#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned for accidental tk by Zapp » 2014-04-20 14:18:32

Zapp wrote:
DC wrote:
Zapp wrote:

There had been a loud tk party few minutes before and I got tked more than once by many players. Besides of baserapers and so on.

That just says everything: You confirmed with this sentence that you can not admin a server.

Simple story, no idea why you are cussing, arguing, insulting so damn much here on this topic: Just remove admin rights of Zapp for not being able to handle the admin power and everything will be fine.

Your answer just doesn't make sense. When you get tked by 5 ppl in a row and you tell to everyone that next tk will get ban, then people should pay more attention to what they do.
Nothing against Dav, it could have been anyone else.

bora87 wrote:

I don't defend any1 ...
Here is 2 cents buy yourself a life

I'll add 5 cents more, cause he'll probably need it big_smile
I bet this guys makes nightmares of me at night XD

SleveN wrote:

Thank you Bora smile! I have nothing against you or either of the 4fun guys

Funny how your 4fun n00bs cover up your ass

Just LOL.

OK, now i have to say again, as seems u didn't get it right before..
So, u've been tk'ed several times before, i get your anger here. But as an admin u should be able to determine who was that tk'ed u. There are warnings and kicks before ban! Can u see the difference between those 3 things? Specially when i tk'ed you with (PoW) while u were near an enemy tank.. There are really good admins who just follow common sense and first warn and then kick the person if he does something stupid again and again.. And after that goes ban. And u just skipped everything and straight to ban. Sorry i couldn't see the when u typed that next tk is ban, sometimes i just play and don't look what's going on the chat..

And as far as "noob" term, there are couple of guys who called noob every1 who kills them (e.x. drStrange). If that makes them happy so be it, and if killing them makes me noob, then that's what i am..NOOB smile

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned for accidental tk by Zapp » 2014-04-17 17:10:40


ok, seems that i created a post for "dogfight" big_smile
i'm not going to stand on either side as i'm not online bf so much lately. but all admins should be more careful than any other players (less nervous), no matter what's going on the battlefield (tk, bad language, etc). can't just go banning every1. that's a serious punishment and if not sure, you can always use kick instead. months ago this was probably the best server, as there were mostly pro's there, and just a few noobs now and then..but now it seems that has turned around.
just a comment..
cheers all smile

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned for accidental tk by Zapp » 2014-04-16 09:03:51

seventy wrote:

Just curious, are you Dav from Croatia or Dav from Hungaria?

There is only ONE true Dav, and Croatia is correct answer big_smile

Anyway, tnx on support every1..waiting for unban in the meanwhile..

#4 Server Ban Appeals » banned for accidental tk by Zapp » 2014-04-15 18:37:13

Replies: 63

I've been here for a quite long now, and I don't understand some admins. Since when is accidental tk (by PoW) reason for a ban????? btw, I said sorry to Zapp. No warning, no kick, just ban immediately. You can check logs..
I've been tk'ed for many times and if that person said sorry, then no problem.
Maybe you should revise who you put for admins, because this is just ridiculous.

#5 Re: BF1942 Discussion » BF1942 Tips & Tricks » 2013-02-17 11:53:01

nämeless wrote:
M1ke wrote:


Maybe many of you have seen this video but here is many tricks and tips for different maps.
Video is made by Ramjet


agree wink

#6 Re: Feedback » Modding madness » 2013-02-17 11:42:26

RamYam wrote:

agree with u maasika, but i think we need to agree which map is dominantly which - few examples:
- aberdeen, bulge - tank map, so mod it with additional tanks
- coral, battle for britain - pilot map, so mod it with add. planes (but do not put torpedo boats as now is on coral because they can sunk carrier fast)
- stallin,berlin - infantry head on map, mod without tanks/nades - very good (played lecs berlin other day - zookas and knifes, lots of fun)
- all other maps - have feeling that pilots are given priority, too many planes makes tanks and all other vehicles just targets (specially on el al and gazala, or guadal).

so to conclude - give more planes on pilot maps, more tanks on tank arenas, be smart on moding other maps (not adding too much vehicles, specially planes)

agree with most said..berlin was quite funny with zookas and knifes only..el al, fewer planes in base, those 2+2 in north "villages" are good idea..this way on el al, pilots will destroy most ground vehicles..aberdeen should be left with just (plenty) of tanks because it's a large map and to be on foot is not good (running 5 minutes to get to first flag), and without planes..el al CTF not bad (prefer conquest though) but confusing is that both brits and germans have all the same planes..if you like variety, maybe give germans all axis planes and brits all allied type of planes..turbo jeeps, great idea..kursk, maybe 2 planes instead of 3..coral see without torpedo boats..invasion of phillipines, was good idea with those jap planes up north, but maybe just 2-3 of them and place them on other place, because they are fast enough to destroy american planes still on the ground, otherwise boring big map..good idea making that island flag gray..bocage excellent map, good ratio of all vehicles..market garden, maybe just to remove 2 aa guns in the middle area (near big bridge and half way between curch and small bridge), too small map for pilots if many aa guns..

#7 Re: Feedback » Battle of the Bulge » 2013-02-17 11:16:57


Agree with RamYam here. think that mode just before this one was much better, tanks and ticket ratio just as it should. it's a big map and if germans are mostly on foot, they can hardly do anything..

#8 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Basebombing » 2013-02-05 21:10:53


Either it is trolling or isn't..there is no maybe..if u read it right..in this case I even explain it on several additional posts..;)
Nevermind..forget about it..post was question about two cases..one in my opinion is easy, other is greyzone..just to see what everybody else think of it

#9 Re: Off-Topic » Denny site.. » 2013-02-05 18:08:55


Denny, stop noobing around and get back to simple france server..I know there are lots of hot ladies on your university, but really u'll have plenty of time for them as well tongue

#10 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Basebombing » 2013-02-05 18:04:28

Assi wrote:

@Denny: I don't say he is, only that his questions could be interpreted as coming from a troll.

Anyway, like I already said, Musen gave a good answer and I'm happy he did so I had it easy with my small remark ;-)

@Dav: what's your ingame nickname?

Really shouldn't saying stuff like that (trolling) as I was asking to see how others see that situation..If that's trolling, then I'm a troll..and anyone who asks others for opinion and point of view are also trolls...?? Thought that that is what forum is about - opinions,remarks,Q&A...
ingame nick is same as nick here (without 07, someone else is using my nick here so I had to add something)

#11 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Basebombing » 2013-02-05 17:57:32

Denny wrote:

Assi, Dav is not a troll, atlest i dont think he is wink

Dav, were you in dogfight with sommarel, or did he just follow you? If he was already shooting at you before you were going to land or bail i think its ok, but sommarel sometimes understands this baseattack rule wrong, and ive seen him doing baseattack..

Tnx Denny..not trolling..seriously smile

Well, I didn't see any bullets coming from behind, and plain was very damaged (would take single shoot to explode)..was flying straight towards base..probably he followed me..saw empty spawned plain, bailed, opened parachute veery low and then saw strafing by plain and bomb killed me right on the tail of plain I was planning to take..for me this is simple, should be baseraping, because he didn't shoot the plane in air, shoot me on the ground on base airfield. And I was not firing at anyone at the moment..
Plenty of times I saw bailers over own base (not by following, but chasing and firing at them), and NEVER took them down because I think that's baseraping..
Mussen here has other point of view, so not sure what's what at the end

#12 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Basebombing » 2013-02-05 14:38:19

Assi wrote:

I did read your post(s) and I repeat that your comment CAN be read as a trolling post to explain away lame gameplay actions.

And I was thinking that we are talking about greyzones..but u know it all, don't ya?

#13 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Basebombing » 2013-02-05 14:03:40

GUN|BF.MuSeN wrote:
Dav07 wrote:

1. That's the point, I'm not attacking anyone (didn't in specific case), and haven't been doing it on the way to the airfield..you are talking about engaging the enemy and running back. And because it's greyzone, I asked admin to at least warn Sammarel (after a couple of radio spamming messages between me and Sammarel..), after which general !wbase warning was given..at least something..

2. My point exactly, how to know if u are gaining height after take off or just flying around..

That's what I asked for, how other interpret..

1, Yeah, well Sommarel is known to be a fair player so probably the admins didnt think that he broke the rules on purpose

Sorry, but everyone should be warned, regardless.. (sure I was couple of times, although I'm not breaking any rules on purpose..even banned by mistake) wink

#14 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Basebombing » 2013-02-05 13:50:37

Assi wrote:

Totally agree with Musen.

Don't try to bend the rules to justify or extenuate lame gameplay.

Not trying anything, mate..Read before accuse wink

#15 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Basebombing » 2013-02-05 13:44:37


1. That's the point, I'm not attacking anyone (didn't in specific case), and haven't been doing it on the way to the airfield..you are talking about engaging the enemy and running back. And because it's greyzone, I asked admin to at least warn Sammarel (after a couple of radio spamming messages between me and Sammarel..), after which general !wbase warning was given..at least something..

2. My point exactly, how to know if u are gaining height after take off or just flying around..

That's what I asked for, how other interpret..

#16 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Basebombing » 2013-02-05 12:05:09

GUN|BF.MuSeN wrote:
Dav07 wrote:

OK, I have two question on this theme..maybe it's mentioned in rules (didn't saw it anyway), but this is faster way..
1. On Guadalcanal I was in very damaged plain and headed back to base..when I saw new plain on the ground and no one has spawn at airfield, I thought it's faster to eject from damaged one and take new instead of landing in hangar..Turns out that I was followed (by Sammarel at that point, although he was using another nick at the time) and when I touched the ground he strafed me and bombed me also..Question is, is this allowed or not, or does this qualifies as basebombing? Personally I think it is 'cos I wasn't attacking from the base.. btw I don't bail from plain in (dog)fight..can ask nameless for that wink

2. Baseraping/attacking planes that are taking off (better to say took off) is tricky.. Example, on Khrakov I was flying around in bf109 when I saw soviet plane in low flight, heading towards their base, flying above that hill next to airfield..I couldn't know that he just took off so I shot him down. Think that admin was in the plain (Yoda??) and he said I'll be kicked next time for that. I tried to explain this situation but he wouldn't care..
Would appreciate any comment for this type of situation..

1, Is kind of situation-based imo. If you just touched the ground I think it is ok, killing lame bailers should be. But if you would have had time to enter a new plane it would be rape as the new plane hadn't taken off. To compare, say that you are chasing a plane, and the plane heads for the hangar and manages to fly in there with you right behind it, I think it is ok to shoot it during the first wave, but I don't think it is ok to circle around and wait for the plane to exit the hangar.

2, It has been discussed in the admin-section on several occasions. I believe that this is a greyzone, but you shouldn't risk it. Yoda did right to warn you, as we agreed on first giving warnings when i comes to greyzone matters. However, you have no business heading for enemy main if you are not in dogfight, and if you see a plane flying slow on a low altitude around there it probably just took off and you should not engage.

1. Isn't this in collision with no baseraping policy (can attack someone in base IF he/she is active and ATTACKING enemy from its base)?
No, i don't think it's ok to shoot plane INSIDE hangar..Similar situation, I land IN base and manually repairing plane and opposite, land OUTSIDE of base to do the same. You are saying that enemy can shoot u in both cases and it's ok (when outside of base, sure is, but in base..)?
Btw, I wouldn't shoot bailer when he is doing it in his base..

2. Many go slow and low, regardless of base proximity, so this is no way of telling if plain just took off or has been flying around..also please note that HEADING of the plane was opposite to its original (taking off is heading away from base, while this was flying towards base..)

#17 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Basebombing » 2013-02-05 11:35:09


OK, I have two question on this theme..maybe it's mentioned in rules (didn't saw it anyway), but this is faster way..
1. On Guadalcanal I was in very damaged plain and headed back to base..when I saw new plain on the ground and no one has spawn at airfield, I thought it's faster to eject from damaged one and take new instead of landing in hangar..Turns out that I was followed (by Sammarel at that point, although he was using another nick at the time) and when I touched the ground he strafed me and bombed me also..Question is, is this allowed or not, or does this qualifies as basebombing? Personally I think it is 'cos I wasn't attacking from the base.. btw I don't bail from plain in (dog)fight..can ask nameless for that wink

2. Baseraping/attacking planes that are taking off (better to say took off) is tricky.. Example, on Khrakov I was flying around in bf109 when I saw soviet plane in low flight, heading towards their base, flying above that hill next to airfield..I couldn't know that he just took off so I shot him down. Think that admin was in the plain (Yoda??) and he said I'll be kicked next time for that. I tried to explain this situation but he wouldn't care..
Would appreciate any comment for this type of situation..

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