#2 Re: Off-Topic » USA presidential » 2017-01-16 00:33:13

janet reno (TX) wrote:

You are right not all democrats are evil but their leaders at the highest levels are corrupt power hunger maniacs.

Do you think the Republican leadership is corrupt?

I agree with you and nameless in that Obama is not a worthy recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize.

#3 Re: Off-Topic » Google removes 'are Jews evil' suggestion from autocomplete feature » 2017-01-08 01:40:40

simon wrote:

correct tuia. use linux, an open source and heavily secured web browser, a proxy, disable ipv6, avoid fingerprinting and so on. these companies would sink instantly if people werent so damn gullible.

good luck amateurs

I agree with the sentiment of protecting privacy but it looks like you were on Windows 7 when you made that post wink

#5 Re: Off-Topic » USA presidential » 2016-11-15 15:10:58

PitViper wrote:

CNN Mr. Tuesday?  I would not trust that cable news show to tell the temperature.  Trump won both the majority vote and the electoral vote.  All that matters is the latter.

I recognise that news networks often have a bias but Fox also have Hillary winning the popular vote right now and by the same margin
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/electio … adquarters

I'm not sure what you mean by majority vote, isn't it the same as popular vote?

I know that in regard to who wins the presidency only the electoral vote matters. I just thought I would point this out since you and Vojislav both seem to have suggested there are more Trump supporters in the US which doesn't seem to be true.

#6 Re: Off-Topic » USA presidential » 2016-11-15 14:25:00

PitViper wrote:

They are the delusional and spoiled losers that do not threaten the armed majority of this Country.

Vojislav wrote:

Thats bullshits , if all Hillary voters go to protests , still there will be less people than those who support Trump.

It's probably worth noting that Hillary is up in the popular vote by about 800,000 votes right now according to CNN

Still, violent protests aren't the answer.

#7 Re: Off-Topic » USA presidential » 2016-11-06 16:32:48

He didn't give a single policy reason to vote for Hillary roll

#8 Re: Off-Topic » USA presidential » 2016-10-29 22:14:37

PitViper wrote:

It's not about Trump...it's about decades upon decades of corrupt politicians like rotten clinton ruining the USA from the inside and selling our souls for money, power and position.  This election is more about anti-corrupt government than anything else.  Those that think Trump is a clusterfuck waiting to happen...that's your opinion.  Anyone that even remotely thinks that bitch is 1% more capable than him is seriously delusional and has no clue what qualifications and abilities are needed to run this country,. He will do just fine.

If he stops the illegal trade imbalance in this country...and we again start building, manufacturing and producing...this whole country will change.  He will do that...
He will also stop these things which every corrupt politicians use today...except him. 

Stop political bribery so special interests can’t use job offers and donations to influence politicians.
End secret money so people know who’s buying political power.
Give voters a stronger voice by changing how elections are funded.

If you live in the US and those things are not important to you...here is your sign...move somewhere else.

Sadly, they are both corrupt http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/10 … r-fundrai/

#9 Re: Off-Topic » USA presidential » 2016-10-09 18:33:19

Sunshine wrote:

I heard his apology or whatever it was and he called it "locker room banter." I don't care about them talking about trying to fuck someone or talking about size of someones fake boobs. I've heard worse "locker room banter" than that. Sure, it's crude and whatever, but i don't think many are truly offended by that stuff. HOWEVER! Saying that shit about how he can just go up and grab a woman by her pussy and kiss them and do whatever else... that's not "locker room banter." That's sexual assault.

It's worth noting that at the time he was newly married. I think there is also a funny side to the video, Billy Bush is a massive suck up and taking a girl furniture shopping in an attempt to make her like you is just quite sad tbh.

Sunshine wrote:

I like how most media doesn't talk about all the Bill Clinton victims and how Hillary went after them and tried to assassinate their character and shame them. That's equally disgusting. Enabling such shit is just as bad.

I don't know much about that but I know enough about Hillary for that to not surprise me roll

#11 Re: Off-Topic » USA presidential » 2016-09-21 14:53:42

nämeless wrote:

Well, if Americans aren't conservative enough, they can try Hillary just because she's a woman. Seems the last one was elected just because he's a negro and there were no black presidents yet. If Trump was a Jewish gay Buddhist, he would get more chances for sure.

If he came out as gay he would probably lose a chunk of his base support.

Sunshine wrote:

I don't think he's literally an authoritarian. Hillary, I think she's closer to one. She, like most of those people on her side it seems, want to control my life even when they call themselves so-called democrat "liberals" or the nice fancy "progressive." I witnessed their bullshit in my home state long enough. They always talk about free this, better that, blah blah blah and at the same time blaming the other side. I don't fall for their lies anymore.

His actions and rhetoric on basic rights like freedom of speech I find worrying.

Which way does your state tend to vote? Red state/blue state/swing state?

#12 Re: Off-Topic » USA presidential » 2016-09-21 10:40:12

Sunshine wrote:

This will be my first presidential election that I'll vote in! I tend to view myself as someone who is rightwingish (Right-wing here a bit diff than what other countries rightwing politics according to someone on forum) Anyway, I view myself as a libertarian republican.

I don't like Hillary. This bullshit that her people keep pushing about how women absolutely must vote for her to protect us from all that is evil is retarded and she automatically assumes she has my vote and i (and many others) find that offensive. Besides the recent lies people always talk about and calling the family members of those who died at an embassy liars when she was in fact the liar, i decided to do my own research. I reallly hate how she blamed women and basically did character assassinations of the women who fooled around with Bill Clinton and even those he sexually assaulted and also defending child rapist years ago. And all this health stuff... something aint right.

I like Gary Johnson based on like his US stuff, but not international stuff. He also has no chance. He climbed Mt Everest even with frostbitten black toes! That's kind of awesome!

I'll probably vote for Trump. Unlike what people claim, i dont find him racist or whatever. I think he says dumb things sometimes.. well... more than sometimes lol. I think sitting in white house would calm him down and the people around him would be better than Clinton's.

You're a libertarian but you're probably going to vote for an authoritarian roll

It's a shame that you have to choose from two really shitty canidates. I would have liked to have a seen a presidential race between Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders.


#13 Re: Off-Topic » Brexit came through... » 2016-06-24 22:48:16

We are in uncharted territory, it's difficult to say if we have made the right choice. There is certainly a chance of a second Scottish referendum now.


#14 Re: Off-Topic » EURO 2016 » 2016-06-23 17:51:46

Sunshine wrote:

Weird question... does the winner of the EURO games play the winner of Copa America? (Chili or Argentina)

The champions from each confederation along with the current world champion and the host nation of the next World Cup all compete in the Confederations Cup. The winner of the Copa America Centenario is ignored and Chile will compete as winners of the Copa America 2015

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_FIFA … fied_teams

#15 Re: Off-Topic » Post your photos! » 2015-12-04 15:01:20

janet reno (TX) wrote:

Here is a friendship gone wrong


Which one is you?

#16 Re: Off-Topic » Ukraine demonstrations » 2014-12-10 03:02:41

I didn't think it was a declaration of war, nor does the title suggest that roll

They aren't just condemning Russia's actions either, they are acusing Russia of invading Ukraine without providing proof.

#17 Re: Off-Topic » Ukraine demonstrations » 2014-12-09 22:28:25

Sunshine wrote:

That title is so misleading lol. That isn't declaring war. That is just to make it formal that they condemn what's going on there.

Did you read the full article?

#20 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Deathmatch game mode for BF1942 » 2014-08-30 11:47:20

Nice idea, Thomas? smile

So when someone on allied kills someone else on allied it is registered as a kill?

#21 Re: Off-Topic » Ukraine demonstrations » 2014-08-08 12:19:42

Sunshine wrote:

The farm I live on is primarily dairy, wheat, and cold hardy berries and feed for local. But our other farm land do have a lot of other things we normally export to a group that sends it to different countries. So does this mean we have to send some stuff not to Russia? We send a lot of wheat, soybeans, cherries, and dairy over there I think.

Is your produce gm? I'm pretty sure Russia banned the import of gm food a while ago.

#23 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-07-31 20:06:25

s[sk] wrote:

that's why i originally asked what would you do
i don't know many countries that would tolerate being shot at and i don't think you'd want to live in one
should israel disable their defense system so they can argument with number of casualties? that'd be stupid

I can't say for certain what I would do, first off I would probably look at this in more detail since it would be my job to do so. I am pretty sure I wouldn't invade Gaza though since I don't expect it will make things better.

I think it is worth pointing out that these Palestinian missiles are very crude. The Israeli missile defence system has only been active since 2011 yet Palestinian missiles have only killed 28 people since 2001.

It is also not like Israel has been tolerating these attack all this time and is suddenly fighting back. In every year since 2001 there have been more Palestinian deaths than Israeli death from this ongoing conflict.

I condemn attacks carried out by both sides and I wish they could live in peace, I am just trying to get my point across that this invasion of Gaza is not the answer to the problem and it is not justifiable.

#24 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-07-31 16:17:43

s[sk] wrote:
Tuesday wrote:

Sadly I don't know the perfect solution, but I do know that I don't like countries invading each other.

i don't like that either
but i also don't see much difference between invasion (entering foreign territory) and shelling someone's territory from outside (and i'm even ignoring here those infiltrations to israel using tunnels)

The difference is that Israel's invasion of Gaza has caused far more deaths than Palestine's rocket attacks on Israel so for me I don't believe it can be classed as defence, it sounds more like offence.

s[sk] wrote:

i wouldn't mind to be proven horribly wrong when i think israel wouldn't go full force into gaza if hamas didn't constantly shoot at them and use tunnels to kill people but that's impossible to tell

Sounds like you are saying you wouldn't mind Israel going full force into Gaza unprovoked. Surely that isn't what you mean?

s[sk] wrote:
Tuesday wrote:

Since these attacks are coming from outside of Israel isn't it something the international community should deal with?

but what can they do?
tell both sides to stop? doesn't seem to work
send some "peacekeeper" forces to gaza? that wouldn't end up very well

Like I said, "Sadly I don't know the perfect solution", I just know that I don't think this invasion will solve the problems.

#25 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-07-31 14:59:12

s[sk] wrote:
Tuesday wrote:

Since 2001 Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on Israel from Gaza have killed 28 people. You can't justify Israel invading Gaza and killing 1000+ Palestinians as defence.

ok, i appoint you the virtual head of israel
what would be your actions to stop attacks on your citizens?

Sadly I don't know the perfect solution, but I do know that I don't like countries invading each other. Since these attacks are coming from outside of Israel isn't it something the international community should deal with?

#26 Re: Off-Topic » Jews & Arab news » 2014-07-31 12:14:27

George S. Patton wrote:

I'm not saying that Isreal isn't wrong in this conflict.
But there not the agressors! There just defending themselves to some terrorist organisation like Hamas.

Since 2001 Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks on Israel from Gaza have killed 28 people. You can't justify Israel invading Gaza and killing 1000+ Palestinians as defence.

#27 Re: BF1942 Events » 1v1 Infantry Tournament » 2014-07-29 18:49:49

I've been having bad internet problems recently, the issue should getting fixed on the 5th August but my opponent does not want to wait till then. So, I need someone to take my place, I am at the quarter-final stage so you just need to beat 3 people for $100. Anyone interested? If not I will just have to forfeit.

#28 Re: Off-Topic » Ukraine demonstrations » 2014-07-18 09:26:41

In the 1960s US military leaders planned a false flag attack so they could justify starting a war with Cuba, it was called Operation Northwoods. The documents were later declassified nearly 40 years later.

ABC News did a report on it

You can of course find more info on Wikipedia

#30 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Removing People from the Buddy List » 2014-04-26 02:06:40

Battlefield 1942\Mods\bf1942\Settings\Profiles

Then go into whichever profile folder you use and look in BuddyList.con

It can be opened with notepad, the rest should be self-explanatory

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