#1 2023-07-30 17:48:48

Reputation: 0
Registered: 2023-07-30
Posts: 1
Windows 10 Firefox 115.0

Genuinely not sure why I was banned?

Played a fairly normal game of battleaxe. Killed some germans, zook killed an APC on the battlefield, and landed a zook shot on a tank coming down the German hill.

Did my zook shot count as a base attack or something? Doesn't seem possible because he was out of his base and I didn't even kill him--seconds later one of the british pilots kamikazed a plane into the tank lol

Basically would like to appeal the ban request because I was playing a normal game!


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#2 2023-07-30 18:37:14

Reputation: +2780
Registered: 2014-06-06
Posts: 7,047
Windows 10 Chrome 109.0

Re: Genuinely not sure why I was banned?


One day reflection time for attacking Mainbase.



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