwerfen soll (also mit dem Flugzeug). Das letzte was ich gelesen habe bevor ich vom Server geflogen bin war "map explaint" ... oder so ähnlich.

#16 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-26 19:44:17

I was just again on the fra server. Fortunately, it's true that I'm not banned there.

Ok, I did not know who it was because it was very fast. I'm sorry if I have suspected.

#17 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-26 19:29:33

to all cases on RTR. if on the other hand, I know not, because I'm not over til coralsee on after the kick on the same server.

#19 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-26 19:24:00

It's nice to hear that I'm only banned for a day. I just do not understand I after I played coralsee still got it on Anzio could (and have played there about 10 minutes). because only there on Anzio I flew from server.

Nevertheless, many thanks for the quick response.

#20 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-26 19:13:13

It is true that I have accidentally shot friends with the flak. Only now and then happens, then I can only apologize for that. also I'm not perfect.

But I have no idea who is denny. Although I play often on SiMPLE servers but I do not know the admins.

#23 Server Ban Appeals » Please Unban Me. Lionel Twain 26.06.2013. ~18:25 » 2013-06-26 18:55:37

Lionel Twain
Replies: 73

Good day.

Unfortunately, I was banned because of a misunderstanding.

I play with my friend (Flo) the map Anzio (26.06.2013 about 18:25). I flew on the plane and my friend told me where to find units. Therefore, an admin has believed that I cheat. But this is not so.

My friend and I play Battlefield online since 2002. Because of that I so long to play with my friend, we see ourselves in the game blind. I can understand it if it makes apparent the reason that I have cheated just is not true. I can only affirm that I have never, not even cheated on the servers of "Simple". Neither then nor now or in the future.

I beg you to unban me and give me their trust.

I will continue to please the pronunciation and grammar to forgive, because I am German and English mastered only school I have to translate this text via the Google translator. I hope it can clear up the misunderstandings.

Thank you!

Lionel Twain

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