#1 2021-07-04 19:03:54

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Was banned AGAIN for killing a bailer. Check the rules or the admins, thanks.


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#2 2021-07-04 19:27:30

Kebab killer
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Re: Bailers

Darcano wrote:

Was banned AGAIN for killing a bailer. Check the rules or the admins, thanks.

did he baill in his own base?


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#3 2021-07-04 23:46:59

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Re: Bailers

he was russian ?


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#4 2021-07-05 00:22:42

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Re: Bailers

Alvarez-Latino wrote:

he was russian ?

No, it was Vertigo.-

"WWII was won..." bailed near base so I waited for him to take another plane, he did and I killed him. I got instakicked. Then I reconnected and explained what happened and got banned for a day.


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#5 2021-07-05 00:51:27

Kebab killer
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Re: Bailers

Darcano wrote:
Alvarez-Latino wrote:

he was russian ?

No, it was Vertigo.-

"WWII was won..." bailed near base so I waited for him to take another plane, he did and I killed him. I got instakicked. Then I reconnected and explained what happened and got banned for a day.

did u kill him while he is taking off?


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#6 2021-07-05 01:38:02

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Re: Bailers


How did you wait until he took another plane?

You must be very close that you can see the right guy. And in a plane it's physically not possible to keep always an eye at someone.


Last edited by Arkos (2021-07-05 01:39:28)


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#7 2021-07-05 02:13:54

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Re: Bailers

Arkos wrote:


How did you wait until he took another plane?

You must be very close that you can see the right guy. And in a plane it's physically not possible to keep always an eye at someone.


Is this a real question?


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#8 2021-07-05 02:58:29

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Re: Bailers

Its a valid question, we already know that you loop and attack the same plane/place over and over.


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#9 2021-07-05 03:12:06

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Re: Bailers

Vertigo wrote:


Darcano wrote:

Was banned AGAIN for killing a bailer. Check the rules or the admins, thanks.

The rule, however unwritten, is that you are allowed a very brief opportunity to kill a bailer
without affecting other players of course.

Waiting an entire minute to then swoop in from alt is unacceptable for both n00bs & vets.


"unwritten" means "made up in my head"? This rule of yours is not stated anywhere nor really applicable. Who decides how long "brief" is?
Killing a bailer doesn't affect any other player, if you have anything against me just say it.


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#10 2021-07-05 11:40:42

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Re: Bailers

Darcano wrote:
Arkos wrote:


How did you wait until he took another plane?

You must be very close that you can see the right guy. And in a plane it's physically not possible to keep always an eye at someone.


Is this a real question?





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#11 2021-07-05 11:55:25

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Re: Bailers


Counting time and checking minimap till the plane respawns.

Last edited by dary (2021-07-05 11:56:50)


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#12 2021-07-05 12:23:12

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Re: Bailers

dary wrote:

https://www.marinij.com/wp-content/uplo … .jpg?w=863

Counting time and checking minimap till the plane respawns.

yes, but how did he know it specifically was the bailer in that plane? thats what im curious of and also what Arkos asked.


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#13 2021-07-05 13:16:30

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Re: Bailers

When u lead on the plane while aiming you can see the name.


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#14 2021-07-05 14:22:22

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Re: Bailers


Yes, of course smile

So you want to tell me, he waited 1 minute just to fly to the spawned plane and wait until he can see a name from far?

Btw. In the fast movement you can't read any names. Perhaps if you have the Text Mod from tuia, ... perhaps, ... but anyway.


Last edited by Arkos (2021-07-05 14:26:54)


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#15 2021-07-05 15:52:03

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Re: Bailers

Darcano has a precise and careful aim.

Of course you could see and read nametags in fast movement when you have that aim.

Remember  how easily he destroys planes once in sight? And that's with 270 ping.


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#16 2021-07-05 16:19:51

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Re: Bailers

Sparrow wrote:

Remember  how easily he destroys planes once in sight? And that's with 270 ping.

5:28 in video , yes he burns it instantly, i think 270 ping doesnt matter, if there were less players online, there are even days I played with 300+ ping without lag.



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#17 2021-07-05 16:39:38

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Re: Bailers

bud wrote:
dary wrote:

https://www.marinij.com/wp-content/uplo … .jpg?w=863

Counting time and checking minimap till the plane respawns.

yes, but how did he know it specifically was the bailer in that plane? thats what im curious of and also what Arkos asked.

In this case he doesn't even need to read the name because he is the only one with such a long nick. A plane doesn't need much bullets while starting.

Anyways, it is not against the rules since this guy was already active. However, he killed already the plane and that should be enough satisfaction. Killing a starting plane is even more lame than bailing. The game is not only about frags and ego, it is about having fun. Just some thoughts.


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#18 2021-07-05 17:14:00

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Re: Bailers

dary wrote:

The game is not only about frags and ego, it is about having fun. Just some thoughts.

Don't be ridiculous dary, most games are about that. Winning, getting frags and making it competitive. What else is there? Looking at the 2002 made textures and hiking in the hills of Guadalcanal? :d


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#19 2021-07-05 22:18:38

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Re: Bailers

Arkos wrote:


Yes, of course smile

So you want to tell me, he waited 1 minute just to fly to the spawned plane and wait until he can see a name from far?

Btw. In the fast movement you can't read any names. Perhaps if you have the Text Mod from tuia, ... perhaps, ... but anyway.


Arkos, I was playing on my laptop with a 14" shitty TN panel. What are you talking about? You can easily read the names while above.

And to answer your question...
He (WWII) and Lord Brett were flying the whole round. When I shot him, he bails on the road at the side of church, the B17 was taking off at that moment so I had to fall back, there was nothing to bomb so I took altitude, when I calculated he would be taking off I went to their af above fog, he was in fact doing so, checked the name and started shooting.

dary wrote:

However, he killed already the plane and that should be enough satisfaction. Killing a starting plane is even more lame than bailing. The game is not only about frags and ego, it is about having fun. Just some thoughts.

It's not about the frags per se, I rarely play seriously, I could have easily killed him 15 seconds later. But lately instead of bombing the chuters I started to play with them, there are guys like jazzy, JumpY or somma (or nameless) that bail in the middle of nowhere just to walk 5 mins to their AF. I just let them do some exercise before making the kill.


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#20 2021-07-06 00:03:18

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Re: Bailers

This game in 2021 is so much about getting frags, working on your ego and tryharding. Silly dary.


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#21 2021-07-06 01:42:20

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Re: Bailers

Vertigo wrote:

a very brief opportunity

Just fell on this topic and randomly clicked cuz I know Darc' is clearly not a bad guy (even less if he gives me the wespe on tobruk). At least not the kind of who needs bans.

Funny cuz this topic and vertigo's answer (that is not a bad answer) shows what's lacking : Clear rules.

There are rules, of course. Rules are commonly clear enough, true.

But there are too many points that are decided just on one or another admin.
IE : Vertigo, what stands for "a very brief opportunity" ? 5 seconds ? 10 seconds ? 1 minute ?
Even 3 minutes can be considered as a very brief opportunity.

"Swearing or insulting..." you know the case you were "Monroe" on Guadal, you banned me for saying "fu idiot" : I didn't know it was you. I thought it was a random player lying. You banned me without considering the case in its whole (short ban I won't come back about it).
Some players insult and swear all the time, never get bans or whatever. Even if they are reported.
I got banned for a short insult, I was not insulting before, I didn't insult after, and u know that. But you banned me on this case.

I won't say the problem is vertigo, it would be too easy. Problem is with rules, and the fact that one admin will interprete them one way, another admin another way.

Another example : Few months ago, I was kicked from Battleaxe for "basesniping". I know the rule and I don't even try to basesnipe. But I was allie and answering to snipers who were shooting at me from the area east of axis AF. After 3 or 4 kills, some were starting crying that I was basesniping ; I was just answering to their shoots. I would have prefered them not to shoot me and let me snipe the center area from behind. But an admin checked my position and thought I was really basesniping => kicked without a reason.

If rules can't be interpretated clearly, what are they for ?

Last edited by Meow (2021-07-06 01:56:51)


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#22 2021-07-06 06:55:43

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Re: Bailers

Sparrow wrote:

Darcano has a precise and careful aim.

Of course you could see and read nametags in fast movement when you have that aim.

Remember  how easily he destroys planes once in sight? And that's with 270 ping.

KANER88 wrote:

When u lead on the plane while aiming you can see the name.

you two can look at his own video to see how wrong both your statements are, you can only see nametags when its right in front of you.


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#23 2021-07-06 06:59:42

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Re: Bailers

Darcano wrote:

when I calculated he would be taking off I went to their af above fog, he was in fact doing so

above fog limit and you see him take off, nice trick.


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#24 2021-07-06 10:25:25

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Re: Bailers

bud wrote:
Sparrow wrote:

Darcano has a precise and careful aim.

Of course you could see and read nametags in fast movement when you have that aim.

Remember  how easily he destroys planes once in sight? And that's with 270 ping.

KANER88 wrote:

When u lead on the plane while aiming you can see the name.

you two can look at his own video to see how wrong both your statements are, you can only see nametags when its right in front of you.

I didnt come to defend Darcano or so, but some things were clear, at least to me, including this.
Okay, 1) he saw and knew it was that guy Xxxx_was_won_by_xxxx, who bailed...then waited a little time, went or was over their af and saw a plane after new spawn being taken and he went for it..You'd expect him to dive and minimalize his speed to make sure he sees that loong name again before he starts shooting.

dary wrote:

n this case he doesn't even need to read the name because he is the only one with such a long nick. A plane doesn't need much bullets while starting.

And as dary said, a plane, very slow, on the takeoff, does not need much bullets to be killed, when u know where u have to aim, so it takes him a second, maybe two to finish him off. If Im wrong, you can correct me Darc.


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#25 2021-07-06 14:17:02

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Re: Bailers

Deeko wrote:
dary wrote:

The game is not only about frags and ego, it is about having fun. Just some thoughts.

Don't be ridiculous dary, most games are about that. Winning, getting frags and making it competitive. What else is there? Looking at the 2002 made textures and hiking in the hills of Guadalcanal? :d

Maybe most games are competitive but we are talking about an old game. Competitive times are long gone... you are too late. big_smile Getting frags and being in the flow is fun tho in 42, however, I for myself don't compare to others only with myself. At the end what counts is how much fun you have. When you are old you won't remember how much gold you had. You remember the good times. But yeah, mindsets are different. Competition is also a reason why people are trying everything to win and this is why they are bugging... which gives people an advantage and is no clean gameplay. That's a fact. No judging but nothing to be proud of.


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#26 2021-07-06 14:23:33

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Re: Bailers

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

This game in 2021 is so much about getting frags, working on your ego and tryharding. Silly dary.

Some people try too hard... just be water my friend. big_smile
Frags are fun tho in BF42 for some reason. BF42 has somethings which other games don't have.


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#27 2021-07-06 14:28:15

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Re: Bailers

Darcano wrote:

It's not about the frags per se, I rarely play seriously, I could have easily killed him 15 seconds later. But lately instead of bombing the chuters I started to play with them, there are guys like jazzy, JumpY or somma (or nameless) that bail in the middle of nowhere just to walk 5 mins to their AF. I just let them do some exercise before making the kill.

Me too, too old to play this game seriously. Sometimes bailers deserve special treatments. I give you that. lol


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#28 2021-07-06 15:04:19

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Re: Bailers

bud wrote:
Sparrow wrote:

Darcano has a precise and careful aim.

Of course you could see and read nametags in fast movement when you have that aim.

Remember  how easily he destroys planes once in sight? And that's with 270 ping.

KANER88 wrote:

When u lead on the plane while aiming you can see the name.

you two can look at his own video to see how wrong both your statements are, you can only see nametags when its right in front of you.

You severely misinterpreted both of our statements.

You should fly more.


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#29 2021-07-06 16:54:31

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Re: Bailers

dary wrote:

Maybe most games are competitive but we are talking about an old game. Competitive times are long gone... you are too late. big_smile

The whole BF-League scene is competitive tho. Looking at the videos, i'd say most of them got their tryhard pants on. Most of the times i played i was just running around spraying while listening to music lol. But i can't say i didn't want to play competitively aswell, see where i stand. In the end the principle is the same - frag or get fragged lul


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#30 2021-07-06 18:01:03

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Re: Bailers

Sparrow wrote:
bud wrote:
Sparrow wrote:

Darcano has a precise and careful aim.

Of course you could see and read nametags in fast movement when you have that aim.

Remember  how easily he destroys planes once in sight? And that's with 270 ping.

KANER88 wrote:

When u lead on the plane while aiming you can see the name.

you two can look at his own video to see how wrong both your statements are, you can only see nametags when its right in front of you.

You severely misinterpreted both of our statements.

You should fly more.

now you are just posting stupid crap, ivé posted a shitload of flying vids here throw the years. if you missed that you must be blind.


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