#1 Re: Feedback » This server genuinely isn't fun anymore » 2024-02-28 17:59:36


In my opinion, what you have is a severe problem with admins who create an environment where the average user is mistreated. The admins cater to their own inner circle and arbitrarily enforce rules. It is a "rules for thee, not for me" type of environment. This issue doesn't just manifest itself in direct kicks/bans/warnings, often times for honest mistakes or misunderstandings, but also in little things like forced map changes or time extensions.

These admins often arbitrarily kick/ban people for an offense, without having seen it themselves, and just on the eyewitness account of someone else who they trust. This person often times is corrupt themselves and lying or is simply involved in a situation which is a product of confusion, misunderstanding, or just a honest mistake.

You may read this and think it sounds silly, and perhaps want to say "just grow up, it was only a kick", but over a long period of time these little jabs erode trust in the server and the community. The admins do not respect themselves or the players and this often results in the players not having respect for the admins or the system.

#2 Feedback » This server genuinely isn't fun anymore » 2024-02-28 00:43:05

Replies: 33

For the first time in two years, I think I can finally say that this server genuinely isn't fun to play anymore. It's a culmination of the rampant and unchecked admin abuse, the abrupt and stupid changes to maps, and now of course the server change because the admin can not stop posting anti-Jew content. I like SiMPLE, but you guys need to change some stuff.

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