#31 2020-12-23 23:19:37

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Re: Something very typical

nämeless wrote:
Vertigo wrote:

Bocage is in need of an additional 109 to help balance the numbers, as well as the strength of the n00bstang.
As with anything else suggested here, it is largely ignored.


Sparrow wrote:

I'd like to hear their thoughts about me ''wasting planes'', AND if it's okay someone to get !killed for focusing on OTHER targets.

The "wasting planes" may have originated with me when kicking 000 on Guadal.
But unlike you, he wasn't making any kills, and just running back to base over & over..

Anyways, it was met with hostility from a few admins with claims of "creating your own rules".

Patiently waiting for them to chime in here..

Seems it was a stupid thing to do from me to expect solidarity in action. I was frustrated and regarded this as some moments on the maps like Stalingrad, where people are taking tanks and staying at the main base to shoot from there and be safe. Of course, they are making frags but completely useless for the team. The moment was even worse because of "you don't deserve a frag" or "faggots don't deserve help" with demonstrative running away. I take it too seriously. The !kill-command usage was excessive and I'm sorry about it. I'll try to be calmer.

Why are you still an admin lol I dont think I've seen anyone with as many obvious abuse cases as you


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#32 2020-12-24 06:10:19

Black Mamba
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Re: Something very typical



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#33 2020-12-24 11:54:07

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Re: Something very typical

If all of you dislike Simple and their admins so much, why don't you just play on aX? They are pretty similar except for the drama and it allmost have 0 admins. Thad said i hope and I know Simple admins are trying their best, but we are all humans.

Merry christmas


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#34 2020-12-24 13:31:26

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Re: Something very typical

i think nameless has been playing too much bf. he needs a break. but what's christmas without bf amirite


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#35 2020-12-24 20:34:52

Black Mamba
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Re: Something very typical

LegioX.DoubTi/Mourits wrote:

If all of you dislike Simple and their admins so much, why don't you just play on aX? They are pretty similar except for the drama and it allmost have 0 admins. Thad said i hope and I know Simple admins are trying their best, but we are all humans.

Merry christmas

The skill level there is pretty low, plus 0 admins means a bunch of abusers, cheaters and glitchers. No thanks.


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#36 2020-12-24 20:36:49

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Re: Something very typical

Nice combination.



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#37 2020-12-25 11:04:33

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Re: Something very typical

@Mamba: I have played mostly on aX since my comeback, and I can't recognise what you're saying. I have met 1 glitcher on Tobruk and maybe 1 maphacker and I can live with that. Skill level is exactly the same, I might even say the overall noob might be a bit better but yes there is surely less clantags on aX if thats what you mean.

@Sparrow: Thanks. And what does that have anything to do with this? Do you think I'm a popular man by promoting aX server here or facing forumtrolls?


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#38 2020-12-25 13:24:01

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Re: Something very typical

He wants to do 69 with you Doubty. Lol
Just kidding.. marry Christmas!

Last edited by dary (2020-12-25 15:02:41)


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#39 2020-12-25 17:10:31

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Re: Something very typical

What does that have anything to do with ''what'' ?

It was just an observation, and a pretty rare combination that I thought was ''interesting'' to point out.

Please define ''forum trolls'' because I DoubT you really know what that is.


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#40 2020-12-25 18:17:36

North Korea
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Re: Something very typical

Now has the correct reputation



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#41 2021-03-07 00:57:00

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Re: Something very typical

Just been "!killed" TWICE by this kid. Seems like someone is lacking skills and has to compensate somewhat.


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#42 2021-03-07 02:11:57

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Re: Something very typical

nämeless wrote:

Yes, I mock some people up sometimes, especially Darcano, Corax, Merlin.... Darcano and Corax when I want them to play directly against me, they can be stubborn and spend the whole round time just for one frag on me. Merlin is an interesting person himself, I can't resist. What about Sunshine... I usually call her "my cherry pie". smile
If I call you Fagnatic, it's not really my invention. We all have to thank Hydra for this, since you finally didn't get a new nickname and your ex-nickname is XP Fanatic. Fanatic — Fagnatic. The half of the server calls you this way, what can I do?

>>>>>>>This shiteater never use words like "please, thank you, I am sorry" for him it is just "ok". It is good example why animals like it must be in muzzle and caftan or be anihilated at all. Especially russians and its friends.<<<<<<<

For it just "yes" is enough. This animal is so stupid it attacks player becasue "half of the server"  do like this? It's ego is so big that even don't know that it initiates attack in this post too, becasue just few idiots, not half server, anyway half are tk-noobs who ]enter for 30 min, loose mind and zook all team around. It even dont know what can do. Thypicall russian. He blocks emotions in itself and thinking that it is controling. When the situation overwhelming, it explode in furious in one second.
In fact it incites to do people to attack everyone with higher score than own.
It behave in reality like in internet.


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#43 2021-03-07 07:37:26

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Re: Something very typical

Sulty smile


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