#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » so kayak.. » 2019-09-03 21:23:28

I'm afraid that's a HUGE coincidence lol

#3 Server Ban Appeals » so kayak.. » 2019-09-03 18:15:24

Replies: 5


so he did not ban me then who did and more importantly for what reason?

you can read my thread in abuse section.

requesting unban

username: noob

#4 Report Abuse » Is Kayak the king here? » 2019-09-03 17:42:53

Replies: 2

So Kayak keeps banning people straight for 3 days without giving them a warning and banning them first for like 15 mins and then he bans me PERMANENTLY for asking him to change the map to a smaller map as there were like 16 players in midway.

Wanna ask Kayak if he was having a bad day or what? or  just a bad life as his mommy was not there for him when he was young?

I am reporting kayak as abuse and also asking for unban as it was clearly unfair.

username: noob               .. ofc

happened last night around 11 pm local..

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