#1 2022-12-17 00:14:11

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I'm bannded

I've been banned for calling test01 useless.
He is, but I'd still like to be unbanned.


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#2 2022-12-17 00:16:16

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Re: I'm bannded


Can't see "mediocre*" in the BanList.


Last edited by Arkos (2022-12-17 00:16:25)


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#3 2022-12-17 00:17:42

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Re: I'm bannded

was playing as "meh", been moderately deep into the synonyms as of late


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#4 2022-12-17 00:18:03

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Re: I'm bannded

Arkos wrote:

Can't see "mediocre*" in the BanList.

He's "meh"


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#5 2022-12-17 00:20:13

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Re: I'm bannded


Ok, i see 1 day for Chat Spamming.

Wait for the admin, who banned you.



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#6 2022-12-17 00:37:51

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Re: I'm bannded

I have banned you for 1 day and I from now on I will keep banning people who stire up the chat and float it with trollish shit and attacks towards other players, as long as I have admin rights - whether it's you, fisherman, DrStrange, Latino or someone else. If you have issues with test01 abusing his low id, then take it to the higher authorities as it's allowed and have been forever.

If you want to chat, troll and attack a specific player then create a chatroom, befriend him on facebook - I don't care how you do it, but don't do it ingame.


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#7 2022-12-17 00:45:18

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Re: I'm bannded

If you have a problem with chat, I suggest you go play singleplayer instead of banning what sounds from your comment to be a good portion of the server.

With that said, a certain amount of chat/ banter/ trash talk has always been tolerated previously. Is this a new "simple policy" or just from you? There's loads of chat spam in this game, and if this is going to be a policy it should be applied evenly. Shouldn't you warn first? How many warnings before a ban? etc.


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#8 2022-12-17 02:28:33

Black Mamba
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Re: I'm bannded

A bit much isn’t it? I’ve said things that are much worse and have never been kicked or banned for them.


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#9 2022-12-17 05:13:45

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Re: I'm bannded

Test is part of member Conquer clan organisation so maybe dont target him when doubti is online...

Thank you for your service.


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#10 2022-12-17 12:11:31

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Re: I'm bannded

This was no banter. I have wittnessed this plenty of times.

Players like Dr. Strange and such make it appear as it is fine to just disrespect players. It is not fine and it is against the rules!

Sadly it comes down to whether the player has a lobby in the admin team or the liga scene to be protected from this kind of bullying.

000 is gone, I thought you are all happy now?

Some just need an enemy to get up in the morning, pathetic!

You can't verbally abuse players, complain about players beeing always online and wish for an alive simple server at the same time.

Last edited by NuBian (2022-12-17 12:45:54)


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#11 2022-12-17 13:14:37

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Re: I'm bannded

Alvarez-Latino I suggest you to go outside and find some friends and learn how to behave among other people, instead of being obsessed with me or Conquer and spend your every weekend at Simple or watching movies at TS. Fix your low self-esteem and inferiority complexes, thanks.

Mediocre: Did you not understand me? I have zero problems with the chat, and I don't mind people like Grazier spamming about beers and food, but I have a problem with specific players always disrespecting and trolling other players. It might be (a new) or my own policy, that's also why I wrote that I'm gonna act like this as long as I have admin rights, which I might not have for very long. I see no reason to warn grown ups who got 1000+ hours on the server. For example, I have known DrStrange in a respectful way from way back, but he has always acted like a childish immature dick towards most other players, always, and it's about time someone tell him to behave.


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#12 2022-12-17 13:27:28

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Re: I'm bannded

I agree on that. I don't think someone comes to the server in order to be trolled or insulted.

Last edited by e.S (2022-12-17 13:27:51)


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#13 2022-12-17 15:02:26

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Re: I'm bannded

Alvarez-Latino is also a good example of this. His daily play routine always consist of asking and poking people; he can ask Kin about his next clan, insinuating he is a clanjumper or ask Cranberrie about his cheating history, etc. etc, - and he doesn't do this because of geniune interest, but solely to create a provocation that hopefully (in his case) cause a reaction from his targeted victim, because no one around him taught him how to behave behind his keybaord (or irl). I think the only contribution of this is negative, and thats why I don't mind acting on this as long as I have admin rights.


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#14 2022-12-17 16:46:20

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Re: I'm bannded

Frankly, I think the ability to have some minor trash talk/ banter with other players in chat is one of the most enjoyable parts of this game. If it's seen to cross a line, or some thin skinned admins are offended, all you need to do is put a warning in chat and provide me the opportunity to shut up.

If you're going to play like a troll  - spawn camping, vehicle whoring, etc.- you should be prepared to receive some negative feedback in the chat.I have no desire to make whine threads on the forum; if a player is useless - as test is- they should be able to hear it in game without getting their knickers in a knot.

Indeed, test is perfectly capable of handling himself without having Daddy come in and give time outs. As per Seven's deleted comment, please post the logs and you'll notice that in this interaction he provided more insults to me than I sent to him.

As this has not been solved, and it seems to be mainly an issue with you Doubti/Mountis, I propose that you stop playing under an alias so that I can tone down/stop my commentary when you are in game. Wouldn't want to offend you.

Alternately, I'll see you in my next ban thread.



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#15 2022-12-17 18:28:16

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Re: I'm bannded

I'm certain test01 is capable of handling himself, and I don't like his low-id abuse either, but I think there is a big difference in small banter and what you were throwing around. Cya next time, mediocre, or whatever alias u play under.


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#16 2022-12-17 18:39:22

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Re: I'm bannded

mediocre is another troll-prococator from a bunch of trolls - alvarez, blitkrieg, seven, etc., who constantly provoke, troll and whine in the game. What else is left for them to do? Only whine, troll or break the rules.
You see he needs a warning... lol.


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#17 2022-12-17 18:57:26

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Re: I'm bannded


mediocre! wrote:

As per Seven's deleted comment, please post the logs and you'll notice that in this interaction he provided more insults to me than I sent to him.

He did indeed.  And you receive a one day ban for this, yet nothing for test.
And it was Alvarez who initiated this event with his undertone trolling...

I removed the post in another "why bother" realization here. Test is provided protection
by more admins all the time now.  There were five admins on Bocage when he chose to
troll me with his "take your pills" and other nonsense, yet no response from any admin.

The lead admin is either oblivious to what occurs here, or simply does not care enough.


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#18 2022-12-17 19:54:30

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Re: I'm bannded

In this particular round on Stalingrad I actually wanted to give Lati a 1 day ban as well, but he became very quiet after Mediocre "left". I'm not defending anyone here, but I feel like whatever test01 was writing, it came as a reaction towards you and Latis provocations.


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#19 2022-12-17 20:43:16

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Re: I'm bannded

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

In this particular round on Stalingrad I actually wanted to give Lati a 1 day ban as well, but he became very quiet after Mediocre "left". I'm not defending anyone here, but I feel like whatever test01 was writing, it came as a reaction towards you and Latis provocations.

Then why did you ban me instead of Lati?

I've given the thread a read-over, and I've noticed that most of the replies contain references and comments directed at other players (lati, dr. strange, etc.).

I'll tell you why you banned me. You are using me as easy scape goat to vent frustrations directed at other players who have admin protection and are more a part of this community. You are abusing your admin rights to protect a useless troll (test) at my expense, because apparently he is part of your little sorority girl clique.

I come to Simple to play, not mess about with forums, clans, and other bullshit. I'll tell you what. I will refrain from provoking Test - or any other player for that matter - in the chat. But if he launches into his troll routine ("take ur pills", etc.), I will respond, and we can have this whole discussion again.


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#20 2022-12-17 23:15:41

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Re: I'm bannded

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

Alvarez-Latino is also a good example of this. His daily play routine always consist of asking and poking people; he can ask Kin about his next clan, insinuating he is a clanjumper or ask Cranberrie about his cheating history, etc. etc, - and he doesn't do this because of geniune interest, but solely to create a provocation that hopefully (in his case) cause a reaction from his targeted victim, because no one around him taught him how to behave behind his keybaord (or irl). I think the only contribution of this is negative, and thats why I don't mind acting on this as long as I have admin rights.

I agree 100% with what you say but instead of acting alone I would open a topic in the private forum of the administrators so you can achieve that change that you want to accomplish can reach the whole team.

As you said yourself "as long as I have admin rights" like acting in rebellion against the power you have.

Try to change things from within. Otherwise your effort will be wasted.


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#21 2022-12-18 01:13:57

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Re: I'm bannded

Maybe I should have banned Lati as well, you might be right about that, but as I said he became unusual quiet afterwards, mediocre. However I will be true to my word and do what I have been writing in the above. If test is missbehaving in the chat, he can get some time off as well. And not that I need to respond to your comment about the "sorority girl clique" I will: Conquer is a very small "team" which always need ringers, and the few times we have played (4-5 times vs Invictus) we have been needing ringers, and test01 have been so kind to help us a few times, just like WoodR, Cranberrie, Michaels, Sommarel and Simon. And despite what you might think, that doesn't grant them any special treatment. I don't believe anyone got "admin protection" as long as Paul and Raketen manages the server.

Self: Actions have already been discussed and taken, so I guess actions are being taken "from within". Mediocre just happened to be the frontrunner for it.


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#22 2022-12-18 02:15:10

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Re: I'm bannded

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

Maybe I should have banned Lati as well, you might be right about that, but as I said he became unusual quiet afterwards, mediocre. However I will be true to my word and do what I have been writing in the above. If test is missbehaving in the chat, he can get some time off as well. And not that I need to respond to your comment about the "sorority girl clique" I will: Conquer is a very small "team" which always need ringers, and the few times we have played (4-5 times vs Invictus) we have been needing ringers, and test01 have been so kind to help us a few times, just like WoodR, Cranberrie, Michaels, Sommarel and Simon. And despite what you might think, that doesn't grant them any special treatment. I don't believe anyone got "admin protection" as long as Paul and Raketen manages the server.

Self: Actions have already been discussed and taken, so I guess actions are being taken "from within". Mediocre just happened to be the frontrunner for it.

Great, I'm glad to hear that I was just the first unsuspecting victim of your new, un-announced, self-made policy. Why don't you also decide that we should all hold hands and sing Kumbaya in the server chat on Sundays while you're at it. Make sure you don't tell anyone first, then ban the whole server for not complying.

Seriously - this is a fucking video game server. People are here to shoot each other in the face. Trash talk is part of the game. Everyone is welcome to play as they wish, but if you're going to play like a troll you should be prepared to deal with some trash talk in the chat. Take that away and it's the same as playing singleplayer against bots.


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#23 2022-12-18 03:35:59

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Re: I'm bannded

In synthesis, what mediocre proposes is to choose the "gray" when he knows that there is only black and white.


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#24 2022-12-18 05:00:58

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Re: I'm bannded

Gosh most of you have not seen what went on in inf servers 10 and more years ago, you don't really want that. It would go beyond trash talk fast although interesting to think what it'd look like today lol
I agree it made the game feel alive, a kind of energy that's been missing for some time


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#25 2022-12-18 12:22:01

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Re: I'm bannded

Damn you are such a crybaby, holy moly. You got taken away 24 hours from your favorite server and was told to stop insulting people ingame. I can tell you that any player in any modern game with a public ingame chat would be reported and eventually banned when repeatedly insulting other players - a lot of games don't even have public chat but solely teamchat - and those modern games thrive just fine. I have said it already, if other admins don't like my actions they are free to take my rights, as well as you are free to join other BF42 servers and continue your lovely chat-raid in there. I'm done responding to you and this thread, I hope you understand why - gl to you.

Simon, you can't compare the older days of this game to now and especially not the type of players. Now is  more like afk-proning as sniper, pressing E + W without thought and zook cams :-).


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#26 2022-12-18 15:56:03

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Re: I'm bannded

*abuses his admin to ban me for calling his useless fried useless*
*calls me a crybaby for calling out his bullshit*

grow a pair.


see you in game.


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#27 2022-12-19 05:46:15

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Re: I'm bannded

I myself experience a lot of strange situations on servers. From toxic people to those who can't stand to lose/death to a weaker player, but you have to wave your hand at it and "do your job". I recommend it to you too smile

The bf192 simple community is really cool. Let's not change it - please ^_^


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#28 2022-12-19 15:26:36

Paul Baumer
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Re: I'm bannded

Hi Mediocre, we carefully investigated the case and since you were the player who started to offend test01 in chat and to provoke him we concluded that the ban was fair. Rules clearly mention that it's forbidden to use bullying/trolling/provoking to spark a reaction etc. in game chat. Since you were supposed to know the rules, no warning and no previous kick was given. Test01's answers were not really polite but he only answered to your (and I believe Latino's) provocations so most responsibility on what happened is on you as you initiated this to provoke him. Personally I don't think we shall ban severely for just some words but when the things go out of line then it becomes necessary to take action and 1 day ban is an appropriate measure for in my opinion, also because you still didn't see anything wrong in your actions as we can see from your posts.


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