#1411 2022-11-30 00:35:11

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Re: World War III

After second read, what "shokes" me a bit is your sudden reaction Dakota, "Who, how, what, I want proofs", as if social medias were immediately synonym of truth, when just a random guy tells his own experience on a media fact.
But the social-netwok needs to bear the truth, for you, maybe ?


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#1412 2022-11-30 00:37:40

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Re: World War III

Ukraine is defending itself, it never attacked russia.
Ukraine did never bomb Serbia.
Yet another far-fetched excuse to attack. Just as denazification and all the rest bullshit.


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#1413 2022-11-30 00:45:24

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

Ukraine is defending itself, it never attacked russia.
Ukraine did never bomb Serbia.
Yet another far-fetched excuse to attack. Just as denazification and all the rest bullshit.

Actually, NATO is defending Ukraine. Ukraine is just making the bill bigger and bigger everyday.
That's ok cuz NATO countries needed to create debt and incomes after the low-consumption era that was Covid pandemia.

I sincerely regret what is happening in Ukraine because as usual the responsibles of troubles are not the one who will suffer of the consequences.


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#1414 2022-11-30 01:03:35

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Re: World War III

Meow wrote:

Actually, NATO is defending Ukraine. Ukraine is just making the bill bigger and bigger everyday.

Ukraine is defending itself with NATO weapons, if you want it to sound actual.
If there wasn't any invasion there would be no debt.


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#1415 2022-11-30 01:32:48

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Re: World War III

Meow wrote:

After second read, what "shokes" me a bit is your sudden reaction Dakota, "Who, how, what, I want proofs", as if social medias were immediately synonym of truth, when just a random guy tells his own experience on a media fact.
But the social-netwok needs to bear the truth, for you, maybe ?

Ont se calme SVP !!
I just answered a few questions of yours Sir, sorry If I shook you up.  I know some social medias that will give warnings for posting or responding to some topics like FB ect...  Looks like you can post anything on Twitter from now on ? not sure ?


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#1416 2022-11-30 11:31:30

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Re: World War III

Dakota wrote:

I would like to see the real post and your answer Meow to judge for my self but I guess it will be impossible ?  Your freedom of speech ends when you step over those of dont think like you, by insulting them and tinking that only you have the truth.

Did you post fake news ?  Dima this is called facts checking not censorship and its keeps propaganda way more difficult !

If this happens in dictatorial Russia, then this is called censorship, but if in a free United States, then this is just a fact check? Great juggling concepts)


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#1417 2022-11-30 23:39:45

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Re: World War III

Haha, of course, anybody can go for a single protest with a blank sheet of paper in russia. Pure example of a freedom of speech.


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#1418 2022-11-30 23:45:41

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Re: World War III

Dakota wrote:

Ont se calme SVP !!
I just answered a few questions of yours Sir, sorry If I shook you up.  I know some social medias that will give warnings for posting or responding to some topics like FB ect...  Looks like you can post anything on Twitter from now on ? not sure ?

Np mate, "shoke" was not a strong word in my mind. Maybe "embarrassing" is more appropriate. And you're right that it's always important to know the context before judging.
I felt no offense wink be well mate.


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#1419 2022-12-01 01:27:21

Empress of Doom
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Re: World War III

Dakota wrote:

I would like to see the real post and your answer Meow to judge for my self but I guess it will be impossible ?  Your freedom of speech ends when you step over those of dont think like you, by insulting them and tinking that only you have the truth.

(this is not necessarily directly pointed towards Dakota or Meow, just a general thing I've noticed)

Not sure about the laws in Canada, France, etc., but I've seen many on various websites point to America's First Amendment when discussing freedom of speech on certain sites/platforms since the specific ones are based in the US. Someone gets their post deleted and they are quick to say "You're violating my First Amendment! What about free speech!?" but when they do that they are showing they share a common misunderstanding with many people about the First Amendment and "freedom of speech." The social media websites/platforms are private companies that can censor whatever they want. You agree to a terms of service every time you create an account on them which usually contain a long list of community guidelines. They all give a version of them saying they can delete posts or ban your account for breaking their rules or ban your account for whatever reason they want.

There is a reason why many people who try to sue websites/platforms end up just getting their lawsuit dismissed right away and rarely ever make it to trial. The First Amendment states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." In short, it protects against government censorship... not private.


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#1420 2022-12-01 05:51:35

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Re: World War III

Yep, private companies censor whatever their funder/owner wants them to. Sometimes it can be the government, maybe most of the time. But who said things need to be official? The real agreements and information goes higs over our heads


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#1421 2022-12-01 10:01:01

disciple of Jeff
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Re: World War III

we have same shit in iran, gov blocked everysingle social media and then gov cocksuckers who are also sucking for putin 99% of time, use vpn to be in those social apps and then they post something against those rules and then cry about lack of freedom in west

Last edited by ABAS (2022-12-01 10:01:50)


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#1422 2022-12-01 12:51:25

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Re: World War III

Oh, I love that peaceful country -- USA!

"U.S. Willing to Use Military to Stop Iran From Getting Nuclear Weapon"
https://www.newsweek.com/us-willing-use … on-1755837
"President Biden is absolutely committed to never allowing Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon," the spokesman said. "We believe diplomacy is the best way to achieve that goal, but President Biden has also been clear that we have not removed any option from the table, and that a military option remains as a last resort."


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#1423 2022-12-01 14:22:18

disciple of Jeff
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Re: World War III

Telrin wrote:

West wanna kill iranians


Last edited by ABAS (2022-12-01 14:22:35)


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#1424 2022-12-01 16:04:45

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Re: World War III

USA must be using some modern weapon against russians that make dolboebos of great god loving russian people


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#1425 2022-12-01 16:38:56

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Re: World War III

Sunshine wrote:

(this is not necessarily directly pointed towards Dakota or Meow, just a general thing I've noticed)...

What is particularly interesting in my situation, is that my purpose was to kindly make people relativize, in a topic full of humiliating and belittling posts.

Looks like relativization is no more allowed, when humiliation and belittling are torrents.
But imo it's pretty representative of what we can find on social networks platforms ; Hate is given without context.
Feels good to live in the "free world", it's a good success !

I don't see much difference with when the crowd yelled to death for witches few centuries ago.

Last edited by Meow (2022-12-01 16:44:23)


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#1426 2022-12-01 17:13:36

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

Ukraine is defending itself with NATO weapons, if you want it to sound actual.
If there wasn't any invasion there would be no debt.

I didn't take time to answer about it. Yes you're right, Ukraine is defending itself with NATO weapons, NATO generals' advices, NATO formation, NATO tools (satellites...).

And there would be no invasion if Ukraine didn't mean to join NATO and Europe.
And nobody is allowed to contest the right for Ukraine to sign into the treaties Ukraine wants to sign in.

But, in History, NATO was created as a military treaty to counter Russia (ex-USSR) and China.
So it's legitimate to understand that Russia and China see NATO as a threat.

Neither Russia nor any other country have to tell Ukraine what treaty to sign, it's one of the biggest rights in international law.

However, Russia is exploiting a jurisprudence made by the West (esp. USA), who incitated and interfered (even military) in so many countries since the 2nd WW (Vietnam, Lebanon, Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, to quote only some of them). And Russia is playing the "stalemate" with this military action, because being engaged in a war prevents Ukraine to sign up in both EU and NATO.

Last edited by Meow (2022-12-01 17:15:31)


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#1427 2022-12-02 01:14:46

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Re: World War III

Meow wrote:

...the West (esp. USA), who incitated and interfered (even military) in so many countries since the 2nd WW (Vietnam, Lebanon, Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, to quote only some of them). And Russia is playing the "stalemate" with this military action, because being engaged in a war prevents Ukraine to sign up in both EU and NATO.

The part about US interfering in many countries sounds like taken straight from some russian propaganda, where they use it as another excuse. As you said it, nobody can dictate Ukraine which military alliance to join.
Again, Ukraine did not bomb Yugoslavia or Syria or whatever country. These are just far-fetched arguments and excuses.
Check out something about Budapest memorandum and how Ukraine gave away it's nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from russia and the US.to respect its borders and independence. But then russia annexes Crimea and invades Donbass with its paramilitaries and nazi groups like Rusich, Russian Unity etc.
It slows down Ukraine of course, but does prevent? We'll see how things go.
Some time ago there were prognosis about Ukraine fall in weeks and now we have russian army making gestures of good will.

Last edited by Insane (2022-12-02 01:42:29)


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#1428 2022-12-02 10:51:57

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

..Again, Ukraine did not bomb Yugoslavia or Syria or whatever country.

Whatever country beside own country and own people. Or not own?

Insane wrote:

It slows down Ukraine of course, but does prevent?

Can prevent, at least while it not stopped. Do you remember how long continue Arabic-Israelic conflict? Since first day of State of Israel and not seems to stop. Same can be here.
Btw, how soon Georgia became a part of NATO after 2008?

Insane wrote:

..But then russia annexes Crimea and invades Donbass..

If annexing is so simple as you said, why do you think Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, whatewer else.. still part of UA? Wouldn't it be easier to take-over everything at once in 2014, instead a making line of front?

During Maidan 2014 I separatedly met a few different Ukranian people (from Kiev and from Donetck). Our face-to-face communication lasted for several months. Kievan people was a very inspired by happened revolution, Donetcky people was angry by the same reason. It was a nice time when "stupid khohly" from UA was still arguing with "stupid vatniks" from UA but still not fighting each others (at least in the beginning). I remember stories both of sides about strife between their family members according to revolution themes and rising hatred. And Donecky people were going to home to fight against UA. At least as they said.

Do you think Donbass wasn't want to defend his rights and freedom itself against "illegal tyranny of Kievan revolutioneers" in 2014 and later?

P.S. In quotation marks are not my words, but the words of my Ukrainian acquaintances from those times.


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#1429 2022-12-02 11:00:21

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:
Meow wrote:

...the West (esp. USA), who incitated and interfered (even military) in so many countries since the 2nd WW (Vietnam, Lebanon, Korea, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, to quote only some of them). And Russia is playing the "stalemate" with this military action, because being engaged in a war prevents Ukraine to sign up in both EU and NATO.

The part about US interfering in many countries sounds like taken straight from some russian propaganda, where they use it as another excuse. As you said it, nobody can dictate Ukraine which military alliance to join.
Again, Ukraine did not bomb Yugoslavia or Syria or whatever country. These are just far-fetched arguments and excuses.
Check out something about Budapest memorandum and how Ukraine gave away it's nuclear weapons in exchange for guarantees from russia and the US.to respect its borders and independence. But then russia annexes Crimea and invades Donbass with its paramilitaries and nazi groups like Rusich, Russian Unity etc.
It slows down Ukraine of course, but does prevent? We'll see how things go.
Some time ago there were prognosis about Ukraine fall in weeks and now we have russian army making gestures of good will.

Seems like you lack of knowledge bro. Everybody knows that they infiltrate other countries, it has been admitted recently as well.



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#1430 2022-12-02 19:44:54

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

The part about US interfering in many countries sounds like taken straight from some russian propaganda, where they use it as another excuse...

I live in France and be sure that, here, there is no place for russian propaganda.
I'm relying on my own knowledge about international law, and I try to be objective on what is happening.

As I already said, and as I'll say again, imo Ukraine is the victim of a much wider problem. I'm really sad for Ukrainians, as well as I've been sad for Vietnamese, Koreans, Iraqians, Iranians, and all the countries who went into war, civil or not, because of the foreign interferences.
And I'm sad for all of them because 99% people who suffer have never asked anything and are probably good people, who just try to make their own path in Life.

What is a drama, imo, is the way West, Russia, China, instrumentalize this to make themselves look as the good guy in a shitty spaghetti knot that all sides cooked together.

Last edited by Meow (2022-12-02 19:48:58)


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#1431 2022-12-02 20:36:30

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Re: World War III

dary wrote:

Seems like you lack of knowledge bro. Everybody knows that they infiltrate other countries, it has been admitted recently as well.


Of course I lack knowledge and you're of course not one-sided, because USSR and then russian never intervened into the other countries inner affairs, right?


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#1432 2022-12-02 21:09:21

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Re: World War III

Meow wrote:
Insane wrote:

The part about US interfering in many countries sounds like taken straight from some russian propaganda, where they use it as another excuse...

I live in France and be sure that, here, there is no place for russian propaganda.
I'm relying on my own knowledge about international law, and I try to be objective on what is happening.

As I already said, and as I'll say again, imo Ukraine is the victim of a much wider problem. I'm really sad for Ukrainians, as well as I've been sad for Vietnamese, Koreans, Iraqians, Iranians, and all the countries who went into war, civil or not, because of the foreign interferences.
And I'm sad for all of them because 99% people who suffer have never asked anything and are probably good people, who just try to make their own path in Life.

What is a drama, imo, is the way West, Russia, China, instrumentalize this to make themselves look as the good guy in a shitty spaghetti knot that all sides cooked together.

I don't disagree in general but about there's no place for russian propaganda in France, em.. I kinda doubt that. smile
They push their narratives in many ways using different platforms. Their "work" over public opinion is massive and done for years. But I still am getting surprised every time I see some people from Europe close their eyes on what russia does and blame one side only.
Military coup is also an agenda of russian propaganda. When people chose "western way" so to say and russia started losing control over Ukraine.
Same about Ukraine bombing Donbass for years.
Even the russian propagandists already said the years before 2022 were peaceful for Donetsk.


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#1433 2022-12-02 21:30:21

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

I don't disagree in general but about there's no place for russian propaganda in France, em.. I kinda doubt that. smile

Look at the French flag, it has the same colors as the Russian one! This is definitely not a mere coincidence, and it follows from this that France completely fell under Russian propaganda!


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#1434 2022-12-02 21:46:07

Ferd Grapperhaus
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Re: World War III

+Dima+ wrote:
Insane wrote:

I don't disagree in general but about there's no place for russian propaganda in France, em.. I kinda doubt that. smile

Look at the French flag, it has the same colors as the Russian one! This is definitely not a mere coincidence, and it follows from this that France completely fell under Russian propaganda!

Hey look at my flag Dima!


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#1435 2022-12-02 21:48:18

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Re: World War III

+Dima+ wrote:
Insane wrote:

I don't disagree in general but about there's no place for russian propaganda in France, em.. I kinda doubt that. smile

Look at the French flag, it has the same colors as the Russian one! This is definitely not a mere coincidence, and it follows from this that France completely fell under Russian propaganda!

Too much text spoil a joke dima smile


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#1436 2022-12-02 22:51:50

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Re: World War III

Ferd Grapperhaus wrote:
+Dima+ wrote:
Insane wrote:

I don't disagree in general but about there's no place for russian propaganda in France, em.. I kinda doubt that. smile

Look at the French flag, it has the same colors as the Russian one! This is definitely not a mere coincidence, and it follows from this that France completely fell under Russian propaganda!

Hey look at my flag Dima!

Especially Netherlands, even 300 years ago, our emperor Peter 1 lived and studied with you for a long time. Probably even then the influence of Russian propaganda began)


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#1437 2022-12-03 00:03:18

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Re: World War III

dima, why don't you make a standup and go entertain your comrades like these?
https://twitter.com/alekosprete/status/ … 6873527298

What a great joke would be, right? wink


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#1438 2022-12-03 03:47:49

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Re: World War III

Insane wrote:

dima, why don't you make a standup and go entertain your comrades like these?
https://twitter.com/alekosprete/status/ … 6873527298

What a great joke would be, right? wink

I thought about it, but all the places in the stand-up are already occupied by Ukrainian politicians. And no one can beat them in great jokes.


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#1439 2022-12-03 12:31:11

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#1440 2022-12-03 15:56:42

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Re: World War III

+Dima+ wrote:

I thought about it, but all the places in the stand-up are already occupied by Ukrainian politicians. And no one can beat them in great jokes.

Are you so sure about that? big_smile

If you say that your national law allows you to do something, it is fine as long as you do this inside your own territory. As long as you go international, you really have to be sure that there is an international law which you respect and which you follow. Sergei Lavrov
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/ser … rov-quotes

https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/u … ne-claims/

"The Jews are the biggest anti-Semites"
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov smile

Last edited by Insane (2022-12-03 16:01:01)


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