#1 2013-07-29 21:25:21

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ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN


got banned on SiMPLE in the last few minutes.
it was the most absurd thing ever.
I grounded a guy named musen or something serveral times
in a row. he must be an admin, cause when he got mad by time,
he kicked me once, and as I rejoined and killed him again, he banned me.
he always had been arguing that 'he was gaining height'...
in fact I always shot him from below and he was like at strato.

so what is that? an admin kicking for own purposes?

so long


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#2 2013-07-29 21:30:06

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

Waited for this smile

You can check logs..

First time, I took off as allied on kharkov, turned straight right to get hight, got raped by you so I kicked. You flamed a bit but I didn't care that much (didnt warn or kick you for it).

Second time you shot me down, no problem.

Third time, I had once again taken off, turned to the left, was taking height circling over main in lower left corner. Got raped again so I gave you a 1 week ban.

You are allowed to take height without getting shot down, otherwise you stand no chance against other pilots with more height/speed if you have to intercept right away. There have been many grey zone issues regarding this, but this is not one of those cases. You know very well what you did.

Edit: And as I told you after the kick, dont go over our main if you are not sure if someone is taking off.

Last edited by MuSeN (2013-07-29 21:32:27)


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#3 2013-07-29 21:45:04

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

well, Im not keen on discussing but that was worth it.
you know that nobody can proof what you did and so you went on.

I wont answer all the stuff you said, cause you fail in each argument.
just one thing: I never rape and players who know me can tell.
think about someone else attacked you before I took you down?...

plus, kharkov is such a small map, engaging enemies instantly is common.
put a death bubble over the whole map to avoid others from killing you while 'gaining height'...
that would match your needs!


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#4 2013-07-29 21:50:32

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

Lots of words and zero arguments justifying your behaviour smile


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#5 2013-07-29 22:01:37

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

can you read?
that is what was expecting before I posted - youre not gonna get it.
to say they the truth you just wanted to be awesome and couldnt stand getting interrupted by some annoying plane.
getting rid of potential opponents by kicking them is not the way it works.


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#6 2013-07-29 22:09:41

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

I think youve killed me many enough times in the air in the past to know that thats not the way I admin.


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#7 2013-07-29 22:22:31

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

maybe you had a bad day but especially as an admin you have to know
how to control yourself and prevent you from getting emotional.

I didnt post this for you.
But maybe some smart players who read this can see the real facts
and will claim too if you ban em as well just for fun.

at least after this you will have to change your manner
not to look queer to the other admins.
and that is what this thread was intended for.


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#8 2013-07-29 22:35:15

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

Just be patient and wait for the head admin.


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#9 2013-07-29 22:51:10

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

1 week ban is a bit too harsh, it's 1 day.


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#10 2013-07-31 19:47:05

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

Be angry or not, that's something that everyone owns.
Don't use admin rights for revenge.

But as far as I know, MuSen is not that kind of admin. He must have had a reason.

Actually, I can understand both sides. Baseraping have a grey zone, I mean the take-off zone. Should we have some precision about this ? For example :
Take-off zone is A5 to A6. Could we consider that a plane (even already in air) that is in the areas A4-A5-A6-A7 is protected by the baserape rule ?

It's kinda disrupting to kill planes few seconds after they put-in the wheels...


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#11 2013-07-31 22:14:29

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

The easiest way is just not to fly over enemy main. Planes circling above main to take height are easy targets and whats the point in attacking them when they clearly are still in taking off mode. But it's not a safe zone in the way that of course you cant be dogfighting, chicken out and fly back over your own main and think you are safe.

Try avoiding main and you don't have to try to decide if that plane has passed the line between taking off/in the air. Grounding planes (as described in the first post in the thread) was a part of the old days when rape was allowed and pilots used stopwatches to know when they spawned. Circling over enemy main with much more speed and altitude waiting for the wheels to go in on the planes taking off is just an attempt of trying to bend the rules. We see this a lot for instance on El Ala when axis are superior to allies, and enemy planes are just circling above east flag waiting for easy kills, the admins have to be ready to kick when they cross the line.


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#12 2013-07-31 22:31:40

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

It is forbidden when someone is waiting for easy kills when planes are about to get altitude. But on small maps like Kharkov or Kursk it can always happen to shoot a starting plane down, because you can lose the orientation when you are in a df or something. So it is no instant kick for me but it depends on the situation of course. If it happens more than one time it seem pretty likely that someone is waiting for easy kills.

But at a certain altitude a plane is free to get killed imo. As an admin you just have to have a feeling for those situations. But for me this is just a kick and not a ban.

We have just too many rules... let just play without rules. tongue


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#13 2013-07-31 23:01:14

Reputation: +9

Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

I don't even know what all those displays in the cockpit mean and "dogfight" is a word of which I only know from hearsay. I doubt that it really exists lol

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#14 2013-08-01 00:05:59

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

you guys are so by the book...let it flow like Yoda does...:D

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#15 2013-08-01 00:15:40

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

Lecter wrote:

you guys are so by the book...let it flow like Yoda does...:D

Ban!!!!! big_smile


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#16 2013-08-01 00:55:09

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

But it's good that we discuss it, again and again, because if someone gets kicked/banned and take the time to write and ask, we should provide an explanation. And dary I doubt that "feeling" (I know what you mean) as an answer would satisfy most people smile

- Why did you kick me?!
- It felt right

big_smile big_smile


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#17 2013-08-01 21:30:11

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

musen, talking to you is so tedious... you got me wrong again.
by 'grounding' I mean to take a pilot down, not to shoot him when he is on the ground..
and wtf are you talking about?
you want a safe zone around the base and anyone entering it shall guess when you are ready to fight?
thats not even hilarious, thats stupid as it wont ever work.
shooting planes during take-off is rightly proscribed and forbidden - but in your point of view attacking runaways over main is also prohibited.
there is no such rule.
And thats the point: I was not breaking the rules but you made your own.


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#18 2013-08-01 21:46:46

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

wastemytime wrote:

but in your point of view attacking runaways over main is also prohibited.

GUN|BF.MuSeN wrote:

But it's not a safe zone in the way that of course you cant be dogfighting, chicken out and fly back over your own main and think you are safe.

I would also think it is tedious talking to me if I chose to imagine what I was saying all the time and kept imagining retarded thing wink

The first time it was a clear rape, the second time more in the grey zone but as you had been kicked for the same thing a few minutes earlier I was not going to give you the benefit of the doubt, I'll give you this much smile If it happens again you'll get a 1 week ban right away as you've already been kicked for it and banned (reduced to 1 day). Next time I give you a 1 week right away, that is simply how it is and nothing you say or do can change it. So I suggest you play fair and enjoy the game, or go to a server where the rules are different or the admins don't care. Enough time in this thread now, I have given you a lot more of my time than you deserve. Cya!


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#19 2013-08-01 22:50:14

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Re: ban by GUN|BF.MuSeN

your arrogant manner fits to your simple mind.
best thing is: you cant delete this thread.


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