#1 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Hellp: bf1942 wont launch in my new laptop win10 bit64 » 2020-06-04 20:21:36

Arkos wrote:
Leonardino wrote:

maybe a bit off topic but I tried creating a new player profile but wont me allow to create one... has it ever happened? Can I create one manually in the game folder in a similar fashion to video.con ?


This is because you installed it into "C:\Program Files\..."

Battlefield is an old game and Windows 10 is highly restricted in "Program Files".

So install old Games into C:\Games\OldgameXX


mmm no... my folder is:

"D:\dal pc vecchio\Battlefield 1942 HDx\BF1942.exe"

no program files folder whatsoever...

#2 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Hellp: bf1942 wont launch in my new laptop win10 bit64 » 2020-06-04 14:42:26

maybe a bit off topic but I tried creating a new player profile but wont me allow to create one... has it ever happened? Can I create one manually in the game folder in a similar fashion to video.con ?

#3 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Hellp: bf1942 wont launch in my new laptop win10 bit64 » 2020-06-04 14:32:33

Arkos wrote:


Missing 800x600 Resolution for the InGameMenu i guess.

Look first if you can activate 800x600 otherwise add a custom resolution 800x600.


Look here



Btw. Activating global Adminrights on Windows 10 is realy a bad idea.

Just Bf1942.exe and Blackscreen.exe need admin rights and the best is not to install the game into "ProgrammFiles", but as example C:\Games \Gamename as you should do it with older games.


Cool man!  I love you! that did the trick...

"3. Use Custom Resolutions/Modes for Intel Graphics driver"

I set a custom resolution in the Intel panel (nvidia control panel only shows 3d settings) to 800x600 60p htz.

The game started... but I think I will uninstall and install it again as I messed around a lot  with .con settings and the bf1942.exe
Seems a bit slow, mouse very sensitive, framerate a bit low... any suggestion?
I can see Simple servers though...

#4 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Hellp: bf1942 wont launch in my new laptop win10 bit64 » 2020-06-04 14:07:12

every file with extension .con inside the MODS folder I edited the resolution line this way:

game.setGameDisplayMode 1024 768 32 60

my game folder is :

"D:\dal pc vecchio\Battlefield 1942 HDx\BF1942.exe"

Im trying to make the HD version work.

#5 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Hellp: bf1942 wont launch in my new laptop win10 bit64 » 2020-06-04 01:02:19

oh and I also activated admin profile on win10, the black screen just a bit longer...

#6 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Hellp: bf1942 wont launch in my new laptop win10 bit64 » 2020-06-04 00:28:19

Got the same problem as well on my win10 laptop...
tried installing bf1942 origin, HD, simple... patched, direct play, video.con settings ,  patched bf1942 for vista...

nothing works... all I got is a blank screen for a couple of seconds.. game wont load at all sad

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