#1 Re: Report Abuse » Plz ban player » 2013-12-22 03:14:33

3 teamkills and you ban him for 1 day? WTF? 1 week is the minimum amount of punishment for this guy. 3 ON PURPOSE teamkills, and the reason is vengeance. 1 month is the DESERVED punishment!

#2 Re: Report Abuse » Warning because of disturbing play for basecamp at CTF » 2013-11-26 20:56:34

Wtf since when did moon become an admin? Oh god! What the f*cking hell is happening to this world -.- I swear, I will quit SiMPLE if moon became an admin on the damn server! tongue

#3 Re: Report Abuse » moonlight teamstack, spam and insult » 2013-11-13 21:41:00

Don't you people get sick of your miserable flamings to each other? It ain't fun to watch you flame each other again and again.. This is bullshit people,, plss. stop insulting or flaming, and you DC, are you a kid or what? You act like a damn kid who flames another kid with his insults, WTF PEOPLE! -_-

#5 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Midway Carrier » 2013-11-11 17:04:45

I think Admiral Frank here is a real marine soldier.. How the hell could he possibly think of all those tactics? big_smile

#6 Re: Off-Topic » It's Football, not soccer! :) » 2013-11-06 19:08:41

It's not Portugal vs Sweden, it's Cristiano Ronaldo vs Zlatan Ibrahimović. big_smile

#7 Re: Off-Topic » It's Football, not soccer! :) » 2013-11-06 15:55:23

Try to watch Rogério Ceni's videos, he made more than 111 goals during his career! The one and only goalkeeper to reach that milestone. -----------> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogério_Ceni

#8 Re: Off-Topic » It's Football, not soccer! :) » 2013-11-03 20:45:47

But Cristiano Ronaldo was also a damn good player this year.. He also deserves the Ballon d'Or smile Messi, he's just the "good boy" of the FIFA President tongue Cristiano Ronaldo the "Commander" lol

#10 Re: Server Ban Appeals » unban me » 2013-10-20 17:31:52

Basically, ALOT of people doesn't know the difference between having a conversation and spamming, it's a damn public server! You can't stop people from talking to each other.. And that's why there are admins, to prevent people from spamming. big_smile

#11 Re: Off-Topic » It's Football, not soccer! :) » 2013-10-14 09:43:19

I still can't get over with what happened to zidane.. It was supposed to be memorable for zidane because it's his last match, but materazzi destroyed it. Fucker materazzi.. -_--

#12 Re: Videos and Screenshots » High Scores » 2013-09-24 18:02:48

OH GREAT, JUST GREAT... How to post pics here? big_smile Don't judge me! I'm not that familiar with computers... Especially this forum.. big_smile

#13 Re: Videos and Screenshots » High Scores » 2013-09-23 17:07:58

Thank you very much! I'll try to upload it now, or maybe tomorrow, or maybe on weekend. -.- I'm a very very busy student.. Damn those proffessors!! TOO MANY FUCKING ASSIGNMENTS!!! -.- smile Thank you again mate! smile

#14 Re: Videos and Screenshots » High Scores » 2013-09-23 16:53:17

Question, how can you post screenshots here? When i click the screen capture button, I don't know what to do next.. xDD Can anybody teach me how to post pics from screen captures? I have good scores too! But don't know how to post them... sad (FYI, it's an online game, not offline) smile

#15 Re: Off-Topic » jews are around ! » 2013-09-17 19:56:30

i know you are a bf1942 soldier, BUT REMEMBER, you are not a real life soldier, or maybe you are, ARE YOU? smile smile)

#17 Re: BF1942 Discussion » What's your favourite weapon(s) in BF1942? Pros and cons » 2013-08-25 21:01:50

I love all engineer weapons. big_smile but for now, im starting to love sniper weapons. big_smile

#18 Feedback » Is there enough admins on the RtR+SW server? » 2013-08-20 18:48:35

Replies: 27

just a question, is the RtR+SW server lacking of admins? big_smile

#19 Re: Off-Topic » Beliefs ? » 2013-08-06 16:45:48

So, who amongst u people believe in God?

#21 Re: Off-Topic » Morpheus » 2013-05-17 19:30:40

wow. just wow timmos. -_-

#22 Re: Off-Topic » Morpheus » 2013-05-17 18:03:16

LOL... hahahahaha, xDD wtf was that timmos? hahahaha,, big_smile

#23 Re: Off-Topic » Morpheus » 2013-05-16 19:10:31

he said that i post a topic about him, then he will reply.. -_-

#24 Off-Topic » Morpheus » 2013-05-16 18:56:37

Replies: 21

does anybody knows what username does Morpheus use? and i thought he wasnt playing bf? -_-

#25 Re: Feedback » Admins' time » 2013-05-15 07:52:36

No, im not trying to be an admin.. Im just saying, try to make someone manage those times.. I wont open a topic like this if it's not true.. It's really annoying when there' no admin around.. All players are breaking the rules! (well, me too sometimes.. I baseattack also because they provoked me..)

#26 Feedback » Admins' time » 2013-05-14 21:40:09

Replies: 22

why is it, that when i go to Simple, there is no admins at all? i mean.. most of the time.. i rarely go play in simple with admins.. sad and you know what's up in simple without admins? TK EVERYWHERE! TAXI EVERYWHERE! BASECAMP/BASEATTACK EVERYWHERE! can you assign someone to be an admin at those times.. i mean, dont just make someone an admin, and all those admins go online on the same time.. try to make someone an admin or watcher that can take care of those times.. its really annoying... (no offense for Simple)

#27 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why am I banned? » 2013-05-14 19:53:13

i didnt play on SiMPLE server for days.. got so busy... AND I ONLY PLAY WITH MY ACCOUNT NAME! and that's RedTooth952.. wink and about tuia.. thanks.. but i cant install it.. because my anti virus is fake.. xD hahahaha.. IM ONLY POOR OK? and by next year, i will go to philippines.. there, i can install BF1942... i cant install anything in my comp right now, because if i did,, my anti virus will shut down. -_- damn.. but by next year.. i will go to philippines for college.. and i will have another computer.. (for my studies and games) big_smile

#28 Re: Feedback » SiMPLE on Facebook! » 2013-05-14 19:40:40

pls accept me in the group.. my name is Cholo De Leon. smile big_smile

#30 Re: Feedback » SiMPLE on Facebook! » 2013-05-13 17:02:05

what if simple makes an account on facebook? if they make one, i will join for sure! big_smile

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