#1 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Could Team SiMPLE create an unofficial expansion? » 2023-09-07 05:21:28

The only World War II mod that still has an active player base is FHSW. However, it follows the Forgotten Hope style of gameplay rather than sticking to the original BF1942.

BG42 does provide a closer experience, but it has a smaller player base.

Another option is BF1941, which integrates resources from the original game and two expansion packs, creating a combat atmosphere almost identical to the original. However, BF1941 has no players and no servers.

Finding the right balance between a faithful recreation of the original BF1942 atmosphere and an active player base can indeed be a challenge in the world of modding and gaming communities.

#3 Re: BF1942 Discussion » SiMPLE is dying quickly now » 2023-05-25 06:26:18

Ironfart wrote:
ziba128 wrote:
Cicero_01 wrote:

Since the Gametracker reset I have been trying to keep track of my scores. Days when I've had over 100 points, gametracker reports less than 50. I see it doing the same thing to others who I know had higher scores than I did. It definitely has problems, probably all along.

It counts kills only, just in case

Yeah he's right Cicero.
Eg. I scored 17 11 5  in about 20 mins last time I played.
So i should have got 11 points in 20. Ratio 0.55
However gametracker said 0 points in 210 mins!!??
This has had the effect of reducing my score ratio from 0.49 to 0.35 and my score didn't change.

I think what has happened is because I quit the game without disconnecting from the server.
I'd previously disconnected twice because my sound wasn't working...

When I tried to reconnect I got the 'CD-Key in use' label (twice) before it let me back in.
I think this is what cocked up the gametracker stats. My CD Key 'remained in use'. It doesn't account for my lost 11 points though!

So  the moral to the story is 'Don't quit while still connected to server. always disconnect from server if you want to preserve your stats and want your 'stopwatch' to stop and then quit the game.
Am I wrong?
Perhaps its a punishment for 'rage quitting' lol. Although I didn't rage quit I just quit the quick way.

The problem of  gametracker's rank system is that it gets server information every few minutes.

It is easy to miss important information, such as a disconnection leading to the deletion of all kill data.
In addition, it only tracks kill data and is unable to differentiate player data based on maps or vehicles used.

The accurate ranking system can only be created using server-generated XML format game logs.

#4 Re: Feedback » Do you like Kursk ? » 2023-02-02 11:19:43

Crapule wrote:

El Alamein CTF often turns into a baseraping party, I can't imagine Kursk CTF.
Some guys will find amusing to spawnkill with expacks the house where most of the team respawns.

the respawns should be adjust for Kursk CTF

#7 Re: Feedback » What is your favourite map ? » 2023-01-08 08:43:57

Rinjo wrote:

So far no one has voted for battleaxe and iwo jima - and I have the impression that these maps are liked.
A lot of people voted for Berlin and Stalingrad, and during the game, the servers are "emptying" when these maps come into play smile

Silent Majority

#8 Re: Technical Help » Weird Graphics/Crashes » 2022-12-13 07:45:07

Shing wrote:

Maybe you solved it already, but dgVoodoo can fix it.

If you force MSAA with it, you will even have better sampled dynamic shadows on terrain (like from players and vehicles). And the battleship lightmaps seems to work with it too.

If you don't know how to changes settings, there are the files. (Just copy the files to main folder.)
https://www.mediafire.com/file/5usi2voy … o.ZIP/file

I set 4x MSAA and DirectX12 wrap for you (usually better for AMD cards).

My friend also had this problem(Intel Iris Xe), then he tried this patch from Shing, and he can play normally

#9 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Why are there so few RtR maps being used on the server? » 2022-05-08 08:30:56

Gothic Line: unbalanced.
Santa Croce: the base of 2 teams are too close
Salerno: map too big and can't spawn on the middle point which is boring

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