#1 2016-03-06 02:22:40

Black Mamba
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Multicolor buddies from BFV in BF1942

This is a re-post from the following thread: http://bfmods.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2361

TomPL wrote:

Hi guys!

I'm sure you often use buddy-list in BF1942 (or FH etc). You clicking "tab" and choosing buddy, then clicking on "add buddy" and voila!
Now text messages and kill messages from buddies are color coded green, yea? Okay... but wait, what about, when there are MORE buddies than 1???
All buddies have NEON GREEN arrows, vehicles marks etc. There isn't any problems with 1-3 people.... But when we playing in 6 - 9 members squad?

In Battlefield Vietnam (from patch 1.2) you can change colors in buddylist.con just by writing RGB code.
Like: game.addPlayerToBuddyListByName "[PFT] TOM PL" 255 255 0
After that 3D nickname, chat messages and kill messages and Minimap signs are YELLOW

I found also special program for Battlefield Vietnam, called: COLOR BUDDY
LINK: http://www.gamewatcher.com/mods/battlef … oler-buddy

I started on my own with this problem, I found scripts in BFVietnam.exe
There are only 2 DIFFERENT lines for buddylist compared to BF1942.exe!

First: One new line in BFVietnam 1.2: (SOURCE: http://imgur.com/iMIBjR6 )
You don't have this line in BF42... but I dont have knowledge to convert it from vietnam and add.

Second: (SOURCE http://imgur.com/6VL4bsa )
game.addPlayerToBuddyListByName "%s"
game.addPlayerToBuddyListByName "%s" %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f

If I add %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f (RGB code) this into BF1942, then I have RGB code in buddylist after nickname! But no changes in color after editing...

There is my REQUEST for coders or anyone who can do anything with this problem.
Can someone code more colors for buddy-list than NEON GREEN?

I think this is MUST-HAVE add-on for our Battlefield 1942  :cry:

Having multicolor buddies in BF42 would be nice and break the routine of having all your buddies added in the generic neon green color. I think it would be incredibly useful for clan wars (leaders in one colour, regular members in another, or a different color for every role).

You can add ''buddies'' in BF1942 by pressing the tilde key under ''ESC'' (`) to open the console. Once the console is open, you can type in "ab #" where # is the player ID of the person you wish to add. To know the player ID of someone, simply press Tab while in game. You can also "add buddy" yourself by entering your own player ID in the command.

Your buddies will appear in a neon green color in the scoreboard and on the minimap. This can help to form squads and stuff when you are in a large BF1942 server. I think it was a primitive version of the squad functions and classes that came later in BF2. BFV adds the option of having buddies of different colors, instead of the generic green color.

Last edited by Black Mamba (2016-03-06 02:26:39)


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#2 2016-03-06 08:50:56

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Re: Multicolor buddies from BFV in BF1942

I agree that would be very usefull!!!


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#3 2016-03-06 10:12:38

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Re: Multicolor buddies from BFV in BF1942

this would have to be up to modders though... right?


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