#1 2022-12-19 05:04:57

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Yesterday, in the morning, I was playing on the server and also a player with the nick that ended in FquZZ and with a ping of about 42, I think it would be deeko or simon.

With this, I don't think it's fair to play on a server with players who use cheats, for example, he kills me on a ship, I spawm on the another ship and he was already there, heheh... I think we have spiderman in the game... heheh

Why allow a player who uses cheats? I think it is not good philosophy.

Can someone unban me?

The ban was for insulting him and his cheats...


Last edited by X-Tuga (2022-12-19 05:25:03)


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#2 2022-12-19 05:30:54

Black Mamba
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Re: Unban

Hi tuga, long time no see!


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#3 2022-12-19 05:50:24

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Re: Unban

Tuga is Tuia ! so unban him..!


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#4 2022-12-19 08:41:50

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Re: Unban

Here's a philosophy tuga - innocent until proven guilty. You my friend are guilty of insulting and teamkilling a fair player


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#5 2022-12-19 14:47:35

Paul Baumer
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Re: Unban

Hello X-Tuga, your ban is not only for insulting or harassing players in chat. You forgot to mention that you were also running after that player teamkilling him on several occasions and even reported his location to the enemy team which actually is similar to cheating - that's why I banned you for 1 week. Please take some time to read our rules https://team-simple.org/forum/viewtopic … 97#p181197 ,a part from stating that chat abuse/bullying and intentional teamkilling are strictly forbidden they also mention that if you notice suspicious activity you should inform admins of it and if possible provide evidence or any material such as videos or screenshots to help investigation, and that accusing players of cheating without proof in public is a no-go.


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#6 2022-12-19 15:18:54

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Re: Unban

One week?

You must have been on this for a while !!! heheh

I don't need to read the rules, I know the rules.

But as an admin you should know that it's not good to have players using cheats on the server...

From now on deeko friend in war ... U inimig...



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#7 2022-12-19 17:14:58

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Re: Unban

what cheats? the spiderman cheat that allows me to jump ships on coral sea? haahaaa
your ignorance is limitless, so here's a quick recap from that day where I outplayed you



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#8 2022-12-19 19:53:04

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Re: Unban

I have only one question in regards to the video you just posted.

You change the camera to fly-by at 1:50 with no enemies around. At about 2:10 you aim from that view and shoot in a random direction. Where were you aiming and based on what data? 20 second of fly by camera pointed at you gives you zero info on the targets which are in front.


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#9 2022-12-19 20:00:54

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Re: Unban


That Shot made the opponent believe, he is involved in another fight, to bring him out of his covering place smile


Last edited by Arkos (2022-12-19 20:01:09)


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#10 2022-12-19 23:27:27

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Re: Unban

Hahaha that was actually a nice montage (except for the awful music) big_smile

Serebro: Around 1.50 it's very clear from Simons front-/fly by camera that Tuga is spawning/jumping at the north west sandbags. Simon is (dare I say it) smart and bait him with a random shot, making Tuga believe he is  preoccupied with something else and therefor kindda forces Tugas "mine attack and move".

Il allow myself to go break thevideo into details for X-Tugas sake or anyone else:
1. Liberation of caen got some high buildings  with ladders in the city. From there you can walk or jump from different rooftops - they are high enough so you can jump down and still manage to activate your parachute. Like Spiderman.
2. A Panzer IV tank shoot in a very straight line. Therefor it's unwise to take close fights vs a tank or inf below you / take close fights in a curved or hilly terrain.
3. All tanks have different weakspots - also called "bugshot" places. By hitting those spots you can take a very high percentage of the enemy tanks health. Heavy tanks are especially known for these weakspots.
4. When you are using a vehicle in BF1942, you also have the opportunity to make use of different camera angles; front, rear and fly by. This is and can be VERY usefull - and using this well is often where you separate a decent tanker from a great tanker - (as well as the ability to  use the mg as anti-air well vs planes).
5. When you are in a heavy tank, especially an m10, it is for the most part unwise to drive towards the attacking light tank; the enemy gets the opportunity to mine you, your weak spots gets closer and therefor easier to hit and driving also weakens your aim.


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#11 2022-12-20 00:42:30

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Re: Unban

Yep, another classic case, where Simon pulls Tuga's pants down in front of the whole school.  As good as the video is, unfortunately it won't make the slightest bit of difference to Tuga's mindset.   I've learned that trying to educate these types is like banging your head against a brick wall.  I dunno, it's like they're on a different planet... Maybe they're stupid, or just stubborn and spiteful.

These types of accusations are detrimental to the community.  It only takes a few of these public accusations until they spread rampantly and before you know it, everyone is paranoid.  Some might choose to download hacks to even the odds.  Some might quit the 'toxic' game.  Accused players might get unfairly banned if you don't have the right admins.

It's really easy to blame hacks when emotions are high and egos are involved.  It's much harder to look in the mirror and accept your level.  If I see someone who's better than me, the first thing I do is make friends with them and play with/against them.

I took a small break and jumped back on yesterday.  Only took 20 minutes for the village idiot to start screaming for the 1337787563895th time this year...



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#12 2022-12-20 03:28:54

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Re: Unban

Serebro's question has been answered. A move like that confuses players and that's where the accusations usually start. Something nearly impossible to pull in a full server where there's just chaos and mind numbing action
Thanks doubti, throughout the years I've used questionable music for my videos until they become a classic years later that stand on their own, instead of using e.g hans zimmer. Sadly my old channel doesn't exist anymore to prove the point

True dat butcher, only way is to keep the recording on. But videos like these make a difference and random accusations become more and more meaningless


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#13 2022-12-20 13:27:57

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Re: Unban

The bait was good big_smile


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#14 2022-12-20 20:14:04

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Re: Unban

Please unban me! Why banned me? Nick Markusha.


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#15 2022-12-20 20:36:31

Ferd Grapperhaus
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Re: Unban

Markusha wrote:

Please unban me! Why banned me? Nick Markusha.

This is not the right place for your ban appeal. Please start a new topic in the server ban appeal section (https://team-simple.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=4) and make sure the following is included:

f you have been banned and you feel that it was unfair, write your unban request including the required information:

- Your player name.
- Date and time you were banned.
- Server name.


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#16 2022-12-20 23:14:14

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Re: Unban

Serebro wrote:

I have only one question in regards to the video you just posted.

You change the camera to fly-by at 1:50 with no enemies around. At about 2:10 you aim from that view and shoot in a random direction. Where were you aiming and based on what data? 20 second of fly by camera pointed at you gives you zero info on the targets which are in front.

He guessed that he spawned there in the corner, which he did. He saw him then with fly by and waited for him to try to mine him to take the bait... after X-Tuga was hesitant for a while, then Simon started shooting to pretend he is busy and then X-Tuga came to mine him. X-Tuga could check the map to see on what he was shooting at. Nice kills!
Btw. probably the server was not that crowded... even if a tank started shooting, you could still kill it easily with the T34.


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#17 2022-12-21 01:10:37

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Re: Unban

- X-Tuga
- 18-12-2022 / 10h
- Simple | BF1942

Someone can unban me?



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#18 2022-12-21 10:14:39

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Re: Unban


Butcher wrote:

As good as the video is, unfortunately it won't make the slightest bit of difference to Tuga's mindset.


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