#1 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-11-22 13:28:24

dary wrote:

USA took over Ukrainian government to be closer to Russia... they want to do with Russia what the did with many other countries. Imo the West is to blame for this conflict. 20 years ago people have predicted what will happen around this time and here we are. What a mess. The aim is to divide people, so that we don't unite and see who the real enemies are. Same old game... over and over. Matrix 2.0...

with this message you activate jet thrust in the asses of narrow-minded people who have one country just like that at war with another

KarlsoN wrote:

Disagree. I think it's much smart and easier to buy real cheap oil and gas, instead of military actions.

the choice is not whether to buy gas peacefully or seize fields
the choice is who Europe will buy gas from.
After the start of the special operation and the explosions of the northern streams, Europe began to buy liquefied natural gas from the United States.
- Europe's dependence on Russian gas is dependence and shackles.
- Europe's dependence on American LNG is independence and economic freedom
Do you want to be independent? Stop depending on Russia and be dependent on the USA!

Also, after the start of the special operation, due to the supply of weapons, the United States secured orders for the military-industrial complex for hundreds of billions of dollars.
This is even if we miss the political aspect of the missed opportunity to create a union between Russia and Germany in the future, as a very strong competitor to the United States in Europe.

The beneficiaries are obvious. The US deepstate is very smart and pragmatic.

#2 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-11-01 19:32:35

John Gult wrote:


Their level of thinking is such that they believe this too;  and the fact that Russia is shelling the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant;  and that Russia blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines;  and even then, out of 50 missiles fired by Russia, Ukrainian air defense shot down 44, and the remaining 6 missiles damaged 18 objects in 10 regions of the country; that Russians do not know what toilets are, have not seen washing machines and confuse a microwave with a safe.  They also believe that the West is helping them out of pure altruism.

Everything is bad with logic there, and you can’t explain anything to them.  They can only begin to see clearly with time, when the pressure of propaganda is reduced.


Их уровень мышления таков, что они верят и в это; и в то, что Россия обстреливает Запорожскую АЭС; и в то, что Россия взорвала газопроводы Северного Потока; и даже в то, из 50 выпущенных Россией ракет украинскими ПВО сбито 44, а оставшиеся 6 ракет повредили 18 объектов в 10 регионах страны ; в то, что русские не знают что такое унитазы, не видели стиральных машин и путают микроволновку с сейфом. Так же они верят в то, что Запад помогает им из чистого альтруизма.

Там с логикой совсем всё плохо, и им ничего не объяснишь. Они только со временем может быть прозреют, когда уменьшится прессинг пропаганды.


#3 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-25 14:20:58

1. write a fact that is obvious to any idiot
2. call it stupid bipolar propaganda
3. we accuse the interlocutor of spreading it
4. deservedly we get pluses from the same narrow-minded
5. profit. you can now not answer the 2 simplest questions 


#4 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-24 18:55:09

Insane wrote:

Weren't you a source of cheap hydrocarbons for all this time? smile

Do you really not see the difference between sales and free pumping? In addition, in addition to cheap oil and gas, there are a lot of other minerals that are sold at a good profit. And the profit remains here, even minus the large-scale corruption.

I can say even more, if you're russian, nothing changes for centuries.

but Ukrainians have a huge influence on their government, yeah.
CIA handlers are laughing in your government offices right now.

You had your answer, but too busy spreading your bias and not able to read it seems.

in that case, point out to me my inattention with a link

#5 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-24 09:07:39

Insane wrote:

Diabolical west that thinking 24/7 how to destroy your great country.

That's exactly how it is.
The ideal Russia in the eyes of the West is broken up into many small republics that will work for the extraction of practically free resources for Western countries.
Is it really a secret for you?
Periodically, they even organize forums on this topic. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
https://www.csce.gov/international-impa … ing-russia
It's a pity that the pot on your head does not allow you to understand such simple truths.

They all gayropeans, khokhols, pindosi (americans) are very bad.

I do not feel any hatred towards the inhabitants of other countries, because the people in any country are practically unable to influence political events (forget the democratic show-off)

You threaten to turn west into nuclear ashes. But it's the West of course who are russophobic and they of course, not you are spreading this nuclear fear, right?

Yes, yes, bad Russia threatens with nuclear weapons. Only today the only country in the world that has used this weapon is the United States. Moreover, it was applied after the defeat of Japan and the readiness for surrender after the Manchurian operation. Moreover, bombs were dropped on absolutely peaceful cities.
Well, this is the USA, they have good nuclear missiles, and Russia has evil
"Russia wants to arrange nuclear ashes" - this nonsense is being dispersed by the Western media all October. in Russia, only fools like you talk about it
You've been tricked again.

you still haven't answered why are you bombing peaceful cities and why is the US helping you?

#6 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-22 11:52:05

Insane wrote:

you switched to some methodical guide describing your own country's informational-psychological operations and propaganda.

you again were deceived
In fact, what I throw you about the image of the enemy is just a translation of the(unexpectedly) US training manual

Zody wrote:

this topic has quite the purpose. Russians making a fool of themselves is an important reason for it to exist.

this is written by the 5th clown, who was killed by me for 2-3 elementary questions. the only thing you can do is yap cheap insults at me like a little dog.

#7 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-21 19:40:25

meanwhile, Republicans are increasingly showing their attitude to the actors


#8 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-21 19:38:17

That's how, with the help of two simple questions, we found out that the vacuum in your head can only be filled with emotional feces.

So far, your behavior almost 100% reflects the very first chapter of the manual on the formation of an inhuman image of the enemy :

Hidden text

Propaganda tends to simplify and create a two-dimensional picture of the world, not allowing for many options. The technology of creating the image of the enemy and self-image is based on the same principles. In creating the image of the enemy and contrasting it with the image of the hero, the following tactics are used: the diabolical character of the enemy. The enemy threatens goals and values. A manly self-image. Propaganda of the group's steadfastness and heroism and public punishment of apostates and supporters of a peaceful resolution of the conflict. The morality of oneself is the immorality of the opponent. Selective inattention. Only those topics that confirm the established image of the enemy are perceived and all others are rejected. Lack of empathy. It is difficult to kill someone or cause significant harm to them if you perceive them as the same human being. Categorization of the enemy as an inanimate, biological or immoral being, outlaws him, makes empathy towards him very weak and thereby protects the individual from psychological damage when committing his aggressive actions.

По-русски более понятно:

Пропаганда тяготеет к упрощению и созданию двухмерной картины мира, не допуская множества вариантов. На этих же принципах построена технология создания образа врага и самообраза. В создании образа врага и противопоставления ему образа героя используются следующие тактики: дьявольский характер врага. Враг угрожает целям и ценностям. Мужественный образ себя. Пропаганда стойкости и героизма своей группы и публичное наказание отступников и сторонников мирного разрешения конфликта. Моральность себя- аморальность противника. Селективная невнимательность. Воспринимаются только те темы, которые подтверждают сложившийся образ врага и отвергаются все остальные. Отсутствие эмпатии. Трудно убить кого-то или нанести ему существенный вред, если воспринимаешь его таким же человеческим существом. Категоризация противника как существа неодушевлённого, биологического или аморального, ставит его вне закона, делает эмпатию в отношении него очень слабой и тем самым защищает личность от психологического ущерба при совершении его агрессивных действий.

Не замечаешь сходств со своим поведением?
Тебя наебали, чувак)
Здесь ты конечно не переобуешься, но в жизни настоятельно советую включить критическое мышление и начать воспринимать действительность как она есть. Хотя, мне кажется, вероятность этого крайне мала.

#9 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-21 19:10:44

Insane wrote:
persia wrote:

"one of the girls raped in a terrible form already has oral cancer" (lolwwat? How is it related...)

40 girls raped by russian army, one in heavy conditions, you try to make it look like a fake and then you ask me how is it related?
You soulless bastard... I'm not surprised anymore you russians have zero compassion.

Yes, yes, I'm bad. But still, how is rape and cancer related in the end?

Insane wrote:
persia wrote:

Well, it's already a shame to talk about "butch". This large-scale fake, replicated by your cipso around the world, has already been debunked 1000 times.
About raped men and whole raped villages....I honestly can't even imagine a single-celled creature in the guise of a person who will believe in this shit. Nameless in this branch has already analyzed this nonsense in detail.
But as we can see from you and the "+" on your messages, such people exist.
You probably also believe that Russian soldiers are given a viagra to they rape people.

What you can imagine or can not doesn't matter. All your so called "proof" is based on fakes.
Try harder.

lol emotions again....so, are soldiers being given Viagra?

a distinctive feature of all dull-witted people is that when they do not know the answer to a question, they either ignore it, or start insulting and leading to emotions.

For example, for the 3rd time you ignore my question about the shelling of Donetsk.
Write to us,  why is this being done?

There is no friendship in big politics, there is only profit. Therefore, the second question is: what is the goal of the US and the EU, helping you with money and weapons?

#10 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-21 18:00:23

Insane wrote:

Who gave you a right to attack a foregn independent country for it making an alliance with anyone else, be it US or NATO? Who the fk you think you are?

Nobody gives a fuck what you think, man.
There is no place for pity and emotions in geopolitics.
There are centers of power.
Each center has its own zones of influence, Ukraine was a zone of influence of Russia. Until the US decided to stick its hands in there.
I think for you it will already be an overdose of information for today.

If you don't believe me, read Western political scientists, military, analysts.
https://cf2r.org/documentation/la-situa … n-ukraine/
There are a lot of intelligent people among them who cover basic things.
But then you need to think, it's easier to crow about the rape of cities.
You don't even realize how far you are from the truth

#11 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-21 17:48:34

answer a simple question, don't be silent

Did someone level Donetsk as you motherfuckers did with Mariupol? Everyone, now it's really everyone, knows about ruzzians being lying bastards.

Unlike you, I'm not used to being hysterical like a girl, so let's sort everything out in cold blood.
Maruipol is destroyed. Why? Maybe because your cowardly army was hiding behind civilians, knowing full well that we would not shoot at them? Why was your army based in schools/kindergartens/multi-storey houses? Why did they place ammunition in the basements of these houses?
You have a tight logic, so I'll tell you: Mariupol was destroyed only because of the actions of your army, which works under the control of the United States, which in turn absolutely don't give a fuck about you, your city and everyone else.
Let's move on. Mariupol has been destroyed, so according to your logic, it is now possible to bomb other cities inhabited by people? It doesn't fit with common sense.
Why do they drop incendiary shells, petal mines on Donetsk, stepping on which they tear off your foot, or tear off your brush if you take it in your hands. All this is in ordinary residential areas where there are no Russian soldiers.
And considering that Ukraine considers these areas its own, can you tell me why this is being done?

#12 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-21 17:46:35

Insane wrote:

Here is the video with the subs. She is simply complaining that nobody gave a fck about rape cases in Ukraine until she went  to the Italian Parliament. And the alleged fakes... Only your ruzzkis fktard so called bloggers talked about making fakes. She only said "ok.." and then started complaining that a commissioner is fully subordinate to the President's office. Where is the confession?
You are full of shit persia, a typical ruzzian liar as you all are.

Are you really that stupid or are you just pretending?
You don't even know how to Google, lol. Make subtitles for the full issue.

Especially on such cool offers as:
"we are not obliged to verify the authenticity of news and videos, our task is to disperse it in the media"
"I do not like what the current commissioner is doing, because he does not want to post news about the "prison" at the Zaporozhye NPP, because there are no facts confirming this"
"I handed over a case about 40 raped children to the prosecutor's office, but they didn't pay attention to it" (even the prosecutor's office realized that it was a hoax big_smile )
"one of the girls raped in a terrible form already has oral cancer" (lolwwat? How is it related...)
Well, it's already a shame to talk about "butch". This large-scale fake, replicated by your cipso around the world, has already been debunked 1000 times.
About raped men and whole raped villages....I honestly can't even imagine a single-celled creature in the guise of a person who will believe in this shit. Nameless in this branch has already analyzed this nonsense in detail.
But as we can see from you and the "+" on your messages, such people exist.
You probably also believe that Russian soldiers are given a viagra to they rape people.

#13 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-21 14:19:07

Insane wrote:

Lies are getting destroyed sooner or later and sanctions are not implemented just for fun. It's exact cause and effect relation.


#14 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-21 14:08:08

Insane wrote:

persia, you ask for posting some proof instead the obvious videos of russians shooting civilian vehicles you call fakes. At a same time stating something about some two bloggers calling some ex-US ambassador... where is it, the phone call and the real people, not some fake recording as your tass makes up as always?

so here she is, in Russian, saying that she was dispersing fakes. With what to whom she says this, in this case it does not matter.

while in your video there may be your soldiers disguised in Russian uniforms. There were a lot of such "statements".
There are whole telegram channels to expose your fakes. For example, this one is good.  https://t.me/warfakes
I do not advise you to watch it, it will break your psyche, and you will have to admit that you were a little fawn who trustingly ate feces, thinking that it was chocolate.
If you don't believe us, look at the Belarusians:

Did someone level Donetsk as you motherfuckers did with Mariupol? Everyone, now it's really everyone, knows about ruzzians being lying bastards.

Unlike you, I'm not used to being hysterical like a girl, so let's sort everything out in cold blood.
Maruipol is destroyed. Why? Maybe because your cowardly army was hiding behind civilians, knowing full well that we would not shoot at them? Why was your army based in schools/kindergartens/multi-storey houses? Why did they place ammunition in the basements of these houses?
You have a tight logic, so I'll tell you: Mariupol was destroyed only because of the actions of your army, which works under the control of the United States, which in turn absolutely don't give a fuck about you, your city and everyone else.
Let's move on. Mariupol has been destroyed, so according to your logic, it is now possible to bomb other cities inhabited by people? It doesn't fit with common sense.
Why do they drop incendiary shells, petal mines on Donetsk, stepping on which they tear off your foot, or tear off your brush if you take it in your hands. All this is in ordinary residential areas where there are no Russian soldiers.
And considering that Ukraine considers these areas its own, can you tell me why this is being done?

Georgia in 2008

The UN recognized Georgia as an aggressor.
You should at least learn 2x2, silly.

then 2014 invasion + annexation of Crimea

as for Crimea, (unsurprisingly) again you don't know the base. I advise you to read the chronology of the life of the Crimea from 1954 to 2014
There will be many wonderful discoveries for you here.

And don't start this whataboutism bs about US did that US did this.

If you are a stupid bird that flies in the wind, then of course you can not understand the fundamentals. In that case, they really have nothing to do with it, yes.

you ruzzkis are incredible people, incredibly retadred and incredible scums.

That's what I want to! You live quietly, communicate in Russian, friends with Russian guys, play with them in the same clan. And then BOOOOOM
just 1 sec
and now they're all finished scum and bastards. you can immediately see a smart person

So I'm not gonna waste any more time talking to brainwashed ruzzian imbeciles

Of course you're not going to. You know perfectly well that I will beat you for a couple of messages.
I have logic and facts, you have emotional tears and hysteria.
What you're posting here are emotional stupid vysers for naive people like you and those who like you.
You lack the knowledge base necessary for correct conclusions.
The series, consisting of 1000 episodes, you started watching right from the 600th, so you don't understand a fucking thing.

#15 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-18 16:34:37

Insane wrote:

Ruzzians, you can spread any bullshit and whataboutism. But everyone of you as a community, a nation or a country, call it as you like, you will answer for everything your country does.

Vovan and Lexus (two Russian bloggers) called the Former Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine and introduced themselves as the ex-US ambassador to Russia. During the conversation, she admitted that she had been spreading fakes about the crimes of the Russian army.

after thousands of postings and fakes, no one believes you anymore. Even in the west.
By the way, what's up  about Bucha?

And if you consider yourself an honest and decent person, then please post a video here about the shelling of the AFU artillery at bus stops, peaceful houses in Donetsk and other settlements.

#16 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-17 17:01:30

Elon Musk tweets about the Crimea belonging to Russia and about the stop of starlink work in Ukraine.
A few days later, the news appears that he has been sued again and is under federal investigation.
After a couple more days, Musk changes his shoes and announces the continuation starlink work. (from his pocket)

politics as it is

#17 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-16 21:50:15

Maasika wrote:

I see no scaling. In what numbers the name changes in Russia?

I didn't understand

Maasika wrote:

BTW how come Chechen war was a war not another special ops.? Or is it a war in your history books?

if you are such a connoisseur of the Chechen wars, then you probably know that there were 2 of them and they were called differently.
1. Establishing constitutional order
2. counter-terrorist operation

I just don't understand what you mean by that?
Look for the meaning of such a concept as "martial law" and what are the consequences of its introduction in the country.This will give you the answer to your question.

And I have a question for you:
okay, we're propaganda-washed pathetic fools,
but why, then, Ukraine has not yet declared the ongoing events a war?

#18 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-15 09:08:37

Maasika wrote:

What? Russia in war? wasnt it a " special military operation"?

It still remains a special operation. If you don't see the difference between a full-scale war and a special operation, then I have some sad news for you.

Maasika wrote:

all of us"and  " us "  ? you really hear  "Nato" ?

you really do not catch the relationship between the word "we" and the speech of NATO Secretary General at the NATO summit?
Or do you think by "we" he meant himself and his wife?

#19 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-14 19:32:42

Now the artificial pumping of Western media information about Russian nuclear strikes on Ukraine is frightening.
It is possible that the Americans will bring and detonate their own nuclear weapons on the territory of Ukraine, and blame Russia for this.
And any idiot understands that this is nonsense, because it makes no sense. But unfortunately, in the information war, the Americans are the strongest now.

#20 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-14 19:19:41

Well, where are all those naive guys who laughed at my messages that Russia is not at war with Ukraine, but with nato?
No one is hiding this anymore.


Seceretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg.

#21 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-02 15:47:34

Rinjo wrote:

There is no forced mobilization in Ukraine as in Russia. People defend their homeland. Many people joined the army themselves. If necessary, all Ukrainians will defend themselves against the barbaric attack by Russia. Russia mobilizes people because Putin wants to win the war by force, but is unable to win. Mobilized, they will die very quickly at the front

The first wave included former servicemen under the age of 40, who have combat experience and served in the army, former participants of the ATO. In addition, on April 8, the Rada adopted a law that obliged all conscripts who were abroad to be mobilized to return to Ukraine within 15 days. Otherwise, men face up to 10 years in a strict regime colony.

Those wishing to leave managed to do so only in the first days of the conflict. After the mobilization was announced, at the request of Zelinsky, the exit was closed to all men from 18 to 60 years old.

Since September 14, the departure of categories for which exceptions were provided has also been banned.

In addition to the traditional methods of handing out summonses at the address of residence and place of work, in Ukraine, summonses are handed at checkpoints, gas stations, on the street, and sometimes employees organize raids on nightclubs or beaches.

I think you're wearing a saucepan on your head instead of a hat

#22 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-10-02 13:14:52

Rinjo wrote:

You get excited about Europe, but we can do it. Russia can't do it. Another victories of Ukraine in the war <3 Several thousand Russian troops were encircled in Lyman.

Here is a video of a Russian who asks other Russians about "Russians' war losses in the war". The last guy - explained perfectly


you still haven't answered my simple last question.

Ukraine really recaptured part of the settlements, but at the cost of what losses?
btw, tell me how many people were mobilized in Ukraine?

#23 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-09-28 17:49:10

Rinjo wrote:

Man ... You keep writing for the United States. Has the United States attacked Ukraine? Has the United States created a pseudo-referendum on looted lands? Has the United States massacred the civilian population in Bucha and Izium?
NATO was created as a counterweight to the USSR, but after the collapse of the USSR, Russia remained, which as it turns out, still has imperialist ambitions. In the 1990s, Russia attacked Chechnya, and in 2008, Russia attacked Georgia. In 2014, Russia annexed Crimea. This is not a normal country ... Russia still wants to fight everyone and show how strong it is. Your eyes will open when China attacks Russia. You see your ally in China, but they are already getting ready for you. Russia does not see the enemy where it should see. China will destroy you in a few years.

That's what happens when yesterday's schoolboy decided to jump into the topic of politics - solid loud headlines and nothing to the point. What's up with my listed propaganda? lies?

Finally, I will ask your extremely important and filled with the highest analysis opinion about this news:

The G7 has reached an agreement in principle to limit oil prices from Russia for third countries.

#24 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-09-28 17:41:21


Is everyone like rinjo in Poland? big_smile

And on the same day:
Poland has officially opened the Baltic Pipe pipeline to import gas from Norway
https://biz.liga.net/all/tek/novosti/po … Gaz-System

What a wonderful coincidence of the damned Russian propaganda!

#25 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-09-28 13:57:34

How the "streams" were killed

Back on September 2, American helicopters were winding circles around the lines of the northern streams near the Danish island of Bornholm. The next time the activity was recorded on 13.09.

The side numbers showed that it was a heavy Naval Night Hawk. They dropped underwater drones, which subsequently successfully blew up the pipes.

In June, it was in this area that the US 6th Fleet conducted exercises on the use of drones for underwater "mine clearance".

Specialists from all military "backyard centers" of the USA were gathered for the exercises.

The exercises were successful, and so was the operation.





it is very similar to what I wrote above about the destruction of production and the economy of Europe, by the hands of the US.

#26 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-09-28 13:49:08

Rinjo wrote:

What if your theory was wrong? Can you consider that your Russia is lying to you by saying that NATO wanted to attack Russia?

I don't need to listen to the news to understand the obvious things.
nato positioned himself as a defensive alliance against the USSR.
However, after the collapse of the USSR, it did not cease to exist. Moreover, open the map and see how it has been expanding with military bases over the past 30 years.
Or did I make it all up and they don't exist?
By the way, your beloved Putin publicly asked Clinton to accept Russia into NATO. Of course he was refused. He asked this specifically so that even any fool would understand that it is necessary and there is a military alliance against Russia.
Is Operation Unthinkable also propaganda?
Is the invasion of Iraq for the purpose of free oil production also propaganda?
Attempts to suppress China economically are also my propaganda?
Now, the introduction of sanctions against Russia (European puppets of the United States) destroying their own production, in order to transfer capital from Europe to the United States (from the euro to the dollar) is it also my fantasy?
I will write about the accident on the Nord Stream in the next message, but there is also probably stupid Russian propaganda.

Rinjo wrote:

If 5,000 died on the Russian side, what would mobilization be for? smile

I have already written above, the borders of the Russian Federation have increased by 1300 km, in order to go further on the offensive, it is necessary to protect the existing one.
I am even silent about how our army attacked, having a number several times smaller than the enemy.

Rinjo wrote:

We have everything, and Ukraine has nothing, because it has cooperated with Russia.

I'll tell you a secret, my little boy
there has been a pro-American government in Ukraine since 2004. Now your message takes on a completely different color big_smile big_smile big_smile
Moreover, Ukraine wanted to join the EU, and your politicians also participated in this. European industries do not need a competitor in the form of manufacturing giants of Ukraine. Therefore, a lot of production facilities were specially destroyed (as it was done in the 90s in Russia).
There is such a thing as "quotas". You can read it, but I think it will be very difficult for you.

Rinjo wrote:

Putin thought that if he conquered Ukraine (in a few days)

actually, the plan was to seize Ukraine in 5-6 minutes, Putin himself said so.

Rinjo wrote:

But he did not take into account that NATO would send military equipment to Ukraine and that the Ukrainians would defend themselves so fantastically.

Did Putin not expect NATO to supply weapons? ahahahahahha
ye ye, just an ordinary grandfather sits and does not fucking understand what is happening in the world, and he is also the former head of the KGB. Just a fool, ye ye
God, thank you for making me laugh so much
And yes, they defend just fantastically. Therefore, more than 2 thousand people surrendered from one plant, from another 1 thousand
Well, the last counteroffensive claimed the lives of more than 4 thousand people in a couple of days. Great move.
There have already been 5 waves of mobilization in Ukraine, do you understand what this means? Think about it for once.

from what you write, there is a picture of wild absurdity in the form of a saucepan, which is filled to the brim with the most untruthful propaganda and slogans.
I hope you're just trolling, a person can't not think with his head so much.

#27 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-09-27 14:53:09

simon wrote:

Many years later the truth will start surfacing

The most important reason is obvious even to fools - protection of the integrity of the Russian Federation, resistance to NATO expansion (approaching the borders), in order to suppress military, political and economic influence Russia in the world. Is it so difficult for you to understand that it will take you decades to wait for it? And who will be the authority that you will believe?

The struggle for natural resources through such a huge risk and strong pressure from other countries is just an incredibly stupid version.
Resources + resort areas are just a nice bonus.

I will repeat 100500 times, learn materiel. Everything is in the public domain on both sides.

#28 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-09-27 11:46:41

Rinjo wrote:

Stop lecturing everyone. Someday you will understand that you have lived in the 20 years of Putin's rule in propaganda.

a person who has lived 20 years in Putin's propaganda understands the issues voiced much more deeply than you do. Mdaa, it must be doubly insulting

Maasika wrote:
persia wrote:

Why we didn't invade other countries. For example Abkhazia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia?

No gas pipes going to Europe in those countries.


do you want to say this is the reason for the start of a special operation in Ukraine?
how did you find a logical connection between the Russian gas pipelines and the special operation?
That is, we committed aggression in order to "just like that" seize the territory, because our pipe lies there?

And by the way, a gas pipe passes through Belarus, but for some reason we have good friendly relations, maybe because there is an "evil dictator" there who does not want to turn his country into an instrument of struggle against Russia for the Americans?
and the Nord stream also runs along the border with Finland, which is not yet a member of NATO. Why not capture such a good country?

bud wrote:

Excluding Russia’s gas reserves in Asia, Ukraine today holds the second biggest known gas reserves in Europe. As of late 2019, known Ukrainian reserves amounted to 1.09 trillion cubic meters of natural gas, second only to Norway’s known resources of 1.53 trillion cubic meters. Yet, these enormous reserves of energy remain largely untapped.

Ukraine produces about 20 billion cubic meters per year, and consumes much more. Moreover, both production and consumption are constantly falling. Which indicates the destruction of industry.
I still don't see the relationship.

#29 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-09-26 20:11:23

NuBian wrote:

u derive to this question to explain that countries in the baltics shouldnt fear russia.
u fear something which could happen.
when it happens u dont fear it anymore u face the happening, as Ukraine does right now.
a small baltic country doesnt ask why russia didnt seize all of Georgia
they look at Ukraine and ask themselve whether they will be the next.
its like breaking into the neighbours house, killing her and stealing items and then saying to the others in the village there is nothing to worry because the last few times u broke into a house u wasnt stealing everything.
Understandable to establish some sort of neighbours watch and ramp up security

OK, judging by what you wrote, you have a complete misunderstanding of what is happening in the world.
Have a nice evening.

#30 Re: Off-Topic » World War III » 2022-09-26 17:44:05

NuBian wrote:

the fear is based on actual events: invasion, annexation
and actual worded threats: annihilation
Another fact regarding escalation: invasion > anti-russian policy

The problem of most of the participants in this topic is that they were not interested in geopolitics until 24.02, and then suddenly decided to "understand everything".
This is the same as a series, 1000 episodes long, starting to watch from 600th, and making erroneous conclusions.

NuBian wrote:

You can speculate whatever you want what is causing things. Many interpretations and beliefs, hence very hard to agree on.

Everything has a cause and effect. If you don't know them, then of course it looks that way for you.

And if you had been interested for many years in studying political issues a little deeper than reading newspaper headlines, then you would have a different idea of what is happening.  this is confirmed by a sufficient number of people living in Europe and the USA, but justifiably approving the actions of the Russian Federation

NuBian wrote:

Assuming I'd be russia and fear the growing influence of NATO, then I'd simply try to counter that influence.

lol, that's exactly what's happening right now.
I am writing NATO, but we must understand that we are talking about the US.
This is not only the army, but also the economy and politics.
I'll tell you a secret, it's very hard to compete with the owner of the printing press of the world currency, which is tied to almost all the economies of the world.
There is a lot of information in the public domain that war is the weapon of the dollar.
Therefore, in Ukraine, the United States pursued several goals: to draw Russia into the conflict, so that there would be a reason to bring down wild sanctions, create a wave of discontent and protests, with the further aim of committing a coup and establishing a puppet government.
But it did not work out to drop Russia economically, now the goal is to drag it into a long-running conflict in order to exhaust resources and throw the exhausted Russia away from the struggle for world domination.
Because the idea of a "multipolar" world and the settlement between countries with national currencies can destroy the dollar empire== destroy the limitless world domination.

If you think otherwise, then answer, why US force to turn off, under the threat of sanctions does the russian MIR payment system, adopted in some countries ?

and my fact about the seizure of territories remained unanswered. Why we didn't invade other countries. For example Abkhazia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia?
all of them are much smaller and weaker in the military plan of the country. However, no "capture" occurs.

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